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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Popular Now

‘Podium of lies’ and ‘Purveyor of hatred’ – Twitterverse lays into Ardern over Northland lockdown ‘blunder’

Podium of lies news

Documents released under the Official Information Act and made public today confirmed the three women at the centre of the controversy had committed ‘no offence’ and ‘no deception.’


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  1. Wow! A house of cards built on lies and deception. The levels of corruption and malfeasance in this current government are truly staggering.

    • Under International Law, if you have a government that is non-functioning, illegal and unlawful, we do not have to comply with anything it dictates, mandates or legislates!!
      This is especially so when such needs to be dissolved and snap elections called!
      Maybe a coup will be staged when Jabcinda is in the US this next week to get her further marching orders from the NWO / WEF / PTB that continue to control her Masonic Mormon Yoda and the rest of New Zealand!!!
      In the meantime, try to convert your land titles over from ‘fee simple’ to ‘alodial’…makes it harder for a government-ordered Force Majeur to seize your property, assets, etc. in order to pay back the IMF for the deficits, loans, and kiting that this government and past ones as well which have put us billions of dollars into debt!

  2. Everyone makes mistakes at times. Any decent person will apologise and make it right if the facts are known. This behaviour applies to institutions and governments. The arrogance of this government is very open, and the bully behaviour shows the respect they have for ordinary kiwis.

    Globalist mascot influencer may be good in using the corrupt MSM to hide the truth and create a web of lies and narratives to fool kiwis. The consequence is that we will go down as a nation, being divided and demoralised, in mnay aspects of life. Politics is not the only factor that affects the life of people but many other material and moral factors. Satanist forces in action but they will be defeated eventually.

  3. It’s time for a people’s revolution. Jacinda’s mob held themselves out as capable but they couldn’t care for a mouse house in in a sandpit. They have destroyed the Public Service too with an army of sycophants. Traditionaly such “leaders” have faced forcible destructive removal.
    HM’s Loyal Opposition have a duty to rise up and remove the reins of power from this treasonous gulliblement.

  4. Every time she breathes she lies. Every time she lies government and opposition ministers support her or worse remain silent. (red, green, blue, yellow…. they are all really black)

    And every time the msm and paid scientists are rolled out to cover the lie. To cover their shame

    Yes house of cards. Burn it. Burn them.

    Let’s start again.

  5. Starved teenage boy always makes the Freudian slips “spreading legs” and “all the ins and outs”. Such is the calibre of perverted labour ministers.

  6. When a govt. is willing to lie as needlessly as they did in this instance it not hard to see that they have lied about everything since before the first lockdown. After this kind of behavior their should be no New Zealander anywhere that does not want to see them gone from office now. Sadly, replace them with who? All the other likely to get in candidates are just pushing the same Globalist agenda as well. it’s so easy to do when the corporations and the corrupt banking system are pushing that same Agenda. We Need to start demanding things from our Govt. such as a legal requirement that all banks and other business as well as organizations must always provide customers with the ability to be able to use cash if they want to when paying for goods and services. When and if we finally go full cashless we are screwed but try convincing some woke 17 year old that we will loose all our freedoms because of it and like Greta on climate change they will blame the older population as they pay for their uber eats by waving a plastic card and yelling that all todays problems are your fault while providing no solution of their own.

  7. Well, well, well…. the first of many truths to finally come to light…. I want to know how the sheeple will feel and what will they do when they find out all of the last 2.5 years have been one big lie….ALL OF IT… Now, is there anything in the law that can be used to get rid of all the politicians who have sat in that beehive for the last 2.5 years and kept silent when I would bet money galore, that they all knew, Jabcinda had them all under GAG ORDERS. That should be stopped, no way should this rubbish of a system be allowed to function this way. That is lying to the people. If that is not a crime here in NZ, IT SHOULD BE…. RECALL ALL POLITICIANS WHO SAT IN THAT BEEHIVE… PUT THEM ON TRIAL….

  8. From Kevin above “HM’s Loyal Opposition have a duty to rise up and remove the reins of power from this treasonous gulliblement.”
    Sorry Kevin, I dont see any evidence of HM Loyal Opposition. I live in a National electorate. Try to contact my MP – what a joke. You get a missive from his parliamentary email about being too busy, so its just a glossed up Out of Office Reply. I have two email addresses for for his electorate office and these two ladies dont even acknowledge my emails. Like I have said before – National is labour in a blue dress, Act is labour in a Yellow dress
    PS I understand Michael Laws on The Platform did a hit piece on Guy Hatchard. So they have joined the mainstream media now. I have deleted my phone app and canceled the channel in my car

    • Michael and Sean are endangering the existence of the Platform with their rabid belief in this dangerous and useless vaccine. They don’t even understand that it’s still in trial! Hard to engage with idiots who can’t even look up that information from Pfizer themselves. Takes about 1 minute.

      I didn’t hear Michael defaming Guy, but if so I am disgusted. Bring back Rodney Hide who at least can conduct himself in a fair and reasonable manner even when he doesn’t agree with people.

      I will consider switching off if they continue to go down this road. So much for Freedom of Speech.

  9. Never in the history of humankind has so much been taken from so many by so few so quickly and so dishonestly. (With respect to Mr. Churchill.)

  10. Ugh, imagine posting “another day, another lie,” while your profile name is “Covid still kills. Mask and get boosters…” ????????

    Sure, all they lied about was lockdowns, case numbers and vax passports, but they were TOTALLY telling the truth about the jab’s safety, no?

    Darwin was right ????????

  11. Listen to all the hysterical shrieks and cries of anguish about this Liebour government’s lies.

    Well, these are the least of the lies Liebour has been telling for years. There are far bigger ones waiting to be exposed. I think you all should add anyone who voted for Liebour to the list of enablers. Add National to that list as well because they are as much use as a pork chop in a synagogue. Get rid of Luxon while we are at it, he’s even less use than a pork chop in a synagogue.

    Ardern and co won’t apologise, they are right you see, and you are wrong, and it will always be so. According to them.

  12. Ardern need not have locked down NZ
    What did it achieve?
    Why was it necessary for a virus that ostensibly does not exist?
    Just following orders
    Ardern is a NWO Klaus Swabs stooge and puppet


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