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Friday, June 28, 2024

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Luxon vows to fund new cancer treatments despite budget constraints

Cancer treatments news

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has reaffirmed the National Party’s commitment to funding 13 new cancer treatments, despite no allocations in Budget 2024.

Luxon assured legacy media AM co-host Lloyd Burr that the government is dedicated to delivering on its promise, which was a key campaign point involving treatments already available in Australia for various cancers, costing an estimated $280 million over four years. Although the $5 prescription fee was reinstated, the anticipated funding for cancer drugs was absent, attributed to a $1.77 billion funding shortfall in Pharmac’s budget left by the previous Labour government.

Luxon cited ‘procurement processes’ as the cause for the delay, emphasising ongoing work needed to explore options for funding the treatments.

Meanwhile, Health Minister Shane Reti mentioned that future budgets would aim to broaden medicine access, including cancer drugs. The urgency of this issue was highlighted by an open letter from 15 cancer charities, urging immediate action and warning that further delays could result in lost lives, particularly for patients who have already endured long waits for new treatments.

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  1. Pure THC cannabis oil extract kills cancer, but hey no profit in a home grown cure, the pharmaceutical companies control the whole “cancer industry”.

  2. First they jab you with a carcinogenic GMO that you don’t want that you have to pay through the nose for that gives you cancer and then they make you pay for the cure, that’s one hell of a business plan, who benefits?

  3. They ARE the cancer in OUR country.
    Carrying on like nothing happened… and nothing is coming.
    The lahar will evicerate those responsible and complicit in this heinous crime.
    Bet the same treasonous serpents are applying for birdflu injection exemptions right now.
    Filthy transhumanist cultist luxon.
    He has forsaken his country, his God and his species.
    I would not wish to be in his cell when the depth of his filth is revealed to the nation.

  4. I’ve heard that ivermectin cures most types of cancer. It’s also inexpensive. Let’s see it available off prescription if the government dare.


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