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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

Guy Hatchard: The show must go on

If you are a science writer in search of material, your best bet is to review a few of yesterday’s mainstream media pronouncements reporting government vaccine experts.

You could find enough public misdirection to keep you writing for a week.

Among yesterday’s four Covid advice articles in Stuff “Kiwis suffering health issues after Covid-19 vaccination want to be heard, but it’s complicated” raised the art of mixed messaging and gaslighting to new heights.

It started off well, raising the case of someone in Wellington debilitated with pericarditis, unable to even go for a walk, hang up washing, or vacuum, but it rapidly went off the rails. The lady is described as anxious to get her booster for the good of the general public.

COVID misinformation news

We were reassured by Stuff that the Accident Compensation Commission (ACC) insurance scheme had only accepted 987 claims for vaccine related injuries, a supposedly unconcerning rate of 0.009% of doses (possibly 50 times higher than any prior vaccine). 77 of these accepted ACC vaccine injury claims are for myopericarditis. The others were for other serious conditions. Then we were told there have actually been 783 people who have reported incidents of myopericarditis following vaccination to Medsafe.

In my book this implies that only 10% of myopericarditis claims have been approved by ACC. You didn’t have to read far before Dr Nikki Turner Director of the Auckland University Immunisation Advisory Centre weighed in with the advice that some adverse reactions to vaccination such as heart palpitations could be due to anxiety about needles. These people should be treated with compassion, she said, (but presumably refused an insurance claim).

It gets worse, Dr Sanjana Hattotuwa with his recently minted PhD, formerly a pro democracy spokesperson from Sri Lanka, and now described by Stuff as an ‘independent’ (?) researcher employed by the NZ Government-funded Disinformation Project, was quoted as describing people seeking compensation for vaccine injuries as having been instrumentalised by anti-vax groups.

He is quoted as telling Stuff that New Zealand is a high trust society involved in a broader struggle as it tries to get to grips with the erosion of social cohesion and trust. Something that our institutions have failed to keep up with…The culprits are anti-vax groups.

(Note the language: ‘broader struggle’, ‘erosion of social cohesion’, ‘culprits’, …., is Hattotuwa or Stuff actually talking about New Zealand here?)

“..I don’t think the health agencies, institutions, and ministries fully appreciated the instrumentalisation of the content they were putting out” Hattotuwa says.

In other words, Dr. Hattotuwa appears to be advising the government to put out less information about the pandemic in case it is misrepresented—a form of government censorship of scientific information. Such statements no doubt could be misconstrued as encouraging our government to become a more secretive and authoritarian state. Is this our Kiwi future—I hope not.

Thank God that Dr Nikki Turner disagreed:

“I’m very much in favour of us as a country learning how to do critical appraisal and understand science, not just assume that people can’t figure it out.”

So why isn’t Dr Nikki Turner publicly debating vaccine safety? Instead in the article she labels anti-vax misinformation as an industry that should be called out. So no public debate then, just a cancelling fest from the safety of an ivory tower.

Distinguished immunologist Dr Graham Le Gros executive director of the Malaghan Institute and head of Vaccine Alliance Aotearoa told Stuff that:

“NZ has a good system for reporting events possibly related to vaccinations and a high level of engagement from the public and healthcare professionals”

Since my involvement with writing about the science of the pandemic, I have been writing to Government scientists calling for mandatory reporting of adverse events subsequent to vaccination as is normal in vaccine trials. Medsafe says that only 5% of events are reported in NZ. Dr Ashley Bloomfield has specifically refused to countenance this step.

Dr Le Gros makes my point for me, saying “it will take ten years to assess all the risks of the vaccine—as is the case with all new vaccines”.

So have I missed something? We are rolling out to the public a vaccine using a completely novel biotechnology the true extent of whose risks, we are assured by one of our most senior scientists, will not be known for ten years. Yet we will not be requiring mandatory reporting of adverse effects???

The article in Stuff fails NZ because it cherry picked examples of people suffering severe effects from myopericarditis and even one family of a teenager who tragically died, all of whom say the show must go on—no one should be discouraged from vaccination. The majority of the 706 (at least) people with myopericarditis who have not been given a voice or compensation might disagree.

Tomorrow I could look at the implications of the opinion piece in today’s Stuff which calls on Jacinda Ardern to virtually guarantee these admittedly risky and hugely ineffective vaccinations are taken by all New Zealanders right down to the very young. How one wonders—back to the coercive mandates whose supporting legislation Jacinda Ardern says she plans to keep in her back pocket?


Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a food testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID). Website: HatchardReport.com.

Guy is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of DTNZ.

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  1. Sanjana Hattotuwa research is ***** grade academic as you can see from the Google Scholar page


    There are hardly any journal publications, and most of them are magazine type articles, which are “blog” quality.

    Even the journals in which he has published are third rate or fake publisher sources.

    Stuff, the begging bowl liar news media, cannot even find a decent academic who will agree with the agenda it wants to push.

    Shamelessly Taken Up From Filth (STUFF).

    • I once worked with a guy from overseas who claimed to have a Bachelor of Science -dude didn’t even know basic compounds that I learnt in school. He seemed to be utterly clueless. He didn’t last long in the company and I actually wondered if his ‘degree’ was legitimate. For all we know he printed it off the internet.

  2. ‘High trust society’ huh? Actually NO we USED to be.

    I will never trust another vaccine, a pharmaceutical company, our ministry of ‘health’, most doctors or our government EVER again.

    This is the most sneaky divisive racist and duplicitous bunch of parliamentarians I have ever had the misfortune of being governed under.

    I love New Zealand, my family has lived here for generations. Currently I am thinking about where else in the world I can move to. This country has been ruined by lies and money printing. I feel sad for my kids.

    • Could not have said it better. You speak for a lot of decent NZers. I never thought I would ever leave this place but Australia looks very attractive right now, particularly when we want to provide a decent education and good job prospects for quality living for our son.

  3. The people worried about “the erosion of social cohesion and trust” openly endorse:

    Vaccine passports
    Jab mandates
    State sanctioned segregation
    Authoritarian Censorship
    Corporate & political Cronyism
    Medial malfeasance
    Media malfeasance
    Racial discrimination
    Taxes taxes taxes!!!
    Disarming police & going easy on crime
    Dissolved borders
    Abandoning our traditions
    Ending religion
    Ending the nuclear family
    Ending private land ownership
    Sexualisation of our adolescent children
    Unlimited abortion
    War today, war tomorrow, war forever
    Social credit-based digital currency

    I’ve stopped listening to these galaxy-sized hypocrites a long time ago. Get bent

    • Thanks Unquaccinated, my sentiments exactly. Astounding isn’t it? Constantly doing with one hand while pointing the finger with the other.

      Hattotuwa, This is an ‘imported’ kind of protest against these aggreived people “This is not us”.

      The difference is Hattotuwa, these people aren’t scammers, it is more likely you are. These people had jobs, they had an income, they had a good quality of life.

      • Yeah, I love the claims of “imported” this and that coming from the person clearly taking orders from Davos.

        It’s a joke, just not the funny kind.

        • Davos is a good place to hide amongst for fakes they all support each other.

          The south of the subcontinent is extremely charming and with so many nice people but there are scam artists there that is for sure!

          It is these people that are dishonest to the core, they are high up in beaurocratic authorities where the scams start at the top levels and the dishonesty doesn’t stop there obviously, it goes all the way down to the took took drivers and theives on the street.

          Hattotuwa is applying what he is only familiar with. He is that. We are Kiwis.

  4. 0.009%? I assume this is under reported but shouldn’t the adverse events be compared with the amount of people vaccinated instead of all shots given in NZ? This would more than double the percentage of adverse events.

  5. Well written, as usual Guy. Thanks for that. However, could you please make the distinction between anti-vax and those who are vaccine hesitant. There is a marked difference in that many of those who are hesitant were because of the novel technology. However, parallel to this novel technology, there are companies providing tried and true methods of vaccine protocols and are proving to be effective, and without the side effects. Valneva VAL2001 is a vaccine that does just that. And it has already been in NZ with its phase 3 trials in 2021. So Medsafe already know about this vaccine. I think you would find that if it was available in NZ that a lot of the hesitants would become vaccinated. Maybe it would be good to talk to some of the 300 participants of this trial to hear their thoughts. Pity I wasn’t one of them….

  6. Stuff’s misreporting of jab safety is a national scandal.

    I can only assume that government funding has influenced their willful ignorance in favour of the Prime Minister’s “single source of truth”.

  7. Stuff is nothing more than electronic single ply loo paper. It is a disgraceful fountain of misinformation and the sooner it is disbanded the better

    • Amen to that. Online news media like Stuff have lost so much integrity credibility I hardly trust anything they write anymore. There will always be the gullible and unquestioning in any society and they would likely be Stuff’s main client base and also Adern’s followers. I had hopes for Stuff a while back, pre-COVID, as they tried to resurrect themselves after the $1 purchase. Sadly they’ve proved their worth.

        • The begging bowl strategy is actually to fool the public who are left leaning. Stuff is financed indirectly by the London based media groups with cheaper web server rates for their web data collection of privacy data from kiwis. STUFF is the biggest violators of privacy in NZ when it comes to its readers.


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