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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Murupara Anti-mRNA vaccine GP Bernard Conlon has medical license renewed

Bernard Conlon news

Conlon had his license suspended in February by the Medical Council ‘pending further investigation.’

Conlon has been practising in the Murupara area for 30 years. His license to practise medicine was suspended by the Medical Council in February as a result of complaints made about his views on the Pfizer COVID mRNA vaccine.

It has been revealed by New Zealand Doctor that the Medical Council renewed his license to practise without restrictions from May 20 until August 31 2022.

Murupara local Motuhake o Tawhiuau said the community was overjoyed at Conlon’s reinstatement, saying “We have great respect for his capability as a doctor, for his longstanding devotion to meeting our needs as part of this community. He attends events at this kura and the marae and is learning whaikorero on the marae, along with waiata and haka. He’ll come calling on patients after work, in his own time.”

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  1. This is great news but why has it only been renewed until the end of August?

    This doctor has a LOT of support and mana in this area. They would never find anyone as dedicated to serving their community. Living and working in Murupara would be very challenging and finding a replacement would be extremely difficult.

    In the meantime our govt is still discriminating against nurses and other medical staff. They dropped the mandates for NHS in the UK MONTHS ago. Why not here as well? Or does our govt not care about New Zealanders health? (i know the answer to that one)

  2. It’s high time for the Electorates and Covid Opposition Groups to file a demand via the High Court to DEMAND SNAP EL-ECTIONS AND GET THIS ZIO-NAZI / TALMUDIC COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT OUT OF PARLIAMENT!!!!!!
    Question is; which law firm will take on such a case here ??? Who???
    Hipkins, Baker, Bloomfield, Jackson, Wiles,… despite the fact that THEY KNOW that the vaccines are untested and compromise health safety, they are still promoting the same. THEY KNOW that they have all violated the Nuremburg Code and the NZ Patient Rights Act and the NZ Human Rights Act in forcing faux mandates down our throats with the known side effects of the various Covid-19 vaccines which have not been properly tested from the very beginning when they approved the same!
    I wonder which Big Pharma companies are rewarding them with stock options, percentages, cash rewards etc. in overseas investment accounts?????
    We who saw thru the lies remain UN-VAXXED, UN-MASKED AND NON-COMPLIANT TO THEIR ILLEGAL ORDERS!!!!!!!!!!!
    & so should everyone else!!!!!

  3. This Government is obviously not one that was properly elected as whoever gets in takes “advice” from overseas. The first one we need to get rid of is ASHLEY BLOOMFIELD. He holds the position being used to pronounce mandates over this country. I don’t recall electing him. His position needs to go first and foremost….. that will start the process of taking back this country from overseas control aka “advice” as the PM announced when she lifted the mandates on tv. “We have received advice that we can” then goes on to say the rest. From whom did this government take this “advice”? I know, the New World Order Whore has been taking advice to the tune of about $30 million….


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