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Monday, March 10, 2025

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NZDSOS doctors win appeals against suspension of Practising Certificates

In a brief announcement on Telegram last Friday, NZDSOS announced that Dr. Matt Shelton and Dr. Peter Canaday have won their appeals against suspension of their Practising Certificates.

The appeal was won against the Medical Council of New Zealand. The ruling will be published in due course.

Update to follow.

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  1. If there is any decency, the (un)Health Minister and the Doomfield in charge will resign. This is not going to happen and instead, they will spend a few more millions to litigate further and bribe the legacy media to do more propaganda.

    • Yes I am sick and tired of working to pay for wastage of govt money. None of these people are accountable.

      We need a complete new system because the current one is broken beyond repair and full of people who have no real world experience outside of their public service (ironic name) echo chamber.

      • In 2005, government heath expenditure was 5.6% of the GDP. It slowly creeped up to 9.5% before the pandemic. I suspect that it would have become much higher after the pandemic. Much of the extra spending is ending up with big pharma. We wont see any better health outcomes at all even after spending 10% of GDP on health in a normal (covid-free) year.

        Voting public are told this expenditure shift is for your own good by the legacy media.

        • Yip, and big pharma aren’t interested in “curing” jack squat.

          A patient cured is a customer lost.

          The games will continue.

          • So true. People dont seem to take responsibility for themselves these days. They think a quick fix or pill will undo the damage they have inflicted on themselves and they get others to pay for it via their taxes.

      • Yep I agree!!

        If, If everyone in NZ said stuff you Govt and all went home.refused to work, Pay bills, pay taxes, refused all the Govt bullsh?t.
        How long would it take for them to back down!!!
        WE hold the power as A Team of 5million, but sadly only a few of us realise this!!

  2. Good now time to let them get back to treating patients and to reinstate all the other fine doctors who put morals before anything else.

    • Newshub needs to be sued into Zimbabwe-level bankruptcy for running Pravda harassment campaigns and undercover sting operations on honest doctors, just trying to help their innocent (and rightly concerned) patients beat the mandates, hold onto their jobs and keep food on the table.

      How anyone who works there can look themselves in the mirror is beyond me. You’re all awful human beings, Newshub ????

      • All the MSM are total disgrace. Kristin Hall from Stuff is one the worst. She comes out with hit pieces like the latest one. She must be one the highest paid propagandist. If you follow her twitter posts, she replies to the brainwashed that agree with her and completely silent when people rebutt her. She has nothing to factual to say.

        All this myth that NZDers are good , kind and empathetic people has now been blown out of the water. I have never seen such deceitful, hateful and self righteous mob ever. It’s only the very small minority that have shown immense courage under fire and continue to fight for EVERY NZDers (including the jabbed) freedoms.

      • Yeah not just newshub though. Add Stuff, NZHerald, TVNZ, Seven Sharp the whole disgusting lot of them. How do they sleep at night? Or look their kids in the eye?


  3. I dont watch or read MSM propaganda any more. Alternative news media and some social media postings, both pro and against, helps to make a good judgement on most matters.

    Truth is never told but learnt.

  4. We must dissolve the NZ Medical Council. We must also get out of the WHO, and we must get rid of Doomfield’s position. We must change this system so it can NEVER DO THIS AGAIN to this country. Only then will NZ be a “world leader” and all the complicit in msm and this parliament, must be held accountable and all of them sued to Zimbabwe level of bankruptcy…. ALL OF THEM.


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