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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Operation Weirton: Police make further restraints after record interception at the border

Operation Weirton news

Police have added hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of vehicles to the ever-growing list of assets restrained under Operation Weirton.

The Operation, first terminated in March, saw a record 600 kilograms of methamphetamine seized at the border and followed with millions in assets being restrained later in the month.

Detective Senior Sergeant Eddie Evans, of the Northern Region Asset Recovery Unit, says a further four vehicles and two motorbikes were restrained today.

The four vehicles restrained included a 1968 Dodge Charger valued at $185,000. Two Harley Davidson motorbikes were also restrained – one valued at around $14,000 and the second at $25,000.

“The list of assets now subject to restraint as part of Operation Weirton continues to grow and highlights the success of the investigation to date,” says Detective Senior Sergeant Evans.

“All of the assets restrained so far, including vehicles, properties and cash, are all alleged to be the proceeds of crime. The initial drug seizure at the border had a retail value of almost $250 million.

“It’s further proof of criminals gaining wealth through selling illegal drugs have little regard for the destruction they leave in their wake.

“Today’s restraints show that even after an initial termination, Police are still looking to target those criminals who are continuing to prey on vulnerable communities and strip them of their assets.”

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Source:NZ Police

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