New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science (NZDSOS) has issued an urgent appeal to senior politicians and health officials, calling for the immediate suspension of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in light of alarming findings regarding synthetic DNA contamination.
The email, forwarded alongside a letter originally addressed to Australian MP Russell Broadbent and other Australian MPs, asserts that the contamination is linked to potentially grave health risks, including cancer, autoimmune diseases, and persistent genetic disruption. NZDSOS argues that these concerns demand urgent attention from New Zealand’s COVID-19 vaccine decision-makers.
The group highlighted findings that fragments of synthetic DNA, including sequences from the cancer-associated SV40 virus, have been identified in vaccine recipients’ bloodstreams and are suspected of integrating into their genomes.
Citing a Yale study, NZDSOS warns that these remnants persist in the body for up to two years, possibly triggering indefinite spike protein production. NZDSOS also referenced ongoing issues, such as white clot phenomena and amyloidosis linked to vaccine administration, and criticized regulatory bodies like Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) for allegedly downplaying these risks.
The email, addressed to Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, calls on New Zealand authorities to investigate these claims immediately and to halt vaccine rollout until conclusive studies confirm or refute the potential dangers. Those copied into the email included:
- Winston Peters, Deputy Prime Minister
- Dr Shane Reti, Minister of Health
- David Seymour, Leader of ACT
- Brooke van Velden, Minister of Internal Affairs
- Judith Collins KC, Attorney General
- Chris Hipkins, Leader of Labour Party
- Chris James, Group Manager Medsafe
- Joan Simeon, CEO MCNZ
- Rachelle Love, Chair of MCNZ
- Ian Town, Chief Science Advisor MoH
- Diana Sarfati, NZ Director-General of Health
- Stephen Rainbow, Chief Human Rights Commissioner
- Dame Cindy Kiro, Governor-General of New Zealand
- Morag McDowell, Health & Disability Commissioner
- Helen Stokes-Lampard, Chief Medical Officer Health NZ
- Richard Chambers, Police Commissioner
- Una Jagose, NZ Solicitor-General
- Phil Knipe, Chief Legal Advisor Ministry of Health
- Dr Allan Freeth, Chief Executive EPA
- Dr Chris Hill, General Manager EPA
- Helen Winkelmann, Chief Justice
- Judge Anna Tutton, Chief Coroner
- Grant Illingworth KC, RCI Commissioner
- Judy Kavanagh, RCI Commissioner
- Anthony Hill, RCI Commissioner
Full text of NZDSOS email to the PM
We send this email very urgently, as the seriousness of the situation coming to light demands. We urge you to read despite its inconvenient timing.
Please find below the full text of an urgent letter just sent to Australian authorities. The contents apply equally to, and demand the immediate attention of, New Zealand covid vaccine decision makers.
You have received our recent letters of concern on DNA contamination of New Zealand and Australian vials of Pfizer Cominarty, as well as Open Letters from the attached letter’s author, NZ lawyer Katie Ashby-Koppens, and genetics expert Dr Guy Hatchard. All are archived at NZDSOS.com. Some were couriered for recorded delivery.
This left-over contaminant DNA, from the entirely alternative process used to make a different product to the one submitted to Medsafe for provisonal consent, contains genetic code, including from a known cancer-causing virus called SV40. This code seems to be showing up in human tumours post-vaccine.
You will note Australia’s TGA has attempted to deny, obfuscate and now downplay the implications, whilst internal emails reveal they do appreciate the risks being uncovered. Further, the TGA has now been caught hiding vaccine deaths – perhaps unsurprisingly, as it claims in court it has no duty to Australian citizens.
Now, and even more alarmingly, a Yale study has found that these remnants are found in patients up to 2 years after they were injected. Almost certainly this means that this DNA has integrated into the nuclear genome of some cells, which are then co-opted to make the spike protein and these other foreign particles indefinitely. Cell death, autoimmune disease and cancers are highly possible results.
It is not possible to overstate the dangers these findings represent, and surely there must be someone in government able and prepared to understand the implications and act to withdraw these products immediately, until you can fully investigate, to confirm or refute this work.
If you continue to cover up this reality, relying on the media to keep silent at your behest, and all the while promoting this genetic product as safe whilst the government dismantles existing protections to usher in a brave new world of ‘She’ll be right science’, you will ensure an enduring legacy of failure and spectacular damage that will haunt your descendants forever – which parallels the forever damage to the bodies and genetic line of many injected New Zealanders.
Prime Minister, relevant Ministers, Medsafe and all responsible others who could be in the crosshairs of an outraged NZ population, we beseech you to read the letter below and act accordingly.
Additionally, since our last letter on the white clot phenomena, there is further confirmation of a brand new condition of the blood called amyloidosis. Usually seen in the body’s organs, this is an horrific development that we have been alerting you to since 2022. Our letters to you and medical colleges are unanswered also, but recent lab tests fit the bill for amyloid. The implications are beyond serious. We can demonstrate the amyloid clots and their analysis to anyone who wishes.
The complete capture of the ship of State by a single external narrative has been a disaster – as well articulated by DNA plasmid research Kevin Mckernan today – and it is time to start fixing it. The medical results – corrupting the human genome and clogging up the blood – are surely as bad is it gets, and likely why the health system is on its knees and so many human beings are dying and diseased.
They will surely not have a Happy Christmas, and we hope you spend yours thinking and acting to do some good.
Letter to Australian MPs
The letter to Australian MPs can be downloaded here.
Bill Gates knew this, he is a murderer.
The NZ corporate state government, like all the other western corporate state governments, are in the “for profit” democide business.
NZ govt complicit with crimes against humanity.
Wait till RFK gets going. Days away.
“Just following orders boss” ain’t going to cut it.
You RATS need jump off the sinking ship now and whistle blow or else. That is if you want any chance of escaping handcuffs.
Clock is ticking.
We don’t have a government in New Zealand, we have corporate, pro US governors, who don’t answer to we, the people of New Zealand. They and their henchmen and women have demonstrated that, for decades.
If you want real government move to Russia, Iceland, Serbia, Slovakia and the like.
Russia, yes. I’m not sure about the others.
Hungary with Orban in charge – he seems like a “white hat” and sensible – so I would say Hungary also.
Seems like it is Russia and the Eastern EU countries that seem more sensible and honest as to what is going on.
Vucic is Soros’s puppet so Serbia should not be on that list.
It is very hard to respect our mainstream government and media for the lack of questions, the lack of real science, and the hiding of statistics that would show the harm being caused. This is not the definition of public servants.
We have known for years now, what’s happened, absolutely nothing, it’s all about protecting biotechnology, nothing about protecting New Zealand citizens from these psychopaths that value profit over safety.
Even our jabbed up friends are fully aware of what the government has done to them, truth cannot be suppressed forever.
Sorry people, I have moved on. I have learnt to trust nobody at all – and that unfortunately includes DTNZ who would seek to manipulate me for their political or other purposes.
I only ever applied basic science from the very beginning and I took great care to be objective. All of my decisions were based on science and will continue to be based on science in future.
I never got any of those silly jabs. And I only refer to them as silly jabs because I could not find any evidence anywhere to even hint that they might be vaccines.
If they change the definitions of vaccines then I simply ignore them and won’t listen to their bull. I don’t trust anybody who need to change basic definitions and this includes any government who introduce sneak changes to definitions without the knowledge of the people.
I now fear that my fundamental and obvious love for freedom has been captured by the far-right and that’s why I’m wary of supporters of this site despite my ability to scientifically fortify the conclusions that the narrative from big pharma are clear and obvious bull.
‘Far right’ ? Next you’ll be calling evryone a ‘deplorable’.
A left wing government mandated an experimental jab, destroying livelihoods, businesses, friendships and social cohesion, but you’re blamjng some imaginary “far right” movement for all your woes? What an idiot!
lol, you enlightened centrist you! Your post glows like Uranium.
The government really needs to start paying you guys more, the quality is slipping.
I am glad all those people have been put on notice. It is a matter of time before the wider public realise what has been done.
It is disgusting they have not already spoken up about the harms and risks, and the longer they take the worse they look. Bloody fools.
They will get no sympathy from me