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NZ study claims COVID jabs ‘saved thousands of lives’; US study says it killed more than it saved

COVID studies news

A recent study published in the medical journal Vaccine, co-authored by New Zealand statistician Professor Michael Plank claims COVID ‘vaccines’ significantly mitigated the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic during the Omicron phase.

The study says the mRNA gene therapy marketed to the public as a COVID ‘vaccine’ prevented between 4,000 and 12,000 deaths and reduced hospitalisations by 34,000 to 56,000 in New Zealand over an 18-month period starting January 2022.

According to the paper, New Zealand’s elimination strategy allowed for widespread vaccination before exposure to the virus, contributing to ‘one of the world’s lowest pandemic mortality rates.’

The study highlighted disparities in vaccination rates between Māori and Pākehā populations, noting that equalizing Māori vaccination rates could have prevented up to a quarter of the nearly 300 Māori deaths recorded.

The research received partial funding from the New Zealand Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Ministry of Health.

US study says COVID jabs killed more people than they saved

Meanwhile a non-state funded peer-reviewed US study in the Cureaus journal has raised significant concerns about the efficacy and safety of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

The research scrutinized initial phase 3 trial reports and other studies, finding the vaccines’ effectiveness to be substantially lower than the companies’ claims. The study argues that the vaccines, under conservative assumptions, caused nearly 14 times more deaths than they saved, prompting the researchers to call for a global halt on their use and their removal from childhood immunisation schedules.

Children, who face a very low risk from COVID-19 but a noted risk of permanent heart damage from the vaccines, are highlighted as a group for whom vaccination is particularly unethical.

The study critiques the trial reports for focusing on relative risk reduction while neglecting absolute risk reduction, which provides a more meaningful measure of clinical utility. According to the study, the absolute risk reduction offered by the vaccines is minimal, necessitating the vaccination of a large number of individuals to prevent a single case of COVID-19.

The authors also point out significant safety concerns, noting a higher incidence of serious adverse events among vaccine recipients than initially reported by the FDA. The study attributes numerous cardiovascular, neurological, and other health issues to the vaccines, suggesting a need for more rigorous assessment consistent with scientific standards for vaccine safety. Furthermore, the study comments on the mismatch between the vaccines evaluated in trials and those administered globally, raising questions about the safety and efficacy of the vaccination campaign.

The authors urged a reevaluation of the use and regulatory approval of mRNA gene therapy ‘vaccines’.

Image credit: Mufid Majnun

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  1. Don’t know anyone who died from COVID, know a bunch who have medical problems after the injections.
    I know what I know, take it or leave it…..

  2. More “trust the science.”.

    The only way to tell if vaccines really saved more people is to look at the number of people who died who were also vaccinated against those who died who were unvaccinated and then normalize against the vaccinated/unvaccinated population size and present the numbers as n per 100,000.

    If that were done honestly, I would expect that the unvaccinated come out with a lower mortality rate, i.e. better survival rate, because one effect of the COVID vaccine is to collapse the immune system which then makes one more vulnerable to anything.

    • Exactly. No shots, no covid, no flu, these past 4 years Michael you twat. Other non vaxxed I know, either no covid or mild covid once. Not repeat infections like the people who keep going back for more.

      Show us the data Michael. Not robust estimates used for modelling

    • Exactly.

      In other words they just made up some numbers to make the jab look “effective”.

      Truly ridiculous and a very obvious scientific fraud.

  3. Y happen but looks like a huge smoke screwy life in the future when everyone figures out the corruption and the age done. Y happen but looks like a huge smoke screwy life in the future when everyone figures out the corruption and the age done.

    `we’re are being lied to again. When are we going to wake d call all this bs. Not sure who is behind it but is a huge group. Was hoping Winston’s inquiry was going to exposes things but it just another smoke screen.
    Can’t wait for the truth. Will be a very sca

  4. From the “Methods, Mathmatical model” part of the study;

    “Here, we use a validated mathematical model of SARS-CoV-2 transmission dynamics and health impact in New Zealand to estimate the number of hospitalisations and deaths that were prevented by vaccines between January 2022 and June 2023. This corresponds to the time period in which the Omicron family of variants was dominant [15]. The model uses robust estimates for the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine against infection, severe disease and death caused by Omicron variants”

    What an absolute load of bollocks! Uses robust estimates, yeah good one. Michael Planks’ modelling has been well off through covid. Why would his models be correct now.

    And the people who would be happy to segregate the unvaxxed again will lap it up.

    Oh, for decent media that would press him on his fakery

  5. Both papers are available online.
    The six authors of the Vaccine paper are all experienced with analysing data.
    Their various academic positions are:
    • Population Modelling group, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Wellington, New Zealand
    • School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
    • Manaaki Whenua, Lincoln, New Zealand
    • Department of Engineering Science, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
    • Precision Driven Health, Auckland, New Zealand
    • Department of Statistics, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
    • iNZight Analytics Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand
    Their data sources are described in the paper.
    Of the Cureus paper, as David H. Gorski, MD, PhD, FACS – Managing Editor of Science-Based Medicine, Professor of Surgery and Oncology at the Wayne State University School of Medicine and a surgical oncologist at the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute says:
    “Antivaxxers just published another antivax review about “lessons learned” claiming that COVID-19 vaccines cause more harm than good. Yawn”
    He also says: “Right off the bat, I knew that this article had to be a steaming mass … given that over half of its authors are among the most bonkers antivaxxers whom I’ve been discussing since the pandemic hit four years ago.”
    Read Gorski’s full critique (under Orac) at:

    • Pathetic comment douglasr. Just an ad hominem attack on the highly regarded authors of an independent peer-reviewed paper. As Winston Churchill once said, the ad hominem attack is the last refuge of the prize idiot. So that makes you a prize idiot!!

      • Several of the authors are well-known COVID-19 science contrarians and are not highly regarded in that field (despite success elsewhere) even by their former academic colleagues.
        The journal Cureus receives mixed reviews as a source of well researched epidemiology.
        As for slagging me as a prize idiot, doesn’t that reflect Churchill’s aphorism directly back on to yourself?

        • I didn’ call you a prize idiot, Winston Churchill did – you are the subject of mockery even from those in their grave. Your comments on these highly regarded independent scientists are nothing but pathetic office gossip conspiracy theories because you’re unable to rebutt the science, so you resort to ad hominem defamatory attacks, a sure sign of an inadequate personality disorder

    • Computer modelling is not a scientific study. The author can input anything to get any result, Secondly, the fact plank’s ‘study’ has been funded by the government automatically discredits its authority. Thirdly, I’d rather be an antivaxxer any day over myocarditis and turbo cancer. Us ‘antivaxxers’ are still here alive and well while the jabbed clowns won’t be around much longer.

    • Hey ho, douglasr. Remember how in 2022 RNZ had a Covid by the Numbers feature that gave daily us updates on Everything Covid And Covid Vaccine Related? I remember Farrah Hancock was in charge. The cases, the regions, the hospitalizations, the deaths. The Covid vaccine uptake by region and number of doses…lots and lots of loverly data. Especially interesting was the Bouncing Balls Graph that compared the varying levels of vaccinated ( per 100000 of population). Around about May 2022 that was discontinued….around about the time that it was clear that there was little difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated…and indeed the boosted were slightly ahead on hospitalizations and deaths.

      It was also becoming clear that there were more cases of Covid in the regions boasting high vaccine uptake.

      Then there was the cases of Covid in the theoretically 100 % vaccinated occupations ….leading to severe strain on hospitals and school closures. (you might also want to think about why other mandated occupations are experiencing crises in recruitment and retention of frontline workers).

      “Fear is the mind-killer…” and without a doubt the goverment and their well funded stenographers in MSM broadcast terror on a daily basis …. so it is understandable that so many suspended their ability to think for themselves. And we were told explicitly not to.
      Think about that for a minute.

  6. The ONLY way to do this correctly is to provide the raw data: Who died and when (no names of course) with ages, existing comorbidities, sex (male or female), when they received their vaccine and boosters and what they died of.

    Let the people analyze the data. We can do it. We are motivated and intelligent. We do not like or consent to being patronized. We will generate our own conclusions. What are you afraid of, leaders? Perhaps we will generate a conclusion that represents the truth? Perhaps then we will stray from the “manicured narrative” that has been given to us and find objective truth. Surely, that is the ONLY way forward for humanity.

  7. Prof Jeffrey Morris, director, biostatistics division of public health and preventative medicine at the University of Pennsylvania says of Steve Kirsch’s claim that leaked data from the New Zealand government “prove” that the vaccines have killed on average 1 person for every 1,000 doses, or when extrapolated to the entire world, about 13 million people is not valid.
    Morris says that even if the underlying data are accurate, they can’t be used to make causal claims about the vaccines, that Kirsch’s methods are flawed and based on invalid assumptions and his interpretations run counter to existing evidence.
    He says of Kirsch that his methodology is extremely ad hoc and arbitrary and wrong in very specific ways.
    Morris also observes that the only way people can try to argue excess deaths are driven by vaccinations is when they take the times in which major waves of covid deaths occurred and try to spin an argument it relates to earlier vaccines and not the actual documented major wave of covid infections and deaths that coincide with it.
    From data all over the world the excess deaths are most concentrated in spikes corresponding to the respective major covid waves in the local areas.
    Anti covid vaccine arguments require complete denial of danger of covid infection, and often use this tactic of finding a way to take the covid deaths during the documented infection waves and trying to link them to the vaccines.
    See more at:


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