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Monday, March 10, 2025

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Ministry of Health says get your boosters up-to-date for ‘Kraken’

Kraken variant news

The XBB.1.5 variant of COVID-19, also known as Kraken, has been detected by whole genome sequencing in New Zealand.

The Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR) reported the whole genome sequencing results for two COVID-19 cases with XBB.1.5 late last week.

‘The list of new subvariants appearing within New Zealand is lengthy and growing. Many of these new subvariants are identified by their mutations, but it can take weeks or months to determine whether these mutations will allow a subvariant to out-compete others circulating in the community. At the early stage of a new variant being identified in New Zealand, it is difficult to predict whether and when it will become established in the community,’ said the Ministry in a press release today.

‘Detection of XBB.1.5 is not unexpected, following its recent detection in Australia and globally, and our COVID-19 response accounts for the emergence of new variants.

‘So far, most Omicron variants have not demonstrated a change in severity of the disease, and there is no evidence at this stage to indicate XBB.1.5 causes more severe disease compared to other variants. The proportion of COVID-19 cases in the USA caused by the XBB.1.5 sub-lineage has been rapidly increasing in recent weeks, after having first been detected there in late October 2022. XBB.1.5 appears to be outcompeting other XBB sub-lineages and BQ.1.1 in the USA. It remains unknown how XBB1.5 will compete against other variants in a New Zealand context, and whether this could affect the level of COVID-19 circulating in the community in the coming months.

‘Vaccines are still expected to provide protection against severe disease from XBB.1.5, particularly in those who have received boosters. We encourage people to get their vaccine and booster doses when they fall due.

If you test positive

If you test positive, the Ministry says ‘stay home and isolate. If you think you may be eligible for antiviral medicines, call your pharmacist or usual healthcare provider and ask for a phone appointment to talk about whether antivirals are right for you. You can have the medicine delivered by friends, whānau or the pharmacy’s delivery service. Antiviral medicines must be started within 5 days of becoming sick with COVID-19. Have RATs on hand so you can test yourself as soon as you feel sick.’

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  1. Who in their right mind would do a test anymore? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    I have never been tested, never had a jab and nor will I. Furthermore I will never wear a mask again either.

    Was reading today that people who got the vaccine and now realise they were duped are even angrier than us unvaccinated lot. I believe it too because imagine realising you had been lied and tricked and then still having the poison juice in your body for the rest of your life? Heck that wouldn’t just make me made as hell, but quite possibly it could cause extreme anxiety and drive someone to do some mad things…….

    If I was an MP in this parliament, I would be keeping a good sharp look over my shoulder for the rest of my days……. They bought it on themselves though…..

    • I certainly agree. Everyone that endorsed the kill shot should be looking over their shoulder. The truth of the military level psychology used against the world , the deaths and injuries caused by the poison shot is now clearly plain for all to see.

  2. What a fuc**ed up stupid name. Don’t steal an otherwise splendid name of a mythalogical creature for your bulls**t. Unoriginal unimaginative plageristic scum peddling ars**les.

    • Let me guess….was it perhaps Bill Gates who thought that one? He’s never had one original thought in his head and he is sick enough.

      Whoever it was it’s a sick joke.
      They all need to be certified. E.S.T. , dangerous halucinagenics, sleep deprivation…

  3. /S
    Yes, get boosted.
    In a crazy parallel universe, strange things happened;
    • Prioritise those boosted vaccinated against Covid 19 coronavirus.
    • Suppress and alienate a small group of hard-core anti-vaxxers.
    • Blame unvaccinated for needing lock downs to protect them and to avoid swamping the health system.
    • Assist employers and organisations do to help government.
    • Government leadership here with announcements of mandated vaccination for health, govt, and education workers.
    • Employees must be vaccinated, on health and safety grounds.
    • Send very strong signals to the laggards: No jab, no job.
    • Let’s keep moving.
    • Let’s make it an immediate requirement that all our new employees be vaccinated. No jab, no new job.
    • Let’s explore every possible situation in which vaccination could be required of our current employees.
    • Let’s ensure that wherever possible only those who are vaccinated can enter food and drink establishments, attend events or benefit from social activities. No jab, no live?
    • Let’s do this!
    Go jab, go die!

    • See Hal Turner’s latest on the W.H.O. meeting secretly in Switzerland this week, and what they are going to roll-out to all nations in order to murder us all via mandates!

    • well, in the netherlands the health services are swamped by the vaccinated, especially the cardiological dept.
      But shush, no one may talk about it

  4. Release the kraken…..ridiculousness. All those whom are seen as experts who have advised the people to follow the contradictory covid 19 ptotocol are shameless clowns. Wouldn’t want to be them

  5. Jacinda, the WHO, the WEF can all feck off.
    its all BS. Who in their right minds would inject themselves with more jabs
    We were duped ( I was duped taking 1 x vax) I never wore masks. Its all BS
    Wake up NZ

    And agree with comments above. These MPs will have karma knocking on their door at some point.


  6. Wow. The covid cult imbeciles just keep doubling down.

    These days I simply encourage any woke libtards I stumble across to keep getting ‘boosted’.

    Yeah good idea, have you had your safe and effective bivalent C-19 booster yet? You know the one tested on 8 mice. You haven’t, oh well best book your appointment ASAP.

  7. That’s amazing to isolate the whole genome of Kraken. When to my knowledge the whole genome of covid is still yet to be isolated.

    The Pfizer agreement with this group of criminals who call themselves the NZ government, is still yet to be released.

    And once again the jab is gonna do the job, even though there has been no safety trials or proper science done. And use a RAT test, that is still derived from a PCR test that was banned in the USA because it was totally incapable of any real testing. With 97% false positives being established in the Lisbon High Court in November 2020, from “real” science and real evidence.

    One thing remains is that Ivermectin is proven to be effective on all stages of covid, and all strains of covid, as real science. As “safe and effective”.

    Not deadly, mass murder and mass maiming, of NZers and their kids, as the bioweapon disguised as a vaccine is proven to be a criminal menace to everyone.


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