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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

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Immigration NZ suspends eight staff over inappropriate teams chats

Immigration NZ news

Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has placed eight employees on leave following an investigation into inappropriate and unprofessional Teams chats.

Head of INZ Alison McDonald confirmed to state media that the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is probing the matter, which reportedly breaches MBIE’s Code of Conduct. The comments in these chats are considered serious and concerning, leading to disciplinary action. McDonald said she was disappointed, noting that the behaviour is contrary to MBIE’s ‘values’ and the standards expected of public servants.

‘I am disappointed by this alleged behaviour, which is contrary to all of MBIE’s values and not the standards expected of public servants … Inappropriate and unprofessional behaviour by our people is completely unacceptable and MBIE will not hesitate to take any appropriate disciplinary action.’ she said.

Immigration Minister Erica Stanford also addressed the issue, saying it was an operational matter for MBIE. The content of the chats has not yet been disclosed.

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  1. Time to install what is appropriate behaviour in the workplace. I don’t think a lot of people actually know what is expected.and are unaware and rely on their previous experiences of workplace carry on. Ganging up on chats is obviously not a good practice. Moaning and bitching.
    If someone is a target do they need to change their behavior as well? It’s not all one sided. If you’re a bitch at work take responsibility too. Some people think the whole place revolves around them.

  2. Could this be why it takes 8-10 weeks to get a Passport renewed?
    Time wasted gossiping via remote means, bullying, competition among the bitches (Real Housewives-style) and back-stabbing co-workettes.
    Oh, and the supposed ‘new Passport software’…? Is this AI and Social Credit now being used or is planning to be used via AI to deny those with low Social Credit Scores their legal & lawful entitlement to a NZ Passport?
    IF you have the resources, one should have by now obtained a second or third Passport from another nation that is NOT 5-Eyes!


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