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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

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Israeli airstrike on Gaza school compound kills around 100 – Reuters

An Israeli airstrike on a Gaza City school compound, housing displaced Palestinian families, has resulted in around 100 deaths, according to the Gaza Civil Emergency Service, though Israel disputes the toll, claiming 19 militants were among the dead.

The strike, which targeted both the upper floor where families were sheltering and the lower floor used as a mosque, occurred during dawn prayers. The incident has drawn widespread condemnation from international leaders, with many calling for an end to the violence and urging a resumption of ceasefire talks.

The Israeli military defended the strike, stating it targeted a Hamas and Islamic Jihad military facility, and dismissed reports of extensive civilian casualties as inflated.

Despite this, the attack has intensified criticism of Israel’s military actions in Gaza, with calls for stronger measures against Israel from regional powers and renewed pressure for ceasefire negotiations amid fears of a broader conflict involving Iran and Hezbollah.

The EU’s top diplomat Josep Borrell condemned the airstrike, labelling it as “unjustifiable.”

Borrell told media he was “horrified” by images from the scene. He also voiced concern over the high death toll in the conflict, which has reached around 40,000 Palestinians, and urged for a ceasefire as the only solution to stop further civilian casualties and secure the release of hostages.

The conflict, which began after Hamas’s surprise attack on Israel in October last year, has seen widespread international condemnation of the violence.

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  1. Most humane defence force in the world they claim.

    Disgusting murdering raping liars is all the IDF are.

    And NZ indirectly supports them through their joint operations with the US, UK and Australia.

    If we have an Israeli embassy or consulate it should have been closed months ago

    • NZ Labour and National have both been backing the wrong horse(s) for a long time now, in my view. Not just Israel either, also the Neo Nazi Kiev regime. I’m at a loss as to why anyone would vote for them, honestly.

      • Agreed. This is disgusting.

        When you consider that each member of congress in the USA has an Israeli handler and that many in congress and in other high up positions have duel citizenship with Israel then you begin to see who is really controlling the west.

        Time people woke up.

        Such is the ignorance here that Christians think Jesus was a Jew so all Jews must be good. Ask why most Jews do not celebrate the birth of Jesus? Wake up people.

  2. Gods chosen people
    Ironically the people the Israelite’s were told to exterminate upon entering Canaan
    But did not
    Who now occupy Palestine
    Masquerading as Israel


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