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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

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NZ’s food system in “disarray”: Calls for national strategy to boost resilience

NZ Food system news

The country’s food system is facing significant challenges, with a growing need for a national food strategy to improve resilience, according to Professor Alan Renwick of Lincoln University.

Renwick told media the country’s vulnerability to price shocks, such as those experienced during the Covid-19 pandemic, which were exacerbated by a heavy reliance on imports and a concentrated agriculture system. The rising food inflation since 2021 has further strained families, showing the need to “rethink” the food system to ensure stable access to affordable food, even during crises.

Professor Renwick advocates for a comprehensive national strategy that addresses the interconnected aspects of agriculture, environment, and health to create a more resilient food system. He says the importance of diversifying food production across New Zealand to mitigate the risks associated with monocultures and regional specialisations.

Additionally, Renwick pointed to significant issues such as food waste and the hidden environmental costs of food production, urging the government to take a leading role in coordinating efforts to address these challenges and improve the country’s food security.

Image credit: Daniel Dan

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  1. My antenna always picks up when I see the word resilience used. It usually means the NWO want to change something to fit their agenda that is not in the best long term interests of we the people. Be aware.

  2. The so called government couldn’t lead a horse to water. Their ideas of enhancing our food base is GMO, which as has been seen elsewhere has been an absolute nightmare for crop growers, in particular. They are a JOKE. If you want good food, grow your own.

  3. New Zealand is basically self sufficient when it comes to food. We have all varieties of meat available, and you can grow almost any fruit and veges in our climate. We may have trouble with staple carbohydrate crops like rice or wheat, but as we all should know by now, the “food pyramid” taught for generations is actually bunk BS, and you can live quite healthily without them.

  4. “…urging the government to take a leading role…”
    LOL, none of those parasitic f***** has ever dug a garden feeding themselves.
    They wouldn’t know where food really comes from.
    They are so far removed from reality that they don’t even cook.


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