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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Major donors blackmailing US Democrats over Biden – NYT

Democratic Party news

An estimated $90 million has reportedly been frozen until the party nominates someone else.

An estimated $90 million in donations to a group key to US President Joe Biden’s campaign has been put on hold until the Democrats replace him, the New York Times reported on Friday.

The Times cited two unnamed sources “briefed on the conversations” between major donors and Future Forward, a political action committee (PAC) that was expected to raise $700 million for Biden’s re-election.

“Multiple eight-figure commitments” are currently frozen and the PAC is “in a defensive crouch” until it is clarified whom the Democrats will actually run in November, according to the Times.

The Biden campaign tapped Future Forward as its main super PAC in the 2024 race, and the group has already announced it would spend $250 million on TV and digital advertising after the Democratic National Convention next month.

Following Biden’s catastrophic performance at the June 27 debate with Republican challenger and former president Donald Trump, however, the PAC tested potential alternatives. The poll was later leaked to the media and showed Biden with “a worse overall favorability rating than all the alternatives,” which included Vice President Kamala Harris, California Governor Gavin Newsom, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

The current president has doubled down on staying in the White House. “I believe I’m the best qualified to govern. And I think I’m the best qualified to win,” Biden told reporters at a press conference on Thursday.

While the White House and the campaign have held up the press event as proof that Biden was doing just fine, Democrats in Washington continued to lament the present situation.

“Candidates and campaigns are supposed to make you feel something – hope, optimism, courage – but instead most of us felt nothing after that presser. And feeling nothing is how you lose elections,” a veteran Democratic operative told Politico.

A Democrat member of the US House of Representatives told the same outlet that a group of “super friends” is getting together, with the intent to make their case to the White House that Biden has to step aside because “we’re going to get our asses kicked if he doesn’t.”

On Thursday, several Biden campaign aides told NBC that Biden will “never recover” and that they saw no path to victory, describing his chances in November as “zero.” Multiple Democrats have raised concerns that down-ballot races might be put at risk, costing the party seats in Congress.

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Source:RT News

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  1. ‘…Over and over we hear the “donors” have decided this or that—and it becomes clear that so-called ‘democracy’ is a figment, and the Presidency of the United States of America is in fact is nothing more than a kind of auction for the likes of Ari Emanuel—the democrat ‘megadonor’ who’s not only brother to chief Obama-handler Rahm Emanuel, but son to arch terrorist Benjamin Emanuel of the infamous Israeli Irgun terror group, or Netflix’s Reed Hastings – another ‘ donor’ who has been running America behind the scenes…’
    Now you know the names of two members of the Deep State.
    Joe Biden has been exactly the same for the past four years and everyone knows it but the MSM has been playing along and hiding the fact. Now the ‘donors’ want to get rid of him and install a new puppet – the likes of Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer or Pete Buttigieg – so we have MSM reports of Biden’s sudden demise and doctors running all over the shop giving their expert opinions on why he should not run, but suddenly Biden has broken script and is not obeying. An odd reaction from such a dependable long term puppet.
    Nevertheless, it is interesting to know who the ‘donors’ are and who they control.

    This only goes to prove that U.S. Politics (and most other political regimes worldwide) are a black hole for monetary donations that are easily skimmed and never really audited, lest a certain group of small hatters get offended.
    The ‘PopularVvotes’ have never counted, nor has there ever been any counted properly votes (due to the (s)Electoral College…) or the French methodology…just ask spirit-cooker Hellary Klinton re 2020.
    Whoever dumps the most money into a campaign wins, and a lot of donations are…’tax-deductable’!
    These techniques amount to third degree bribery, and also meets the theory of ‘Anti-Trust’ activities.

  3. Have you ever seen so much public nonsense on full display in your life!! How much crap do the governments controlling super rich think the public need to make up their mind?

    – Biden with his sniffing of little children’s hair.
    – There was no Bidens sons laptop, now there is and the foll details is on social media.
    – Post in votes with no ID.
    – Post in votes from the deceased.
    – The videos you see on social media with Biden not remembering things.
    – The leaked CIA video footage of President John F Kenndy being shot in the face by is own driver.
    – The look alike Biden double with different ear lobes.
    – The political prosecution of Trump for misallocating a transaction in democrat held New York in the hope of booting Trump out of the race.
    – So called official polls showing the election is too close to call. Other polls showing a landslide to Trump.
    – The live debate between Biden and Trump.
    – The war to take over Russia’s land Ukraine.
    – Blowing up the deep gas line between Russia and Europe.
    – The mass importation of undesirable fighting aged men around the world into places like the US, UK, France, Germany and the rest of Europe. All designed to pull apart normal safe communities.
    – The pending banning of Tick Toc social media and others to try to stem of countless videos, and US State enquiries into MRMA.
    – The blue Lasering of Hawaii keeping the trees and not allowing owners back into their own homes to clean up.
    – The blue lasering of Texas livestock food and facilities.
    – The buying up of farms and natural resources.

    Biden is a walking corpse with little or no mental capacity to hold office. He and governments around the world are being controlled by the 13 Families control everything on the planet from public media, money public policy, natural resources except Russia, China and injecting men, women, children and babies with poison to reduce the number of people on the planet.


    Ignoring murdered people around the world.

    – The injections of modified DNA into bodies, excess deaths that had to be reported as covid deaths. One was a man who was shot in the head by NZ police but his death certificate said he died of covid.
    – Worldwide media not reporting on the full extent of the excess deaths.
    – The fatty blood clots undertakers remove to pump embalming fluids into the deceased reported on social media only. All ignored by main stream media.
    – The official New Zealand data collected by our own Barry Young revealing deaths of the injected victims, his prosecution.


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