The close adviser to US President Donald Trump has also reiterated that Pretoria won’t allow his Starlink service to operate in the country because he is “not black”.
Elon Musk has once again lashed out at his country of birth, South Africa, over what he claimed was “active promotion” of “white genocide.” In a post on X on Sunday, the tech billionaire wrote that his Starlink satellite internet service cannot operate in the African country because he is “not black.”
Musk’s remarks came amid tensions between Pretoria and Washington over a controversial land expropriation law signed in January that allows land seizures without compensation and aims to address longstanding disparities between black South Africans and the Afrikaner minority, who own nearly 75% of the country’s freehold farmland. US President Donald Trump condemned the law as an “egregious action” that unfairly targets white South Africans and signed an executive order directing federal agencies to cut aid to the country in a bid to pressure Pretoria to repeal the policy.
Musk, a close advisor to Trump who was born in Pretoria, has also been vocal in his criticism of the law. In his post on Sunday, he lashed out after sharing footage of a rally led by Julius Malema, head of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) opposition party. The video showed demonstrators chanting an apartheid-era slogan Musk interpreted as calling for the killing of white South Africans.
Very few people know that there is a major political party in South Africa that is actively promoting white genocide.
The video below was just yesterday. A whole arena chanting about killing white people.
A month ago, the South African government passed a law legalizing… https://t.co/GHYp6DvGkr
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 22, 2025
“A whole arena chanting about killing white people,” Musk wrote. “Where is the outrage? Why is there no coverage by the legacy media?”
“Very few people know that there is a major political party in South Africa that is actively promoting white genocide,” Musk continued, apparently referring to the EFF. He then alleged for the second time in two weeks that Starlink had been refused a license to operate in the country “simply because I’m not black.”
The rally Musk referred to was held to commemorate the 1960 Sharpeville massacre, where police killed 69 black South African protesters during what is considered the first and most violent demonstration against apartheid in the country. The old chant – “Kill the Boer, kill the farmer” – has been a longstanding point of controversy in South Africa. Malema, whose party advocates for eliminating racial and economic disparities, has been known to sing it at rallies and considers it part of the country’s heritage, despite being found guilty of hate speech over it by the ruling African National Congress (ANC).
Despite criticism from Washington, Pretoria has maintained that its land policy is aimed at correcting historical injustice and does not discriminate against any racial group. South African officials have also called for dialogue with Washington to address what they say is “misinformation” about the new land policy.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Clayson Monyela rejected Musk’s claim that Starlink was barred due to his race, saying the entire situation had “nothing to do” with skin color, and that the service could operate in South Africa provided it complied with local laws.
Orania is the answer
Would go down a treat in NZ too
Minto and the crash room dummies have a lot to do with this
South Africa is the globalist model for the west.
But people waking up…
All our criminal behive would do to make it South Africa here.
They’re working on it
Judaism is communism infiltration takeover and control
Not Hebrewism
We are one – Comrade
Fatherhood of God
Brotherhood of man
Depending on which brand of snake oil You prefer
Cultural enrichment diversity miscegenation and understanding go down a treat
Meanwhile, we the people truth tellers are getting X’ed from X in droves.
Must be able to operate his starlink in Israel, seeing as he is not calling out them for their ACTUAL genocide of Palestinians.
And, isn’t he all for free speech anyways?
There is certainly alot of racism in South Africa. I hear it from South Africans living here. Pining for the old days of apartied
Love ya hate ya
but on this one u r top
A lot of BLACKS pining away too; a lot of them openly admit on camera/youtube that their lives were actually far better under the apartheid government.
The ANC are a globalist cadre of sellouts who are more than happy to dine on imported caviar while their own people suck the marrow from discarded chicken bones and wash it down with puddle water. And they’re LYING to their citizens about the farm murders as well as that wretched expropriation law. All they’re going to do is create MORE famine and MORE starvation to be blamed on whitey like their neighbours to north have all been doing for decades.
Whatever you think of Elon, he’s correct about them.
It’s part of the Zionist Plan to remove the White Race from the overall picture.
It’s all weird when Musk admits that he is a J3w, or at least a Shabbo-Goy supporting Talmudic-based policies of White Genocide..!
And…you can probably already guess who’s behind this; those who wear small hats and claim that they are another (God’s chosen…) race!
Whites generally have higher IQ’s and can detect a problem (Zionism) with the detrimental impacts that are in the Talmudic / Zionist Ops of removing them from the picture, as the non-white races are easier to control and exploit.
“…It’s all weird when Musk admits that he is a J3w…”
Stop that sh*t. Do you ever listen to yourself or what others comment? Repeating BS does not stand in this forum.
Good to see and he should condemn the genocide in Gaza at the same time, if he hasn’t already, right Elon?
There’s a chorus of “kill the whites!” but who is conducting the choir? More importantly, who is writing the lyrics and collecting the royalties?
Sorry, who is writing the royalties and collecting the lyrics?