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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Popular Now

Monkeypox ‘surge’ in Africa: WHO convenes emergency meeting

The World Health Organization (WHO) has called an emergency meeting to address the alarming rise in monkeypox cases in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where nearly 27,000 cases have been reported, allegedly resulting in around 1,100 deaths.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced the meeting following the apparent detection of the virus in neighbouring countries such as Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda.

The committee will assess whether the outbreak qualifies as a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC), the highest alert level the WHO can declare.

The WHO previously declared mpox a global emergency in 2022 and officials stress that “immediate action” is needed to prevent further spread and mitigate the global health risks associated with this outbreak.

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  1. The WHO up to monkey business again….Funny how this coincides with the Natzi party and co, discussing forcibly vaccinating people…

  2. Here we go, time to get out our “I will not comply” t-shirt and caps from the bottom drawer. This is getting very real as the elites timetable for our subjugation draws ever closer. Time to stand firm. Time to say No. And time perhaps to think about moving to a country where sanity prevails. It’s nice in parts of Russia this time of year..

      • Clearly, satire even humour is lost on some people and if that’s the best you can do then God help the nation.!

        As to your juvenile run away comment as you hide behind your Anon moniker, I have been at this a long time sunshine, and happy to compare battle scars any time. Assuming you have any that is…

        • Well you should be pro stand for your rights. Do not give others the idea that it is alright to run away, as for your battle scars, I,ll see your call and raise you, no sarc intended. Just remember that the most dangerous man is he that just wants to be left alone

      • But…what if no one stands with you, and are in fact the REAL pussies who are complying with the dictates, mandates and hurriedly-rushed-laws while spouting that ‘they will not comply’?
        Wear all the caps and tee shirts you want, but the only way to re-assert your rights that the government is trying to take away is with armaments.
        That is a time-tested known and given ops by the citizenry and populations!

  3. Gonna be a real dangerous job being a police gang member when forced vaxx gets ordered, Wouldn’t want to be a politician either

  4. This will lead to unwanted by ordinary people violence and that violence will be used to justify their stomping a fascist boot down on us forever in the name of democracy.

    • Look at history Eye, those who do the killing for the State simply consider it a job and they are “ doing what they are told”. Sound familiar?

      The ONLY way to stop them is to kill their families and burn down their houses. Sounds horrible I agree but historically this is the only thing that will stop them. In Spain during the inquisition this was done and everything just stopped. Personally I find the whole thing repugnant and wonder why I find myself on a Gangster planet in the Ghetto part of the galaxy.

  5. Which of their gain of function assets will they drop first?
    It is now a provable fact that this mob of treasonous PROSTITICIANS which infest our parliament, are utterly controlled by known satanic corporations,and now foister the goals and desires of their demonic masters onto OUR country and OUR PEOPLES.
    The facts prove DEMOCIDE.
    I do longer believe the NZGOVTCORP nor their agents to be legitimate agencies.
    Attempted murder under direction of foreign interests ABSOLVES ALL AUTHORITY.
    Should any agent of this foreign satanic cult attempt to apply treatment against my will I SHALL DEFEND MYSELF WITH ANY MEANS I DEEM NECESSARY and i urge every living man to do the same, with purity of heart and desire to protect and defend yourelf, your people ypur Creator and your country.

  6. It’s like being caught in a 1950’s sci fi novel. After all the bullshit that has been exposed with the Covid con, it is astounding that they then attempt to concoct in rapid succession another scamdemic, and our gutless media will no doubt obediently fan the fears (with a few fine exceptions like the Daily Telegraph) to encourage us to run about wailing until they pump our arms with the latest warp speed produced poison to reduce the population.

    When the data is withheld you can be sure it is simply because it does not confirm what they are attempting to con us with. Why are the media not doing their job and printing what they want withheld instead of helping to spin doctor the public.

    I like the essence of democracy, 1 person 1 vote, and we agree to accept the consensus. But now it seems that it exists in notion only, taken over by corruption and the desire to control populations like farm animals.

  7. Monkeypox…….my fux have gone insane, my fukfuse it has blown, I went fuc shopping but there were no fux left. Ridiculous narrative, all it takes is a no from everyone. If no one plays the game, there is no longer a game to play.

    • …just imagine how well they will control the population when they change our hard currency to digital currency, where your access to it depends upon your compliance.

  8. Haha what a joke! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Did they try and rename it to M-pox? 😂😂😂

    Apparently Helen Clarke was trying to stir up fear the other day about it.

    Oh DO F*ck off Helen! There’s no fool like an old fool!

  9. Dumbass globalist communists up to their usual gaslighting antics, all ‘for you safety’ and ‘the greater good’ obviously.

    Imagine being stupid enough to actually believe these corrupt cretins.

  10. Virologists Blow-the-Whistle: MPOX is actually Known Side-Effect of COVID Vax!


    You may remember Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg was one of the first to come out and expose the covid scamdemic plandemic fraud for what in essence it really was in that the so called ‘covid’ was intrinsic of all influenza and not a specific stand alone virus which had been isolated separated and identified

    Which is why it was a computer construct model

    Take away the fake virus which has never been proven to exist what are you left with?

    Fake PCR and RAT tests providing fake data and statistics

    Fake masks

    Fake social distancing

    Fake completely unnecessary and devastating lockdowns

    Social breakdown and a nosediving economy

    Covid was a complete fabrication and fraud from start to finish

    Covid was a PCR pandemic not a viral pandemic

    But the show does go on …💉☠️💉☠️💉☠️💉☠️💲💲💲💩

    Follow the science


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