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New COVID-19 inquiry to start in November – NZ First

COVID-19 Inquiry news

Leader Winston Peters says NZ First opposes the current format and chairperson of the Covid-19 inquiry, citing potential bias.

This marks the first use of the “agree to disagree” provision in coalition agreements.

Internal Affairs Minister Brooke van Velden announced an expansion of the inquiry to include a second phase addressing vaccine efficacy, extended lockdowns, and the impact on health, education, and businesses. The decision followed public consultation, which garnered over 13,000 submissions, and aims to deliver final recommendations by February 2026.

According to a report in state media today, the government has decided to retain the current commissioners until the first phase concludes, with new commissioners to be appointed for the second phase.

But Peters criticised the first phase as too narrow and compromised by the current chair’s involvement with the previous administration’s Covid response. He emphasised the need for an independent and robust inquiry to inform future pandemic responses, accusing the current Royal Commission of being a political tool of the previous Labour government.

Van Velden defended the decision not to end the current inquiry prematurely, stating it would waste resources and set a bad precedent. She highlighted the importance of continuing the work already undertaken and involving experts in the second phase. Labour leader Chris Hipkins accused Peters of pandering to ‘conspiracy theorists’, while the commission’s chair and commissioner affirmed the value of the expanded inquiry to better prepare New Zealand for future pandemics.

Peters released a statement on the NZ First website today confirming the ‘new’ COVID-19 inquiry will start in November.

‘The current Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Covid-19 response will be divided into two phases. ‘Phase Two’ of the inquiry will start from November 2024 and will be the independent, full scale, and public inquiry we committed to in our coalition agreement,’ said Peters.

New commissioners will be appointed, and revised terms of reference will include:

The use of vaccines during the pandemic:

  • Vaccine mandates
  • Vaccine safety
  • Vaccine approval; and
  • The monitoring and reporting of adverse reactions to the vaccines.

Social impacts:

  • The effect of social division and isolation; and
  • The extent of disruption to New Zealanders’ health and education systems

Economic impacts and disruption to business:

  • The effect on inflation, debt, and economic activity
  • The effect of extended lockdowns in Auckland and Northland; and
  • The Government’s utilisation of partnerships with business and professional groups.

Government decision making:

  • Whether the rules set by the Government appropriately balanced Covid-19 elimination with other goals; and
  • The Government’s responsiveness to utilising new technology, methods, and effective international practices.

‘The current Royal Commission, with the narrow scope and commissioners that it was established with, will continue as ‘Phase one’ until November. We disagree with this decision but accept it as a coalition partner,’ said Peters.

‘New Zealand First’s position from the beginning of discussions, has been to stop the current Royal Commission altogether and start a new, broader, independent, and public inquiry.

‘We have consistently advocated for this position.

‘The next step will be to confirm the detailed terms of reference and new Phase Two commissioners in August. We will continue to work for you.’

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  1. This is sounds good. In the meantime we have the government still pushing the poison MRNA gene therapy on the radio.

    Just make it stop.

  2. This is good news and appropriate.
    Thank you Winston.
    Maybe Chris Hipkins would like to take a moment to reflect on all families who are now ‘watching and waiting’ to see what evolves for the future those family members now diagnosed (post vaccination) with Thrombocytopenia, Heart disease, Cancer etc.
    As quoted “Chris Hipkins accused Peters of pandering to ‘conspiracy theorists’” is nothing short of disgraceful. This terminology has no place in association with vaccine injury.

  3. The flu vaccines they are advertising now (“nah, I’ll never get it…”), I wonder if they are also mRNA. They never were in the past, but I read a while ago that mRNA will be introduced to flu vaccines.

    Could this all be some sort of “bait and switch”? The forthcoming inquiry find that the COVID vaccines are dangerous, so they are banned whilst at the same time other vaccines are being used that are just as harmful and people will not notice?

    But even then, if mRNA is removed from all vaccines, they are still dangerous: In the US, for example, in 1970 cases of autism was about 1 in 10,000. In 2018 it was 1 in 37. This is shocking. The one group of people whose children do not get autism are the Amish because they do not vaccinate their children. Also, none of them (or perhaps one person who had existing conditions) died of COVID. The Amish are healthy because they do not vaccinate, and they eat natural foods.

    • I agree with you Mark, having read many reputable publications around autism and other vaccine adverse reactions. The problem appears to stem from the lack of transparency in the vaccine Supplier fact sheets. This means the Medical professionals are not fully informed from the outset. The Immunisation Advisory Centre picks up the most common basic side affects and uses this for training and pamphlets. Finally Medsafe and CARM claim they investigate reports of adverse reactions but disclaim the reported are necessarily or possibly not causally linked.
      What is reported does not appear to include many of the adverse Immunological, Neurological, Dermatological, Cardiology……. responses due to the limited categories. It is not until you review actual overseas case studies of patients hospitalised post vaccination and the tests and treatments undertaken that you realise the significance of the issues that have effectively been blind sided and swept under the rug here in New Zealand for a very, very long time. (possibly decades)
      Let’s hope Phase 2 can result in far better transparency, accountability and honesty for the benefit of both our Health professionals and for every New Zealander. Maybe this could be ‘world leading’.

  4. Does the new scope include MURDER?
    Deployment of weapons of mass destruction?
    Crimes against humanity?

  5. Murdering b******* can’t drag this out long enough.
    Gotta buy time, gotta get that poison shot into more people.
    Absolutely disgusting, the evidence has been out there since before this whole
    mess started.
    They ignored it then and are ignoring it now.
    Kick the can down the road, more delays, more people dying or sick, or afraid of the Covid becaute they have been
    told to be afraid and it is winter.

    Just arrest the lot of them. They won’t stop until they have been made to stop..
    Bogus enquiries to buy themselves time won’t wash with those of us affected by their evil crimes against humanity.
    Stop the needless killing now.
    Stop the shots until enquiry done, might save thousands of lives but they don’t want that, so they keep on pushing them
    using propaganda media.

  6. It would be a grave mistake if the enquiry was engineered in any way to limit the scope, protect any person and or organisation from facing justice. Political figures must be held to account, as do the professional advisers, media, and police unlawful action by bashing peaceful protesters too. Barry Young’s official government data must be included. I want the thousands of health care staff to testify why they did not take the jab, but administered it to others.

    A very pissed off but now educated nation and world is watching. Many people have buried loved ones with blood clots, cancer and heart problems.

    Justice or vengeance.

  7. Thank you Winston on this and I will look forward to your next move on leaving and funding the WHO.
    Sounds like Hipkins is getting closer to a public flogging. Keep up with your name calling but it won’t save you in the end. Your children must hate you.

  8. Obviously Phase 1 of the inquiry can be entirely ignored due to the current commissioners blatant conflicts of interest.

    Phase 2 does look potentially encouraging, depending on who’s appointed as the new commissioners of course.

    Will National simply try to wheel out Baker/Wiles or similar pro-jab useful idiots?

    I’m guessing they certainly will.

  9. I read the RNZ news story just so I could get some understanding of what’s been going on. Did I read it right that the last government appointed these guys? Limiting the scope and it seems that phase one is all about how NZ can do things better next time. Nothing about the effectiveness or safety of the vaccines, the excess deaths in the government’s own data provided by Barry Young. The NZ and worldwide embalmers reports of fatty substances in veins. There was something about a second phase would be a waste of tax payers money. That it would be a waste of evidence, time and resources not to continue with the Hipkins appointed panel. Are you kidding me!

    Next to the pandemic, this is possibly the largest deliberate orchestrated whitewash crap this nation has ever had. Hipkins, Ardern, Bloomfield pushed ahead even when they were supplied the real evidence from guys like Dr Peter Canaday, Dr Emanuel Garcia, and Dr Matthew Shelton. The vaccines caused deaths.

    The medical council needs to be stood down while they are under investigation.


    • Its just a whitewash but then people voted for [patty’s who mostly endorsed what Liebour did during Convid……if they push the BirdFlu bullshit, it will be no different…….

      • That may will be. However, Winston Peters wasn’t in the last government. Winston Peters now holds the balance of power. I think what may have happened is Winston looked into the direction and progress of the Hipkins appointed panel of experts. Unhappy with the elimination as to the question of the poisonous substances within the injections, he developed a second phase to examine exactly that. I suspect all the previous government can do is to wait and when the time comes, claim deniability.

  10. We don’t want an expanded inquiry.
    We want criminal prosecution for political malfeasance leading to DEATH, disability and bankruptcy!
    Hell hath no fury like mothers scorned!

  11. I will believe it when jabcinda and all the other A’holes that were pushing covid , including so called journalists are behind bars doing very hard time for the rest of their natural.

  12. Please do not let this rest. By November there will be more devastation. There will be more countries with untold claims of Vaccine harm and more deaths.
    This will not simply dissapear much to Chippy’s annoyance and his skullduggery.

  13. ‘Van Velden defended the decision not to end the current inquiry prematurely, stating it would waste resources and set a bad precedent’
    Van Velden did just that.

    • Hipkins is already trying to play the ‘conspiracy-theorist’ card
      A typical response from one of the main protagonists responsible for perpetrating and unleashing this crime against the people of NZ
      Heads must roll
      There must be consequences

      • Poor little chippy needs to learn name calling doesn’t affect those of us with more integrity in out little finger than his whole party. Sticks and stones chippy. You’re guilty of pushing a dangerous bio weapon on the population of this country. One way of another you WILL be made accountable.

  14. Release the Pfizer documents to the NZ public. Public money was used, public health is affected, make the Pfizer documents public UNREDACTED. Then the NZ people get to investigate some truths for themselves


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