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Sunday, June 30, 2024

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Manhunt underway after woman in her 80s assaulted in West Auckland home invasion

Henderson crime news

An investigation is underway following a report of a incident in Henderson overnight where a woman was seriously injured.

Acting Detective Inspector Simon Harrison, Waitematā CIB, says emergency services responded to reports of an aggravated burglary at a residential address on Dellwood Avenue around 2.20am.

“It’s understood a male offender has entered the property and, when was disturbed by the sole occupant of the house, has assaulted them.

“The female victim, who is in her 80s, has received medical treatment for serious, but non-life threatening injuries.

“She remains in hospital in a stable condition.”

Despite Police, including the Air Support Unit and Police Dog Unit, immediately responding to the area, the man believed to be involved remains outstanding.

The public can expect an increased Police presence in the area today as our enquiries continue today.

“A scene guard is in place and Police want to hear from anyone who may have been in the area last night who saw something of note,” Acting Detective Inspector Harrison says.

“We are ensuring support is in place the victim as we work to understand the full circumstances of what has occurred,” he says.

“While at this stage no arrests have been made, the public can be assured we are working hard to locate the person involved.”

Anyone with footage or information that may assist is asked to contact Police via our 105 phone service or online using Update My Report.

Please reference file number 240627/3439.

Information can also be provided anonymously via Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.

Further updates will be issued proactively as available.

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Source:NZ Police

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  1. It’s understood a male offender has entered the property and, when was disturbed by the sole occupant of the house, has assaulted them.

    “assaulted THEM”? For heavens sake, what’s wrong with saying “HER????

    • Their weird “has/have was/were” thing they always do annoys me even more.

      “A male has entered a property and has assaulted someone, and then something happened and now they has run off…”

      For heaven sake, why not just tell the story in the past tense.
      “A male entered a property and assaulted someone”.

      How hard is that?

      Could we get the cops some basic grammar lessons please


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