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Thursday, January 23, 2025

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Watch: Luxon says National is ‘deeply committed to climate change’ and ‘NDC 2030 targets’

The leader of the opposition also said his party was committed to ‘Zero Carbon 2050’.

Luxon was interviewed by Anna Burns-Francis on TVNZ’s Breakfast show this morning.

Luxon first spoke about the Auckland floods and how he was ‘struck with seeing New Zealanders at our absolute best.’

He described being with a local community team in Sunnyook on Auckland’s North Shore, who helped clean up a flood-affected house. ‘When you think 7 or 8 people coming together who didn’t know each other and were complete strangers to the people they were helping, that is just New Zealand at it’s absolute best. There’s a lot we should take great pride about how we respond as people to our fellow Kiwis.’

Luxon was critical of school closures, calling the announcement ‘shambolic’ and that a blanket ban was unjustified. ‘There are large parts of Auckland that have been unaffected. There were many schools that could’ve been open yesterday… Just a blanket decision to shut schools the whole week, when those decisions can be devolved to good principals who know the community hubs really well.’

Moving onto the ‘climate change emergency’, Luxon was asked about National’s policies.

‘Look, deeply committed to climate change… We are deeply supportive of being at Carbon Zero by 2050, we’re deeply committed to 2030 NDC targets and we supported the government last year with the emissions budget.’

The ‘NDC’ (Nationally Determined Contribution) is a government set target of a 50 per cent reduction of net emissions below the gross 2005 level by 2030. The NDC covers the period 2021-2030.

When asked what would National do about climate change if it were in government, Luxon said increasing investment in renewable energy technology was a high priority – ‘faster resource consenting, making sure we’ve got immigration settings right that can bring in those people with the talent who can build those facilities.’

Meanwhile the hashtag #climatescam has been trending all week on Twitter.

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    • Yes, Kevin and maybe someone should tell him the little Climate Princess has been outed as a fake, and for that matter a flake…

      • Does anyone still believe a change in government will be the end of misery for NZers??
        Luxon, along with most (if not all our pollies) are WEF puppets. Jabsinister’s job was to force the mRNA poison on to the population. The next PM will implement the bullshit Climate Change targets, which is the next big ticket item that needs to be implemented. In case people are not aware; meeting these emissions targets doesn’t just mean just transitioning from ICE to electric vehicles but affect our food supply as farms will be shut down and we will be forced to eat synthetic artificially created replacements. National wont repeal 3/5 Waters. He is already talking of co-governance. Luxon is a coward.

        Unless this evil is eradicated from grass roots level, nothing will change and we will be subject to more misery. All western politicians’ PRIMARY task is to implement the WEF agenda (Big Pharma, Bill Gates and likes of Blackrock literally own our politicians. They live a very cushy life on tax payer dollars but work for an entity which hellbent on destruction of our way of life).

  1. Ummm, now where have we heard that before I wonder. Thinks. Oh I remember now. Coming out of Jabby Ardern’s mouth. So, our Trev is just another devil in disguise and acolyte member of the revolving door that is the Klaus cirkus. But we knew that didn’t we. So, buckle up as we head into phase two of the great reset of Kiwi land under the long white shroud of lies and deceit. We wish you the best of luck baldie in all your endeavours…

    • 😂🤣 love it!! These twats reckon the sea levels are rising every year at a phenomenal rate of speed. I live in the country and according to the climate change pushers I should of had a sea front property by now🙄

  2. Critical thinking and the scientific method instead of politics

    Dear Chris,
    Oh dear.
    Your “climate change” messaging over the Auckland floods illustrates you are either devoid of critical thinking skills or you have an agenda aligned with the WEF,
    Perhaps I can recommend a critical thinking course

    A Geologist Prof Ian Plimer takes you through the data based science.

    Patrick Moore


    If you get the book above there are 100 questions in the back to ask people. That should stop you gaslighting people and using ad hominen to silence those who use the scientific method, unless of course you know all this and are following an agenda???
    Or there is Roger Higgs

    If you use critical thinking skills and follow the money you know who has a motive to lie to get funding. But you know that I am sure Chris!

    . Perhaps you need to read some Dr Tim Ball, Dr Judith Curry especially the facts regarding the Mann case?
    Leighton Smith podcast 21 and 31 are with Dr. Tim Ball and are excellant.
    The Wider Picture Pertaining to Carbon Dioxide and Man Made Global Warming Hypothesis is important.
    New Zealand is currently bound by its international obligations under the Paris Agreement to reduce CO2 emissions. That could change, if New Zealand ever withdraws. It is still critical to look at the wider picture in terms of the Global Warming hypothesis, as it provides potential answers regarding the ideology driving the CCC.
    The old adage that if you say a lie often enough it becomes the truth has resulted in the global derangement in terms of the anthropogenic global warming hypothesis that manmade CO2 emissions are responsible or the world heating up.
    Any critical thinkers who read actual individual scientists for example Dr. Tim Ball, Dr. Judith Curry, Dr. Ian Plimer, Dr. Roger Higgs and follow the money; know that the global obsession with CO2 as a pollutant, is perhaps one of the greatest deceptions in history. We are in the midst of the reality version of the Emperor’s New Clothes and anyone who questions the narrative is labelled a “Climate Denier”
    The political argument, that 97% of scientists agree there is manmade global warming repeated time and time again is the perfect example of double speak. Naomi Oreske googling “Global Warming” was the unscientific basis for this claim. A paper in 2013 by John Cook, Queensland University, fortified the myth that 97% of scientist agree man is responsible for global warming. Cook took abstracts and put them into categories to conclude 97% consensus. John Cook was another, who refused to release the data on which he established his 97% claim. Dr. Ian Plimer rightly states that science is underpinned by repeatable validated evidence It was Einstein who said, in relation to science “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right: a single experiment can prove me wrong” As Dr. Tim Ball states, “consensus” applies to politics not to science.
    The tactics prevalent in society today, especially in the Global Warming debate include, gaslighting instead of debating facts: calling those who debate against the Global Warming hypothesis, with facts and data, names such as “climate denier”: talking in generalities of “the science” without ever naming or summarising the evidence of individual scientists: censoring the work of those who dare to disagree, refusing to publish any contrary evidence (Stuff), or, silencing them through litigation, are diversion and censorship methodologies to hide the fact there are no credible arguments in support of the hyposthesis. The 9-year campaign by Mann against Dr. Tim Ball, and the bullying of Judith Curry and Peter Ridd, out of their jobs are but two examples. In a democratic society healthy debate, is the way to progress science, not censorship and bullying. It seems “objective truth” is being replaced by political truth.
    The fact that predictions for global warming have never come true, but their advocates continue to fly around the world in private jets and relax in their beach side properties whilst getting richer and richer in perpetuating the propaganda and indoctrinating students in the educations system, highlights the hypocrisy of those running the Global Warming agenda. One of the most recent studies refutes the climate emergency on the data itself.
    Censorship is losing its grip
    Every time I see your political statements on climate change with no data and no scientific analyisis, I know having sent you this information, critical thinking has left the building and propoganda is at play.

    Supporting Critical Thinking and Objective Truth

    • Wow! Spot on.

      Critical thinking, not encouraged these days too much eh?

      Globalist politicians, global corporations, multinational enterprises, use climate change derangement to funnel money upward like a big water spout out in the ocean so they can live in their mansions by the sea. while we are forced to eat grubs and stay in our zones. WTF!

      Good message Michelle keep at it.

      Won’t be voting for this test too.

  3. Luxon won’t be PM as long as he spouts this kind of woke garbage.

    He’s just another globalist puppet sell out. A limp wristed overweight middle aged soy boy. And that’s coming from someone older than him who used to vote national!

    Matt King has my vote.

    • Hear hear! when I was growing up in the NZ in the 50s 60s and 70s most of NZs PMs were farmers or of farming background. They knew what built NZ and where all the money was being generated from to do that. Now we have woke latte sipping beholding to the Greenies wealthy businessmen and women self serving freeloading and dictatating how the world should be run. None are worthy of a single vote. Closing Marsden Point and fertilizer works shutting down farms to grow pine trees unsustainable immigration ‘covid’ jab mandates – are these people mentally challenged ? Its a deliberate drive into financial oblivion. Oh and get ready for home schooling Mr. Luxon is full of jabwockery he does not want any child to start schooling or kindy until they have been shot up and boostered. But there is no requirement for Politicians – Hello ? Just another WEF puppet of no consequence.

    • Yes, when the dirty smear-merchants fawn over someone and toss them mostly softball questions, you just KNOW that person is going to be an absolute dog sh!t PM. It’s a dead giveaway.

      Anyone actually worth voting for is usually denounced as the blood descendant of Satan himself and lied about and vilified at ever turn – something Wayne Brown is finding out as they literally try to blame HIM for making it rain.

      “Dont f*ck me over…”

      That’s like asking a robber not to take the wad of cash in your pocket 🤦🏼

      • I agree unquaccinated. Wayne Brown is deffo not part of the government’s plan, and he’s getting it from all sides. He’s definitely a threat to their plans moving forward, so they have seen fit to give Auckland it’s very own minister! No doubt to wield his portfolio, with huff and puff bluster in an attempt to keep Wayne reigned in. They need to be careful, Wayne has superhuman abilities and can conjure up massive floods!😱

        • You remember all those little white ‘chem trails’ accross the skies a little while back ? Well that does have superhuman abilities and can conjure up massive floods. Perhaps a question to Mr Luxon should be if he becomes PM will he allow this criminal activity to continue ? of course he will he is part of the orchestra.

  4. When the media is saturated with an idea, e.g., climate change, it is obvious that “they” want something from us. That something is more taxation. The idea of all these “green new deals” is to tax the Western world (US, Europe, Australia, NZ and so on) and make living more difficult. Then give the money to Africa in order to “help third world countries develop environmental solutions for their emerging economies”. What it really means is giving lots of our taxes to Africa and then it gets into the wrong hands, and they buy AK47’s and start wars and genocides. “Divide and conquer” just like the Roman Empire: Create more suffering in the Western world and more suffering in the so-called third world just by moving money around.

    What we have not seen is a technical plan to reduce pollution, a plan that does not involve more controls or subjugation of people. The reason that we have not seen such a plan is because it does not exist. What we have already seen is lockdowns from viruses and unvaccinated people being restricted from where they may go, a form of social credit. We have also seen (I think they are called) “15-minute cities”, travel zones in some UK cities where roads are blocked, and people must stay within a zone that is 15 minutes travel time wide. In order words, restriction of movement and freedoms in under the guise of “climate change” reduction.

    What is going on really is “1984” and is no longer a conspiracy theory.

    I must also say that the electric car “thing” is a big psychological operation also: The electricity that charges electric cars is generated in most countries by coal, natural gas, nuclear fission and a very small amount of solar. Also, it takes 200 metric tons of earth to be dug up (which creates a rather large hole) in order to make enough for an electric car battery. Also, after the battery does not work after between 7 and 10 years (and the owner pays a few tens of thousands of Dollars to replace it), most are thrown away (dumped) into the ground and are NOT recycled. Only about 5 percent are “repurposed” and used to power lower loads, such as LED lighting in remote buildings. Then those batteries are thrown into the ground. And finally, the electric grids in most countries could not stand the electrical load of many cars being charged – the grid would go down. Recently, Gavin Newsom who runs California stated that all cars should be electric by 2030. A few days later he stated that because of grid capacity, electric cars will only allow to be charged at certain days and certain times. Imagine that, abandoning petrol and buying a nice new electric car and not being allowed to charge it. Perhaps that is the intent? Limit freedom of movement.

  5. So we can’t manage a virus.
    And we can’t manage a weather event.
    But we can manage planetary weather for sure!
    What a complete tool.

  6. The conspiracy theorists aren’t stupid. Do we notice that the weather has changed? Yes! But do we believe that cows farting and some coal on your fire is the cause? Nooooo we don’t. Research haarp . The mad scientists fire s*** up into our ionosphere and have done for years. Back in the day the climate activists said it wasn’t a good idea as they had no way of knowing the effects on the world. But they continued anyway. Now these sick weirdos blame you and me for the hole in the ozone, all the while keeping their destructive secrets to themselves. Research cloud seeding, they have been manipulating weather for years. Xi zing ping loves telling people that he can make it rain over an area equivalent to Antartica! So nah the climate change narrative is all lies.

    • There most probably is climate change
      Which if we go back far enough we would see is cyclic
      And like the sun coming up every day has been going on for millions of years
      There have been ice ages
      And inter stadials
      Warm periods all through known history
      The serrated edges on rock formations bears witness to this
      There was a mini ice age in Europe
      A lot of homeless went out onto the ice to camp
      When the ice broke up a lot were drowned
      For all we know we are headed back into another ice age

    • Not bad at all here, the weather is fine there’s a nice sultry breeze from the Caribbean we had a little bit of rain just before but sunny again now. And there is AMLO.

  7. Oh dear, another one who is from a different planet. What is it that gives these flakes the idea that they can have any impact on the global climate. The planet has done really well before they came along and will continue to do well after they have had their miniscule blip on Earth. The man is supposed to be trying for Prime Minister, not God. Obviously just another in a long line of narcissists who will not listen to science but prefers sycophants.
    I guess that rules out all my hopes for National.

  8. How dumb are Kiwis they have been voting labour and National in for years and look where it’s got them,time for a change get rid of these scum they have ruined this country let’s take it back.

  9. Climate change what a joke look up HAARP on google and you will find out where the floods are coming from .Auckland and Lismore are identical.

  10. The Coromandel 20-30 years ago used to be hit most every xmas period by heavy rain and flooding.

    Of course the scientific narrative at that time was we were heading for the next ice age. Remember that?

    I think Luxton is so full of crap he must be a political – scientist

  11. Will say anything so to not have to pay for the upgrade of our water drainage infrastructure to keep the shit out of our water.

  12. Populations use at least 50% less energy by building subterranean. For being climate geniuses, these “experts” can’t see the solution?


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