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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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‘No nuts McAnulty’: Kiwis unload on Labour Whip as he calls for review of MP security

Kiwis have vented their frustration at Labour Chief Whip Kieran McAnulty.

The Wairarapa MP was recently confronted by a male pro-choice supporter while out and about in his electorate. The man filmed the exchange as he and McAnulty debated the COVID jab and mandates.

A video of the exchange has been posted to the Facebook page of ConserveNZ.

Speaking to NewstalkZB McAnulty confirmed he had asked Parliamentary Services to review security for MPs, saying he was concerned with the escalation of anger over the COVID vaccine and mandates.

The Mike Hosking Breakfast posted a link to the interview. It was here that kiwis unloaded on McAnulty, calling him, among other things ‘nutless’, and incredulous that he would expect a reaction other than anger.

In a worrying development for Ardern and her spin doctors, the clear sentiment expressed by many of the commenters was that the anger was not an ‘anti-vax thing’. Jabbed and unjabbed kiwis alike are expressing their disgust at the government’s policies and what they perceive to be a lack of transparency and a denigration of long-cherished individual rights. Ardern’s aim to divide kiwis along jabbed-ubjabbed lines, calling the pandemic one of the ‘unvaccinated’ does not appear to be working primarily because many consider the mandates to be ‘un-kiwi’.

Daily Telegraph has reproduced some of the comments below (usernames removed):

For the millionth time, PRO feckin CHOICE! Many have had the vax (under coercion, threat of loss of livelihood etc) they are fighting for their right to choose, we should NEVER be put in this position; take an experimental vaccine with no long term data, doesn’t stop someone getting a virus or spreading it but if you don’t get the jab you are a second class citizen, this isn’t just about the vaccine now, it is the erosion of people’s rights to choose in a democracy, we can’t force an MP to take a vaccine as they were democratically elected; well guess what, we were the ones that democratically elected them so what about OUR rights? Once again the government and the media are unable to read the room.

My beef is the clandestine removal of democracy in our parliament but you McAlnulty will dismiss me as anti -vax and anti-mandates…I will put it in LARGE CAPITAL LETTERS on my flag on Sunday …see if you can’t read…I don’t want totalitarism or you or Jacinda….I will support all NZers and especially our farmers…see if you can’t seperate those things….instead of spreading misinformation.

No just people with common sense Mike Hosking Breakfast who have had enough of the lies and fear mongering

And so it continues……. Corporates doing the Govts dirty work for them and coercing their workers under the “no jab no job” threat! Despite the fact that the UK shows that 82% of those hospitalized there with the “C” V1rus – are double jabbed

He sounds like the typical school yard bully whose mode of operation has been noticed and is now trying to deflect attention off himself.

If you can’t handle the uproar of the country then perhaps you need to adjust your agenda. The people are tired of this BS!!

How deluded, don’t blame the Anti vaxers blame the growing hatred for the Labor party

These people are just violent terrorists, and should be treated like terrorists. Lock them up.

Ohh and who pays for that !! ????‍♀️

Don’t these fools realize they are the problem. . If they were not doing it wrong no one would be threatening them . Mandates where they in there election promises ? did they mention those? The more they say anti vaxxers the more pissed of people get. He is fueling his own fire. He needs to take responsibility for his own actions.

Maybe listen to the people and jump parties while you can. Oh that’s right no body else wants you

Try being honest with the public first. That might help. This guy announced he is a socialist after the election. If he’d done it before the election might be a different story

Would love to know how much tax payer money is being wasted on security for the labour government all up. She has more security than any other pm in living history.

It’s not just anti vax people at all. Even vaccinated are in these protests, people have had enough of lockdowns plus it’s more anti government!!

Maybe look at what they are doing that has caused the anger and stop doing it . Bloody morons

Well… Push people to their limits then I guess this is what happens… Anywho I take what all those liars say with a grain of salt… Sensationalise everything to try get their people to take an experiment to align with their agenda… Bound to happen. ????????‍♀️

NZ governemnt trying to stir up division similiar to in the USA a year ago…..Diversion like this being reported suggests that the people’s growing criticism is starting to impact their agenda.

The guy found listening to angry frustrated voters confronting. Oh dear. Get another job then. I suspect he will be unemployed in 2023 anyway.

You’re a politition..your job is “confronting”…See more

Growing anger????. So you expect to create unjust immoral laws against law abiding citizens, force them out of their jobs that provide for their families , once again scapegoat and villify innocent people just as Joseph Goebbels wrote

For the millionth time, PRO feckin CHOICE! Many have had the vax (under coercion, threat of loss of livelihood etc) they are fighting for their right to choose, we should NEVER be put in this position; take an experimental vaccine with no long term data, doesn’t stop someone getting a virus or spreading it but if you don’t get the jab you are a second class citizen, this isn’t just about the vaccine now, it is the erosion of people’s rights to choose in a democracy, we can’t force an MP to take a vaccine as they were democratically elected; well guess what, we were the ones that democratically elected them so what about OUR rights? Once again the government and the media are unable to read the room.

My beef is the clandestine removal of democracy in our parliament but you McAlnulty will dismiss me as anti -vax and anti-mandates…I will put it in LARGE CAPITAL LETTERS on my flag on Sunday …see if you can’t read…I don’t want totalitarism or you or Jacinda….I will support all NZers and especially our farmers…see if you can’t seperate those things….instead of spreading misinformation.

No just people with common sense Mike Hosking Breakfast who have had enough of the lies and fear mongering

If you can’t handle the uproar of the country then perhaps you need to adjust your agenda. The people are tired of this BS!!

It’s not just anti vax people at all. Even vaccinated are in these protests, people have had enough of lockdowns plus it’s more anti government!!

Maybe look at what they are doing that has caused the anger and stop doing it . Bloody morons

Well… Push people to their limits then I guess this is what happens… Anywho I take what all those liars say with a grain of salt… Sensationalise everything to try get their people to take an experiment to align with their agenda… Bound to happen. ????????‍♀️

Confronting?? You’re a politition..your job is “confronting”. How “confronting” is a govt that mandates one and only one vax is for you..no choice when theres plenty of vax to choose from..How confronting is it to be locked down because you’re not sick. How “confronting” is it to have your Bill of Rights nullified. How “confronting” is it to have your protection from unlawful search removed”. How confronting is it to have a govt appointed official come in your premises without your invitation to look for a disease with a 97.7% recovery rate…?

Growing anger????. So you expect to create unjust immoral laws against law abiding citizens, force them out of their jobs that provide for their families , once again scapegoat and villify innocent people just as Joseph Goebbels wrote and all unscientific for a experimental vaccine that doesn’t work and is proving harmful and expect people , New Zealanders who in all the wars this country has sent it’s citizens to fight for , not a New Zealand family without a relative that sacrificed , will just bend over and take it ?. You better believe we are bloody angry at this governments and other parties continued lies and deceit that effects the foundations of our society . You the media have no honor or self respect in the fact you don’t report truth or facts anymore , just the narrative of what your puppet master wants people to think . 1984 is more than a book now.

Time she was put out to pasture, she’s done nothing but divide and create conflict .. Everything that you do has repercussions. It comes back to you one way or another. You will see the long-term effects of your actions

Its only gonna get worse for these ()*^%. and its not only what they call the anti v,ers. but just everyday New Zealanders.

Maybe they should mind their own business and get on with their own lives! Then they would have nothing to worry about!

Neither he nor his Dear Leader can handle dissent or robust debate. When you stop listening to and debating/engaging the other side and resort to name calling then expect a reaction.

Didn’t Old Hilary Clinton call have the voter population “deplorables”? They turfed her out on her butt.

That’s just the tip. Nz have had enough of labours communist ways and wasting taxpayers money blundering clowns

Stop saying anti vaccers that is where you start going wrong!! It is a decisive put down of people who have looked at evidence from here and abroad and have decided this particular vaccine is not for them. You compound the problem by then accusing them of violent intent just because you feel uncomfortable with the amount of passion and conviction coming from that group.

Mr Hosking and that horrible Dupliss-Allan woman are irresponsibly promoting disharmony in society and that is putting a lot of people at risk from anti vaccination nutters,

Protecting themselves by beefing up security is ALWAYS a sign that they know what they are doing is wrong.

Suck it up buttercup! If people are so angry maybe you should stop and think about why! You reap what you sow. Of course people are angry. The labour government have destroyed democracy in this country!

Anti vaxers really !!!

Best PM ever, go labour

I smell a false flag event.

This guy has to be joking, I didn’t even know he existed until now. I’m pretty sure he and his team are pretty safe, maybe trying to put themselves across as some sort of victim or something.

Not anti Vax. I’d say rightly so. Everyone’s now pretty much anti labours disregard for Freedom of Choice, disregard of Human Rights! Do the decent thing and resign!

Did Steven Joyce go crying to mum when he got hit in the chops with a dildo?? You reap what you sow buddy! Man up or shut up!!

Oh Dear , the Nasty Socialists are Scared .


All I can say, we the people of NZ will never ever forget what you politicians have done. So be afaird, for sometime to come.

So it’s LABOUR folk who are fearful!! A dose of fear for them might be good for NZ.

Toughen up sunshine . Start listening to the people and do your job because in two years time you will be clearing your locker out .

And so you should be. Because obviously everyone is pissed off at the mandates and lockdowns. …See more

Pay it out of your own money.. if your that concern.. please what a joke

Here it goes again, it’s much more than the vax. Why don’t they listen, it’s our rights goung

It is not tin foil anti vaxxers they need to worry about, it is everyone that doesn’t like democracy being ignored. Just look at how many people these clowns have pissed off with the three waters scam. A smart government would be doing things in the best interests of all the people not trying to piss them off.

All a bunch of whimps and all their doing. Its not all vax but our freedom

If you can’t stand the heat, get out if the kitchen.

Nutty McNulty crawl back to your socialist hole you dicky waker

Desperately seeking political Marxist seeking Cop to selflessly take a dildo to the face for the socialist revolution!

When I was young I got taught in life that you reap what you sow.

The media and government lie about everything. Why would this be any different?

Sook…generalising all punters who’ve had a gutsful as antivx

Really, what did they expect. Of course people are angry, doesn’t mean anyone would attack them

It’s anger over coercion and divisiveness of this clueless and incompetent government. It’s anger over 22,000 plus businesses gone to the wall. It’s anger over taking 5,000 refugees ahead of 30,000+ homeless NZers. It’s anger over increasing child poverty when they were meant to decrease it. Etc etc ????

What has happened to the laid back easy going kiwi so easily upset these days. The younger crowd have become so precious

Politics Haha, what a p**fter.

Suck it up princess! You want to support mandating and controlling peoples life’s then ya better have more than eyes in the back of your head

You made your bed McNulty. Gleefully declaring your allegiance to your comrades earlier this year, suck it up Buttercup. You deserve the full heat of the nation upon your arse for yours and your parties stand.

She won’t recognise that NZ don’t want her in charge of the country, her days are numbered we just need to keep the pressure on

They should not be worried about thier safety but where they are going to work after Royal commission of inquiry and the next election ????

It’s not just about Vaccine. It’s been built up by all your reckless policies one after another one after another one after another nearly every week, people are frustrated and sick of it. Yes the challenge time is coming, but what have they done to prepare? build more hospital beds? training more staff to cope? Not really, instead spent 2 billion Covid fund on Three Waters which the majority of people opposed.

Harden up buttercup

Cry baby, he got cornered the other day and had nowhere to hide and definitely no credible answers. The gentleman told him he has blood on his hands and he’d been indicted. Our politicians are a disgrace in this country, not one standing up to the tyranny. Who are they really working for? Wake up NZ

If the people of the country you are in charge of maintaining and running are getting angry at you for something then maybe you are doing something wrong and should start listening instead of only doing what you want..

He’s a complete twat

It’s just the beginning mate. Someone will crack

Maybe they should consider trying to take away peoples rights and freedoms.

A politician used to have these discussions with his constituents all the time, not run home to mommy and whine about not having any answers

You & your cohorts have brought all this on yourselves, if you can’t handle the repercussions ( they’re going to get worse) consider leaving labour now, extra security isn’t the solution, you people have really pis- – d this country off , big time.

well the basterds need to stop with the separatism crap . . they tried just the last couple of months back with the race thing and maori were better than you guess who but then covid farked that up big time . . i hope no school pupils have caught covid from double jabbed teachers. . wtf is next unjabbed kids won’t be allowed on school grounds . .

OMG …. what a complete pansy!! No one knows who you are and wouldn’t recognise you in a gay club. Actually …. Chris Bishop probably would.

It’s not anti vax it’s freedom and choices that have been taken away THATS THE ANGER !

Pussies you screw us over now play victim boo hoo cry babies … grow a bloody back bone and face us and what you have caused ????????????????????????

Take a concrete pill and harden up.

I think this Muppet should be more concerned about why people are so brassed off

You reap what you sow bouy !

I guess its what happens when the people have had enough of tyranny, they will rise up against you. The Socialists should look and learn from their own history.

It’s a pity the totalitarians wouldn’t try working for the people instead of pushing their twisted UN agenda. What right do any of the fools think they have the right to force an experimental jab on us when we know it’s not working. It’s killing people instead of saving them. It provides no protection what so ever. It is massed genocide

Ruuuuuunnn forest Ruuuuuunn!! Don’t poke the bear if you can’t handle the consequences???????? YOU helped create this so YOU can suffer just as much as we have!! I’d be running too if I was you ????

Not anti vax pro choice – poor wee fella – whats the matter cant you handle the people of new zealand telling you that your as much use as a wet rag and turning this country into a joke and division – roll out the drama carpet mate but watch it you may trip up over it sooner rather than later

Hopefully this poor excuse for an apology that is so ignorant he wouldn’t know when he was bored is gone at the next election.

Maybe the labour mps are starting to understand the spin doctors aren’t working and the security might be a better use of money

You won’t have to worry about it after the next election because your going to lose your seat

No nutts mcnulty. Perhaps a hug from Cindy might help, thats if she still gives those out these days?

I saw the interview by the pro-choice questioner & all he was doing was asking about the adverse effects & deaths from the jab both worldwide & in New Zealand..McAnulty wouldn’t answer his questions & did a Jacinda & said he was rude & wanted to close the interview..McAnulty was cold & divisive & wouldn’t answer questions that strayed from the official mundane government narrative even when presented with scientific evidence coupled with medical references & research..He was devious & shamed the truth

Have a conversation with the people who pay your salary. Stop dodging, ducking, diving and denying issues and questions exist!!!! Absolute pussy ????????????????

Cut it out be a man majority have been vaxxed give us out rights like australia they had a target for freedoms and a date which moved forward as they were quicker than anticipated

Why do you keep using the term “anti vax”? It’s hate speech. Try pro choice.

Where were you & other Labour mp when national mp got attacked…But soon as it happens to you, you want something done

All your party’s making you proud socialist…

“maybe people are getting wound up” maybe should have said “waking up”. You remove the right for people to work, remove their rights and freedoms and liberties so they are losing livelihoods and much more and expect people to thank you and just obey? Hmmm ????

Thought title was ‘Labour Whimp’ lol.. these ‘guys’ drama queens.

They should review the security of the public from politicians.

What the hell did these clowns expect!!

Haha Labour’s whip (or is that whimp) getting whipped.

What would they (Labour MPs) expect…lollypops!?! Their naivety astounds me.

What a whimp!! Your govt has inflicted all this pain on NZers and you have to stand up and confront what youve done! Dont hide away behind security – be accountable!!

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  1. Gosh I hadn’t seen this before!

    What a joke. People didn’t have a choice. Take the vaccine or lose your job ISNT a choice. It’s coercion. The Bill of Rights is a joke and this govt and it’s brown shirts are corrupt and cruel.


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