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Friday, June 28, 2024

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Papatoetoe robbery leaves one person seriously injured

Police are making enquiries following a robbery at a Kolmar Road store in Papatoetoe, reported around 5:45pm.

The Eagle helicopter responded to the area, however the offenders left in a vehicle prior to arrival and were not located.

One person in the store has been seriously injured after being assaulted, and was being transported to hospital.

Inspector Keki Wilson says: “Police are working to piece together exactly what occurred, we are speaking with a number of witnesses and will conduct a scene examination.”

“Violent incidents like these rightly cause concern, and Police is committed to holding offenders to account.

“Enquiries remain ongoing to locate the offenders and their vehicle,” says Inspector Wilson.

If you have any information that may assist in locating those involved please contact Police on 105 and reference event number: P059142364.

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Source:NZ Police

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  1. Man and Beast
    Another word used in contrast to Awdawm is Enosh, which is always used in a derogatory sense. Its root meaning is mortal and implies weakness, physically or morally, wretchedness. It is applied to non- White Adamic races, which are of course all pre-Adamic. It should be noted the pre-Adamic races are not limited geographically to just certain parts of the earth, but some of them are found mingled among the Adamites.
    Judaism which is communism – Tolerance diversity understanding miscegenation homosexuality comrade etc
    Hebrewism which is the true religion of the Bible – the White Adamic race (Living soul-Person-Chay Nephesh) ELOHEEM ‘formed’ (Previously existed) into the earth separate to remain separate a dichotomy a spirit and a soul
    Never allow the alien to reside within or suffer the consequences


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