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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

Guy Hatchard: Vaccinegate

Vaccinegate news

The government granted 11,000 vaccine exemptions to Ministry of Health employees whilst refusing exemptions to the public, the private sector and other ministries. What does this mean? The implications are finely drawn by a comment in the Daily Telegraph (NZ) yesterday:

“My GP requested an exemption for me based on prior very severe hypersensitivity reactions to a different vaccine within the NZ schedule.  Based on the family history, we all had suffered similar impacts to varying degrees from the same vaccine. The request made by the GP for exemption from the Covid vaccine was declined.

Relative 1 took the Covid vaccine only to be diagnosed with Thrombocytopenia (a well known side effect). Relative 2 received the vaccine only to be admitted to hospital with psychosis and acute kidney failure. Relative 3 is now under cardiology specialist care along with a friend diagnosed with Bells Palsy post vaccine receipt.

“Maybe the (now surplus to requirements) Covid Exemption Team can sift through all of the medical classifications relating to ALL known adverse vaccine responses that have been added to the patient records post receipt of Covid vaccine, identify and contact the patients and determine their individual status of health since their vaccine adverse reaction/s.  Never has there been a single mention in the media of the 64,000 plus patients for whom reports were lodged via CARM for adverse reactions.  This should be addressed with urgency!” 

This is a personal testimony. Contrary to the reports appearing in the papers that Covid vaccines saved lives, they took lives. 

Refer to our article “The New Zealand Health Debate – Fact Checking Ayesha Verrall vs Shane Reti“. According to the OECD there were 10,672 excess deaths in New Zealand between 2020 and 2023, only 3,200 of these were deaths with Covid. 

Refer to our article “The Ministry of Health Granted Vaccine Exemptions to Hundreds Among Its Key Staff” which reports that highly vaccinated countries like NZ had high rates of excess deaths, while nations with low rates of Covid vaccination had very low rates of excess deaths, almost zero.

The dead have no voice but their families have a right to justice.

How did it come about that the lives of the public were recklessly put at risk?  An extraordinary doctrine of our sitting parliament took precedence over learning, knowledge, and common sense. We were told that it was dangerous to do your own research. Incredibly, the nation swallowed this canard because of misplaced trust in our elected representatives.

It was and is a very quick and easy matter to look up official statistics, add up a few columns of figures, and find out, contrary to the repeated claims of so called government experts, that NZ is not leading the world in Covid outcomes. We are comfortably mid table in excess deaths for the pandemic as a whole, but right now in 2023 third highest in the OECD.

Everyone knew that Covid vaccines were developed over three months when vaccines were normally tested for ten years. This meant there was no testing of long term safety. We now know from our own NZ excess death figures and those of other highly vaccinated nations that there are many long term adverse effects which are serious and sometimes fatal. We have covered research into these in the pages of our reports and unlike our government routinely cited scientific references.

If we had been encouraged to do our own research in learned journals of science, instead of accepting that adverse effects of Covid vaccines were wicked conspiracy theories, we would have quickly found out that there was already by 2018 a long list of known adverse effects of mRNA vaccines very similar to those that tens of thousands of NZers reported suffering.

Instead of laughing, accusing and gaslighting the victims of vaccine injury, there would have been widespread alarm, soul searching, and probing questions. 

New Zealand became a victim of a new form of colonial oppression. 

Pharmaceutical elites in America and Europe were dictating our health policy. Our government signed agreements that not only gave them immunity from prosecution, but gagged us from asking questions or doing our own investigations.

New Zealand has a long history of independence, but that chapter was closed in 2021. We came under foreign domination. Perhaps it was that generations grown up on video games had become inured to killing and death, accepting it as normal. Perhaps it was that we only had time for headlines, slogans and tweets, and no longer read long format information. Perhaps it was that we had become distracted by the pace of life and its seductive images of enjoyment to the extent that we were content to leave the hard decisions to others.

Whatever the cause, we have allowed ourselves to be hog-tied and left blind to oppression.

Our political process has become so superficial that all the elected parties blindly follow the leader. Ardern we know about. Chris Luxon mandated his party for the jab and brooked no public dissent. David Seymour likewise insisted that all his ACT MPs were fully jabbed and kept mum. For mystifying reasons, the Green Party believes that young people under 30, the group which research shows are particularly vulnerable to vaccine-induced cardiac injury, should be re-vaccinated as a priority. 

Do none of our 120 MPs read? Do they get their opinions from newspaper headlines, who governments and commercial pharmaceutical interests pay to only carry one story? Are we that dim?

Crucial to this tale of woe, is our own failure to speak up. 

11,000 Ministry of Health employees granted vaccine exemptions means that 11,000 kept silent. I don’t begrudge them their vaccine exemption, but I weep at their silence. Silence is the common coin of dictators, previously bought with oppression. Today silence is bought at the flick of a switch, turning off the right to publish on social media. Silence is bought by the stroke of a pen on a gagging order or the threat of professional expulsion, cancellation, or loss of employment. Silence is bought by the transfer of money from government coffers to media moguls.

In 2022 109 extra people died every week in New Zealand, not because of Covid, but because of Covid policy which was protected from scrutiny when our Prime Minister traded her reputation of empathy and kindness for a lie at the so-called podium of truth. She asked us to keep silent, and told us that it was a sin to ask questions.11,000 kept their silence.

Whatever party is elected over the next week, they are inheriting a poisoned chalice. The health problems they will be inheriting are likely to be ones that they themselves helped to create. Problems that run as deep as our genetic makeup, whose remedies are not yet understood. 

The first tasks of government need to be a halt to vaccine fanaticism and coercion, a mea culpa, an inquiry, repudiation of the WHO international pandemic agreement which will further cede our sovereignty, repeal of the Therapeutic Products Bill and the constitutional entrenchment of the NZ Bill of Rights to protect us from future government overreach. We will only get these if we free ourselves from the shackles of silence and speak up loudly and clearly.

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and safety company (now known as FoodChain ID). You can subscribe to his websites HatchardReport.com and GLOBE.GLOBAL for regular updates by email.

He is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’.

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  1. If Winston is really deserving of people’s vote and faith in him, I expect him to be proclaiming this information in the media. The media that won’t/don’t cover it.

    C’mon Winston. Bring it up in live debates.

    Surprise me

  2. You are correct Guy. This election is meaningless. Of COURSE they read. They ALL knew what they were doing, knew the lies they were telling, and they didn’t care. Absolute reptiles.

    It doesn’t matter who is (s)elected next week, they will still work for the same globalist/WEF/Blackrock masters overseas. Money always wins.

    Bottom line for everyone is we can now trust our medical institutions about as much as we trust our media and politicians. They’re all cut from the same cloth.

    Its every man for himself now, everybody. Protect your own health as much as possible. Get off their cancerous hormone burgers, toss the carbonated chemical cocktails in the rubbish where they belong, walk in the sunshine as much as possible. Empty out the hoards of pills in your bathroom cupboards and for God’s sake STOP TAKING ANY AND ALL VACCINES.

  3. The PTB are all confirmed psychopaths with their lack of empathy, and sociopathic in thinking that they too are part of the ‘Elite’
    What they do not realise is that in due course, and when the time is right, they too will be ‘thrown under the bus’ just like the rest of us!
    The words of SRA survivor Jay Parker on YouTube on his upload titled ‘Illuminati Sexual Abuse Part lll states at the end of the video;
    “So, good luck to all of those who have served the DuPonts and Rothschilds. You know what you got for it? YOU GOT NOTHING!”
    And Klaus Schwab has already confirmed the ‘NOTHING’ many times over!

  4. I just saw a post on X from JFK jnr He said the biohazard vaccines were made by the military and pushed through the pharmaceutical companies. This seems logical given the location of biolabs and military bases.


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