The proposal to make lay off newsroom staff working for legacy media outlet Newshub was known to its bosses and communicated to their PR company weeks before being revealed to the staff.
According to a report in State-funded RNZ, the situation has left many employees feeling ‘blindsided’ by the news.
Owner Warner Brothers Discovery plans to end its multiplatform news operations, including its website, by June 30, potentially affecting over 200 jobs. The decision is said to be based on economic challenges and the long-term financial sustainability of the business.
Glen Kyne, the head of Warner Brothers Australia/New Zealand, described the task of informing the staff as ‘awful’ and unexpected. He had been aware of the proposal since January, following his return from leave, with the decision to move to the proposal and consultation phase made just over two weeks prior to the announcement. The resignation of Sarah Bristow, senior director of news, occurred weeks before without a permanent replacement, with Kyne stating she was unaware of the impending proposal.
The proposal impacts all shows related to news and current affairs, likely to affect programmes such as the 6pm bulletin, the AM show, and a new 7pm interview program.
Kyne told RNZ the consultation process is ongoing, with no final decision made yet. The company remains open to exploring all potential solutions.
Kyne said the company will fulfill all financial obligations to employees, including redundancy payments where required. He confirmed he had appraised PM Christopher Luxon of the situation, but his discussions with government had not involved requests for direct funding.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Here Here, now get rid of the rest of them.
Time to pay the piper dudes for your compliance with government lies. This is what happens when you eat from the trough without a mind of your own and put your profession in the bin.
TTFN… See you in court along with your mates.
Oh no, anyway…
Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
Go woke, go broke.
Plenty of opportunities to have reported some truths about the covid response/mandates/ jabs over the last 2 years since it was obvious to all not in denial that the masks and jabs were not stopping transmission. The jabs are rubbish at best, and dangerous at worst. The lockdowns were detrimental too, for the nation and the individually.
Maybe if they had done their job, an audience would have supported them.
Note to Janika Ter –
Go contact Al-Jazeera NOW! They’re waiting to hear form you, unless you were …’compliant’ in taking the death jabs…
Then, you will see what news reporting really is all about…!
Very sad…. oh, sorry can you tell me who Newshub is???
Oh, the people I (and many, many others) have stopped listening to 3 years ago when they turned into a propaganda mouthpiece. I used to listen all the time as a truck driver, but no more. They lost me. “Catch-you- bye…”
No tears here.
You reap what you sow.
the rats paddle from their sinking ship mmmwwwaaaahahaha
if you hadn’t lied to the public and not accepted the bribe from the wasps nest the maybe just maybe you would still have jobs…. but i wouldn’t lamestream media have always been propaganda pushers – see ya wouldn’t want to be ya. So your owners took the 50 mil and run hahahhhahahaha
HA HA HA HA HA. Good riddance deceitful lying falk tonged snakes. So the river of lies that flowed from your mouths has finally drowned you huh… GREAT. Hopefully you will never find another job in the media industry again.
Well you guys have summed it up,well. How can anyone be shocked? Good riddance. Chickens finally coming home to roost. Now to get rid of TV1 ‘news’, stuff, RNZ and the herald. I refuse to give any money to them, I haven’t turned the TV on in nearly 4 years. I dont even want a 2 week free subscription to the newspaper. Treat good people like dirt and finally karma comes for you. Shooting them selves in their own foot and hoisted by their own petard comes to mind.
Go woke, go broke. I hope all those up themselves woke arrogant arse hats get a real good taste of humble pie. I love to see it.
Michael Morrah and Ryan Bridge are about the only decent people there. Maybe get them a job on RCR a or the Platform. RCR needs talkback, then it will go from strength to strength.
“RCR needs talkback, then it will go from strength to strength.”
True that bro
Joyous to see these fakey stale talking meats deleted. I hope they are being held in custody for trial. Corporate mass manipulation. Complicity in pre meditated mass murder.
Line them all up. They are ALL GUILTY.
Legacy Media is dying per se
People are sick of the lies
The dreadfully poor excuse for a newspaper Stuff is very likely to be the next cab off the rank.
Question is: will their puppet masters be sacked? The agents of fake news and govt propaganda will no doubt find new grounds to work against the New Zealand people. What are their names? Where do they live?
Interesting how all these politicians have come out in such ardent defence?
Because it’s all part of the machine
The projection of shaping opinions and capturing minds
Maybe the govt could pick up the tabs?
These globalist scumbags had it coming.
My advice to the newshub employees who just lost their jobs – Learn to code! 🤣🤣🤣
Ha ha ha ha ha……people are waking up…….
Stopped watching after the jab propaganda nonsense.
Lies were not enough for the Project team, they had to repeatedly mock and laugh at
the unjabbed in a cruel and ingnorant manner.
They took the lies that seriously.
Now the jokes on them hahahaha.
Anyone who helps them now is complicit in the holocaust they helped promote.
They are GUILTY. Shame on them.
Scaring old ladies alone at home with only their TV for company. Murdering bastards.
Pushing propaganda while it was maiming and killing people, in plain sight.
I am sure many people approached the media with injury or death from the jabs stories
and were turned away, laughed at and mocked, called antivaxxers etc.
You never saw a real raw human story in their version of media.
Sold their souls for money from the Red Witch Nazi bitch.
Well said 👏👏👏👏
No more Minstrels?
Interesting, they were purchased just prior to the plandemic and closing down now that it’s over. So, job done then. And they think we didn’t know… 😂😂😂
Go woke go broke. You got what was coming.
Don’t look for public sympathy. SICK of the lies and bull****.
Perhaps we may see some real journalists now. Some real unbiased reporting.
Long overdue