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Sunday, March 9, 2025

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Leaked documents expose US ‘Ministry of Truth’

Ministry of Truth news

Whistleblower files suggest the government sought to ‘operationalize’ social media sites to combat supposed disinformation.

The US government planned to use its now-shelved Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) to make social media platforms remove posts the government deemed false, according to leaked documents obtained by opposition lawmakers.

Republican Senators Chuck Grassley (Iowa) and Josh Hawley (Missouri) cited the whistleblower files in an open letter to Department of Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas published on Wednesday, in which they pressed for more details on the controversial DGB.

The department “planned to coordinate efforts to leverage ties with social media platforms to enable the removal of user content,” the senators said in a press release, adding that it sought to use Big Tech sites to “enforce its agenda.”

First floated in April, the board was quickly paused after a strong public backlash in which critics likened it to a state-run ‘Ministry of Truth’. The lawmakers said the leaked documents raised “serious concerns” about the initiative.

“The DGB was established to serve as much more than a simple ‘working group’ to ‘develop guidelines, standards, [and] guardrails’ for protecting civil rights and civil liberties,” they wrote. “In fact, DHS documents show that the DGB was designed to be the Department’s central hub, clearinghouse and gatekeeper for Administration policy and response to whatever it happened to decide was ‘disinformation.’”

Grassley and Hawley argued that the Biden administration has offered no clear definition of “disinformation,” and that the DHS board had shown serious bias even in its earliest stages, despite assurances it would remain apolitical.

In particular, they pointed to author and ‘Disinformation Fellow’ Nina Jankowicz, chosen to head the DGB, claiming she is “a known trafficker of foreign disinformation and liberal conspiracy theories.”

Jankowicz may have been hired chiefly due to “her relationship with executives at Twitter,” the senators claimed, adding that the leaked documents show the White House planned to “operationalize” connections with social media companies to “implement its public policy goals.”

Draft briefing notes prepared in late April indicate that a senior DHS official, Robert Silvers, planned to meet with Twitter executives to discuss the disinformation board, though it remains unclear whether the scheduled meeting ever took place.

The two senators urged Mayorkas to divulge more information about the department’s goals for the DGB, including whether it ever asked social media firms to “censor, flag, add context to, or remove” user posts or ban accounts. They also requested documents and communications related to Jankowicz, and called on the government to give its definition for actionable disinformation, saying it should “identify who exactly is ultimately responsible for making this determination.”

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Source:RT News

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  1. Oh well, a template is ready for our MoT. Two centres,

    1. The Centre of Research Excellence for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism
    2. Centre for Science in Society

    will wholly endorse the stalled US proposals as the best tools for NZ. National leader Luxon will decline to comment as usual. MSM will hail the PM for her courage and vision to protect and save kiwis. Justin Castro is also on the race to be world first in protecting and saving canadians. Who will be first to establish MoT? Only Klaus Schwab knows the answer.

    • Same ops, different names tapered to the individual nations effected.
      This is deliberate, tyrannical ‘social engineering’…

    • Child poverty has gone up beyond imagination under Jacinda. The government statistics collected independently by the stats dept shows this but not in the stats from the social welfare dept. Jacinda was caught lying on child pverty in the past. With the new law, we will be given only data that suits Jacinda. Simple.

      Luxon supports this because he can make use of the new law if he is elected. Agents want the same thing.

  2. Lol, “sought to”?! ????

    Has anyone been on any of the mainstream social media sites recently? They were operationalised ages ago. Approved language only, nothing that goes against the narrative is allowed. Bots, shadow banning, algorithm manipulation, comment sections locked and shut down, ban hammer coming down all over the place…

    And just look at the absolute collective freak out and subsequent shenanigans after Elon Musk tried to buy his way in. Those top social media sites are government owned and government run, THERE IS NO CLOUD.
    Jack Dorsey and Mark Suckerborg are actors, and bad ones at that, they run nothing. You can see it every time they stumble and stutter through an interview looking terrified.

    But don’t worry, the Republican senators have deployed THE LETTER.

    It’s all over now!!

    Please ????????

  3. Jankowicz if a Zionist…!
    She was also Volodomir Zelenskyy’s campaign manager when he ran for and won the Ukrainian Presidency.
    Now she’s been imported into the USSA, just as the former head of the STASI was during the Bush Years to establish and simultaneously head-up the Department of Home(less)land ‘Security.
    Watch how this mess conglomrates when the US Supreme Court announces the overturning of “Roe vs Wade’.
    The National Guard is already on ‘alert’…

      • See also the late Rep. Jim Traficant’s expose’ re; Israel on YouTube in his interviews with Fox News’s Greta Sustern and Sean Hannity…IF it’s still up…! (‘Israel uses America like a whore’ and ‘Israel controls America’)
        Compare ‘Big Israel’ to Henry Kissinger’s map of Greater Israel.
        Israel, Talmudic Khazarian Zionism and the unwavering support for the criminal ‘State’ of Israel is now coming back to bite the West in the ass!!!
        The Mossad leads all other agencies in state-sponsored assassinations, there has NEVER been an apology for the USS Liberty being attacked by Israel, and American Servicemen & Servicewomen continue to be harassed upon landing at Tel Aviv…and I won’t get into the exact persecutions that the Palestinians are suffering that mirror the sameness of what the J3ws suffered in World War Two…!
        Israel is a parasitic state which imposes the ‘guilt’ of the Holocaust on other nations that it blames for allowing the same to happen years ago.
        America sends BILLIONS of dollars to Israel, due to politicians being compromised by the Mossad, AIPAC, the ADL,
        They control the money, business contracts, and social engineering. They control much if not all of the media ((including the MSM), and even Donald Trump could break America free of their strangulation on the U.S..


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