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Monday, October 14, 2024

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New policy aims to ensure affordable and secure electricity – Brown

Electricity news

The government has outlined its commitment to delivering affordable and secure electricity through the release of its Government Policy Statement (GPS) on electricity, Energy Minister Simeon Brown announced.

The GPS emphasises the government’s role in ensuring that households and businesses have access to electricity at internationally competitive prices, a key priority for economic growth and prosperity.

The policy directs the Electricity Authority to foster a more competitive and fuel-agnostic electricity sector, aiming to keep prices low for consumers while accommodating increased demand from electrifying transport and industrial heat processes.

The Government has set a goal of doubling renewable electricity generation to meet this demand, with a focus on encouraging private investment in the sector.

Brown highlighted that the GPS will provide stability for investment and prevent excessive price hikes, marking a shift from past interventions that raised prices and deterred investment.

Image credit: Fre Sonneveld

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  1. Ensure that every time some “boy racer” in a Mitsubishi Evo crashes into a power pole, part of Auckland power does not go out for the rest of the night.

  2. “Doubling renewable energy generation…”

    Oy vey 😒🤦🏼

    Double nothing is still nothing. But yeah whatever, let’s pump millions into the same sketchy tech that’s quadrupled prices in Europe and forced many countries to have to import energy.

    And also, where has government intervention ever made anything CHEAPER? Ever?? The best thing they could do to protect consumers is leave it all the hell alone.

  3. ‘Internationally-Competitive Pricing’ = globalist rip-offs, making services and commodities UNAFFORDABLE to the point of death and injury from being cut-off from services and commodities that are needed to sustain modern-day life!
    Brownlee blocked business owners on Christchurch’s Columbo Street (Kiwi Disposables being just one of them…) from retrieving their valuable goods and property after the February 2011 quake. In Brownlee’s arrogance, he excused himself from the question by saying ‘” have to go to a meeting.”
    No doubt he has his fingers in the re-development of the Red Zone, biding time for a ‘re-investment’ into condemned and ‘retired’ land there.
    NONE of these people in the Wasp Nest can or should be trusted to do the right thing. The only time they will do something positive is if it benefits them personally!

  4. The only way to provide cheap and affordable is to go nuclear, and build floating nuclear power plants on man-made lakes to nullify any quake damage.
    BUT- I doubt that even IF we had ‘affordable electricity’, the PTB would still raise the pricing according to what the WEF and Globalists would dictate, as they will line their pockets with the surpluses left over from low-cost power generation while maintaining high ‘consumer pricing’.
    The PTB, Globalists, etc. are desperate to get as much money as they can before the treasuries and economies of the world collapse.

  5. Wow, a GPS? So job done then eh Brown? By the way, by “private investment” do you mean partnering with Blackrock or another parasitic NGO corporation?


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