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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Watch: Hastings hospital in crisis as 250 anti-government jab mandate protesters walk out

250 critical health care workers, including doctors and nurses have walked off the job today, in protest at the government’s COVID jab mandates.

If you know more about this protest or were part of it please contact the Editor, editor@dailytelegraph.co.nz or dailytelegraphnz@protonmail.com.

Video posted on social media shows the group protesting outside the hospital grounds. One sign reads ‘Sacking nurses in a pandemic is unforgiveable.’

The crowd includes the only doctor qualified to read cancer screenings at the hospital. According to the filmer, the hospital has now gone into a ‘state of emergency’.

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  1. The Govt is just trying to keep you safe! Pity none of you have probably seen rows of Iron Lungs during a pandemic. If you all feel so strongly why not isolate your selves as a COVID centre. No VAX required for admission! wait and see how many would then succumb to the virus!

    • Sounds good to me. All the Socialists can mask up and live their side of the fence with their mighty death leader Jabcinda, fearing the sky is about to fall on their heads, while the sane people live on this side of the fence with strong immune systems, prosperity, wellbeing and Ivermectin.

    • We don’t have enough icu beds ,Cindy ,now we don’t have enough nurses and doctors. To busy giving out millions for vax. Not a cent to icu beds ,doctors, front line workers who deserve more then you ever will. Shame on you

    • These doctors and nurses worked through this so called pandemic with no jab and were considered heroes and now rhey’re condemned for not wanting to risk an experimental jab………..habe you bothered to ask yourself why thousands of doctors, nurses and virologists are so against this jab and not other jabs, think about it!!!!!

    • Dear Anonymous coward. The photo showing rows of iron lungs is from the “Cutter incident” These people are all VACCINE INJURED as a result of the injection from Cutter pharmaceuticals. Look it up.
      The Fauci Flu is easily prevented and treated with a combination of ZINC + D3 + Vitamin C. Then the infection is a NON-ISSUE. This is something you’ll never hear from the government that is only trying to keep you safely under totalitarian control.
      And finally, this is not a “pandemic” by any kind of measure that uses actual metrics, it’s only because the WHO declared one. They can apparently declare one when they decide to, not because of any actual metrics. Just look at NZ regular flu deaths, normally 500 to 600 a year, and this year, only 3 deaths allegedly associated with the Fauci Flu. Think about it if you can.

  2. Unvaxinated people spread covid at the same rate as vaccinated people (source Lancet medical journal).

    Delta is uncontainable, we are all going to get it, vaccinated or not, it’s reproduction rate us multiple times higher than the flu.

    The only argument with some merit is that unvaccinated people are about 50% more likely to pick up covide from the same encounter as a vaccinated person. The politicians like to push the idea that this will speed the spread and clog our hospitals. However when you look at what’s happening in hospitals in places like Israel where they are highly vaccinated and keep good records. We would only likely see one extra hospitalisation a week for all of NZ.

    Getting rid of nurses, doctors etc is a MUCH greater risk during a pandemic than having some unvaccinated ones.

  3. How long is it going to take for civil unrest to start getting really serious and go beyond just marches & soapboxes in parks, I wonder? NZ teens dying hand over fist, more major strokes & heart-attacks then ever seen before and Medicos walking away in disgust, AND STILL YOU’RE ALL ASLEEP or have pushed your heads deeper in the sand during this insanity.

  4. These doctors and nurses worked through this so called pandemic with no jab and were considered heroes and now rhey’re condemned for not wanting to risk an experimental jab………..habe you bothered to ask yourself why thousands of doctors, nurses and virologists are so against this jab and not other jabs, think about it!!!!!

    • You are so correct they were lifesaving people last year when there was no vaccine everyone has so easily forgotten their selfless work they did to save others than themselves

  5. So it must be reasonable to assume because there were only 2 protesters at the gate on Friday (both from the pensioners brigade) that all the other protesters went
    back to work. Just my observation driving buses in and out of the hospital from first service in the morning to 4.40pm.


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