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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Kiev renews push in Donbass

Ukraine Donbass offensive news

An attempt to break through defensive lines on the previous day failed, according to the Defense Ministry.

Ukrainian forces are attempting a major push against Russian troops for a second day in a row, Vladimir Rogov, a Zaporozhye Region administration official, reported on Monday. The first effort on Sunday was repelled, with Kiev losing some 250 people and over a dozen tanks, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

The offensive began near the village of Vremevka in Donetsk Region early on Monday morning, Rogov said on social media. He assessed the maneuver as better organized and involving more Ukrainian troops than the one on Sunday.

Kiev has long promised to launch a major counteroffensive against Russia. However, in recent weeks Ukrainian officials have explained the delays by claiming that the country needs more Western weapons first.

The operation on Sunday was described as “large-scale” yet “unsuccessful” by the Russian military. The attack, which was carried out by Ukraine’s 23rd and 31st Mechanized Brigades, was repelled, the Defense Ministry reported, adding that Kiev lost more than 250 service members, 16 tanks, three infantry vehicles, and 21 armored vehicles in the clashes.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky confirmed to the Wall Street Journal last week that his army was ready to commence the much-touted counteroffensive, claiming he expected it to be a success. His government considers the full takeover of all lands lost to Russia as the only acceptable result of the conflict.

The US and its allies have pledged to support Ukraine “for as long as it takes” to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia. Moscow has described the hostilities as part of Washington’s proxy war against Russia. Russian officials have also said that by pumping weapons into Ukraine Western nations are simply prolonging the conflict but will not be able to change the outcome.

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Source:RT News

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  1. Figures seem to vary, this from RT:

    “The ministry reported that Kiev’s forces lost up to 300 service members, 16 tanks, 26 armored and 14 ordinary vehicles over the last 24 hours.”

    Guess its understandable, suffice to say this needs to end. Too many young men and civilians losing their lives, so the US can play dirty proxy war games, that only benefit the Western military industrial complex.

  2. Heard yesterday that boris johnson is in the USA. Visiting republicans and trying to convince them ( Trump?) that this war is necessary….Johnson is always in need of (big) money and thus gets dubious sponsors.
    The british government, and its servants always have been underhand and full of spite

    • Used to be a independent voice, I don’t know what happened to it a few years back but everything changed. I won’t even visit their site, anymore. Just makes me angry……


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