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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Popular Now

Moscow Vows Strong Response to US Sanctions That Will Be Painful For Washington

The US introduced a new round of sanctions against Russia after President Vladimir Putin on Monday recognised the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics in Donbass.

“There should be no doubts – the sanctions will result in a strong response, not necessarily symmetric, but well-calculated and painful for the American side”, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Moscow also stressed that the American sanctions policy is counterproductive, but that it has also become a reflex for Washington.

“Russia has proved that, despite all the costs, we are able to minimise the damage. And even more so, sanctions pressure can’t affect our determination to defend our interests”, the statement read, noting that this round of anti-Russian sanctions (101st) will not achieve its goal.

The statement comes in response to sanctions imposed by Washington on Tuesday. The restrictions target Russia’s sovereign debt, as well as several banks and individuals following Moscow officially recognising the two Donbass republics, the DPR and LPR, as independent states. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on Monday after the leaders of both republics appealed to Moscow, urging Ukrainian forces to stop the escalation in the region.

The decision came as Ukrainian forces increased their attacks on the Donbass republics last week, forcing tens of thousands of civilians to flee to Russia’s Rostov region. Multiple shellings against Donetsk and Lugansk were confirmed by the OSCE monitoring mission in Donbass.

However, the US claimed the attacks were fake and part of a provocation planned by Moscow to justify “intervention in Ukraine”, something Russia has been accused of by the West, but has vehemently denied.

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  1. These people are reckless idiots. On both sides. Putin is dangerously intelligent, hellbent on that oil pipeline, while Biden is dangerously stupid, trying to protect all of his and his cronies’ dirty deals in Ukraine that have been so well documented in the last few years.

    After the last two years’ fun and games, nobody is in the mood for a another pointless and protracted war. Nobody.

    Don’t know what’s going to happen in Ukraine in the next few months and I don’t much care to be honest. I already know who made the petrol price so high, who made me a second class citizen, who took my job away and who’s to blame when I struggle a little more and more every month to make ends meet. And it’s not the Russians.

  2. The situation in the breakaway republics is very similar to that of Kosovo, but with Russia taking the role played by NATO in that earlier conflict. The leaders of the western nations are being hypocritical.

  3. Wish I better understood the Ukraine/Russia/Europe/Nato/US situation and how it developed.

    Can anyone know other than those involved in what was a seeming war of words and accusations? Then all that sabre rattling suddenly became deadly serious.

    I most sincerely hope this doesn’t become a long war and involving more countries.

    Can anyone recommend reliable articles or research on the Putin/Nato/Ukraine/US war/situation? Don’t have much time now for reading books.

    And some mainstream media have sadly prostituted themselves to such an extent I hardly read them anymore, except as credible sources of misinformation and paid-for-propaganda.

    Although there are now redeeming glimmers of hope, some of which are rapidly extinguished by what else they write. Also, any msm- or self-appointed trolling of the comments sections of the alt media I now trust, doesn’t help mainstream’s cause either, it makes them seem more suspect.

    It’s never wise to s**t repeatedly and publicly on one’s doorstep, even if one’s paid to and needs the money. The stench and damage to one’s reputation can hang around for a long time afterwards. Nobody wins, not even the person doing the paying, especially if that money was found to belong to others.


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