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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Peters alleges KiwiRail cover-up over Aratere ferry grounding

Aratere news
Image – interislander.co.nz.

Acting Prime Minister Winston Peters has accused KiwiRail of a cover-up regarding the grounding of the Aratere ferry last month.

Peters claims the incident occurred because a crew member left the autopilot on to take a coffee break, causing the vessel to veer off course and ultimately ground.

Documents leaked to the media confirm the autopilot was involved, but no evidence supports the coffee break claim. Peters insists the public deserves immediate transparency from KiwiRail, while KiwiRail’s general manager denies any cover-up.

The Aratere is set to resume sailing from Picton to Wellington under strict safety measures. This comes after assurances from authorities that proper precautions are in place, including hand-steering and a tug escort.

KiwiRail and other officials, including Labour leader Chris Hipkins and Prime Minister Christopher Luxon have urged patience for the ongoing investigations by Maritime New Zealand and the Transport Accident Investigation Commission (TAIC). Both inquiries aim to determine the exact cause of the incident.

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  1. If it was on ‘auto-pilot’ why did it head for the bank?
    Apparently the ‘deride’ button had to be pressed in for at least 5 seconds to disengage
    A fact the crew appears oblivious to although this had been in operation for ‘years’
    We are still not being told the full story

  2. It was sabotage. An act of piracy!

    Section 92 of the crimes act 1961

    92 Piracy
    (1) Every one who does any act amounting to piracy by the law of nations, whether that act is done within or outside New Zealand,—
    (a) shall upon conviction thereof be sentenced to imprisonment for life if, in committing piracy, he or she murders, attempts to murder, or does any act likely to endanger the life of any person:
    (b) is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years in any other case.
    (2) Any act that by the law of nations would amount to piracy if it had been done on the high seas on board or in relation to a ship shall be piracy for the purposes of this section if it is done on board or in relation to an aircraft, whether the aircraft is on or above the sea or is on or above the land

  3. So KiwiRail and other officials, including Hipkins and Luxon, have joined forces so the ongoing investigations by Maritime New Zealand into themselves can take place. Birds of a feather. Every last one of them.
    What a pity we no longer have men of the calibre of Justice Mahon to preside over yet another ‘orchestrated litany of lies’ .


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