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NZDSOS: Stuff’s latest COVID-19 ‘witch hunt’ includes medical errors

Dr Caroline Wheeler news

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) respond to a recent article about Dr. Caroline Wheeler published on legacy MSM outlet Stuff.co.nz.

DTNZ republishes the NZDSOS media release in full:

A ‘witch hunt’ in the media leading to an article filled with medical errors and mischaracterisations about Dr Caroline Wheeler was recently published in yet another hit piece by Stuff.

Stuff journalist Amy Ridout claims Dr Wheeler gave a patient a ‘fake exemption downloaded from an anti-vaccination site PROMIC’ without referencing the site for the reader to judge for themselves.

This article, along with many others, assists in the increasing erosion of the right for medical doctors to practice as independent clinicians, performing clinical assessments and making individualised recommendations without media or government intimidation. “Every doctor and every current or future patient should be concerned by this appropriation of clinical medicine”, said an NZDSOS spokesperson.

Medicine by government decree is already beginning to feature in NZ. A recent change to the Medicines Act allows the Director General of Health to authorise the use of provisionally consented Comirnaty vaccine to patients without the need for a consultation with a doctor and without a personalised risk-benefit assessment being made.

“Doctors write medical certificates all the time expressing their professional opinion. The whole idea of an exemption written solely by a single non-treating, non-clinical doctor is unprecedented and contrary to what most would consider good medical practice” said the
NZDSOS spokesperson. Prior to a law change in early November 2021 all doctors and other health care providers could issue valid vaccine exemptions. The date of this supposed ‘fake exemption’ is not documented.

Acting ethically in accordance with the NZ Medical Council (NZMC), the Health and Disabilities Code and the Hippocratic Oath, Dr Wheeler continues to research international studies and reports on the treatment of Covid-19, “so patients can make informed decisions about what is best for them”, said Dr Wheeler. This due diligence is essential in ensuring her patients receive evidence-based information about the safest and most effective treatments available, so they can make informed decisions themselves about what is best for them.

In 2022, Stuff continues to claim that there is “not enough evidence” for the use of Ivermectin in the treatment of COVID-19. Ms Ridout quotes Dr Bryan Betty, one of Pfizer’s main proponents in New Zealand, (a conflict of interest perhaps?) and an Australian epidemiologist studying diabetes who promotes a certain Covid-19 paradigm, for her ‘evidence’ against Dr Wheeler’s practice.

Epidemiologists do not talk to or see patients, nor do they make clinical decisions about
medications with patients.

In contrast, Dr Wheeler quotes independent and world-renowned clinical experts as reference points for her practice. Most people who have asked Dr Wheeler for assistance in preparing themselves for Covid have done an enormous amount of private research and regularly quote the works of Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Tess Lawrie, Dr Pierre Kory and Dr Paul Marik to name a few.

Ms Ridout refers to another Stuff article (not medical research) as evidence that “ivermectin is not proven as a treatment for Covid-19”. In fact the efficacy and, more importantly, the safety profile of Ivermectin is well established. It is FDA approved, has been used for almost four decades, given to more than 3 billion people with minimal reported side effects, and is on the World Health Organisation Essential Medicines list.

In claiming that Dr Wheeler used a “high dose” for her patient, Dr Betty and Ms Ridout
perhaps don’t understand that different diseases warrant different doses of the same drug.

The prescription in question was within Covid-19 treatment protocol recommendations. It should also be pointed out that the dose initially quoted by Stuff was completely inaccurate and misleading, using micrograms instead of milligrams.

Finishing off her assassination attempt, Ms Ridout dug into Stuff’s archives for the worst possible photos of Dr Wheeler, from 9 years ago. Her house had just been condemned in the floods—you’ll notice the backdrop of flood destruction behind her. Oh Amy, do you not have a compassionate bone in your body?

Is this the new age of “kindness” now being promoted?

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  1. “Medical error”? STUFF is a paid propaganda mercenary media. There are always omissions and commissions in a propaganda hit piece. There is no expertise in any of the stenographic write-ups, which are often borrowed from the big MSM agents starting from Reuters to NYT, and the press releases supplied to them. No serious effort is made to verify the truthfulness of the claims, represent both sides of the arguments at all. The agenda is alrewady set for propaganda and so they push a narrative so that they get paid. Evil does not call itself as evil but pretends to be Good. We are talking about a media mercenary group which sells user data to big Tech and work on clicks maximisation by publishing sexually explicit articles from time to time in the name of “health” and “well being”. Slimy satanists really.

  2. Ivermectin helps to prevent and it has to be taken before it gets serious. Watch the video below which shows a small country winning against all odds.

    Max Blumenthal interviews Sonia Castro, lead advisor to the President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, on the Sandinista government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Castro explains why, despite heavy criticism, her government did not follow World Health Organization guidance to lock down the population and instead kept schools and businesses open. She also discusses her government’s guidance to prescribe off-patent early treatments against Covid and its ongoing, Cuban and Russian-assisted national vaccination campaign. This interview was conducted in Managua in February 2022.

  3. As I mentioned in an earlier post, to be a Stuff journalist requires a particular ethos or spirit. The spirit of the destroyer. It is without dignity or compassion but relentless malevolence. When we stand back to analyse it we will see it for what it is, incarnate evil. But the thing that saddens me most of all is the fact that I never thought I would be saying such a thing about a New Zealand journalist. Yes Doc, your fears have been realised, hades is upon us: and the truth has been exiled to another place…

    • Uumm, let me think, arrr, umm no you’ve got me there. The only word that comes to mind is propaganda but it couldn’t be that eh….

  4. Stuff’s credibility is now at less than zero. Their wilful ignorance and malicious distortion of reality is beyond the pale.
    I cannot understand how these ‘journalists’ manage to sleep at night.

  5. I applaud Daily Telegraph for their unbiased publishing and for their integrity in publishing the truth. Daily Telegraph are the only true, untarnished journalists and newspaper in New Zealand. Stuff and all the others are corrupt and destructive and are printing the government’s dictatorial propaganda falsehoods. They should be ashamed of themselves. Keep up the good work Daily Telegraph. You are heroes

  6. I don’t bother reading Ugly Stuff any longer, they’ve overplayed their hand with their lynch mob and entirely unscientific reporting. Guess they’re from or support the PM’s School of Kindness. Reading their articles feels like trying to find something nourishing from a fetid rubbish bin fallen over in the street, rats and stray dogs had a go at during the night.


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