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Thursday, June 27, 2024

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Police uncover large-scale cannabis operation in Counties Manukau

Manurewa crime news

Police, thanks to information provided by the public, have uprooted a large cannabis operation in Manurewa.

Counties Manukau Central Area Commander, Inspector Adam Pyne, says the search was undertaken at a series of flats on a Manurewa street.

“On Monday, staff from our Tactical Crime Unit executed four search warrants on the street.

“They found at least 357 cannabis plants at various stages of maturity from within the four flats, totalling 444 kilograms.

“Approximately half of the plants were nearing maturity for harvesting, and we also found a significant amount of packaged cannabis located inside the oven in one of the flats,” Inspector Pyne says.

Manurewa crime news

The cannabis has an estimated street value of between $200,000 and $600,000. The plants were taken away and destroyed.

“No one was located during the search warrants, but we are continuing to make enquiries to locate those responsible and hold them to account,” he says.

“We are elated to have this illegal drug off the streets and out of the hands of dealers, and those would make profit from it.”

Police urge anyone with information to please call them on 105, quoting file number 240530/6133.

You can also contact Police online clicking “Update Report” and reference the file number above.

Manurewa crime news

Information can also be provided anonymously via Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.

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Source:NZ Police

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  1. Either legalise the stuff or get the police back into police work and set up a plain clothes department to hunt down all the naughty people in New Zealand who smoke, drink, or laugh out loud in public places, because if anyone is laughing in this country, they are bound to be on something!

  2. Do these farmers not know that thermal footprints of such operations can be seen by cams, planes or even satellites?

  3. I’ve never had any myself – my poison of choice is red wine – but I do respect people’s choice in a democracy to use cannabis. Therefore, it should be legalized. Perhaps we could have a referendum on this?

    Even better how about this idea: Most of us have mobile phones. The government could write an application for iPhone and Android that allows the citizens to vote in regular referendums on lots of different issues. Our ID could be verified with our phone number or IRD number. That way, the people of NZ could then look ourselves in the mirror and honestly say that we live in a democracy because then “we the people” in large numbers would decide policy.

    I’m waiting …
    The Sun expands and swallows the Earth …
    The end of the Universe …
    I’m waiting …

    • There was a referendum at the 2020 election. The No vote won by a narrow majority. The terms of reference gave the impression it was set up to fail and the fact that Andrew Little was in charge as minister of justice.

    • Voting by phone would be 100% unsecure and open to fraud.

      Worse still, what and who you voted for will absolutely be logged somewhere and used against you later, likely when the CBDC’s become a thing.

      It’s a no from me 👎

  4. Cannabis under prescriptions alleviates arthritic pain, glaucoma and PTSD.
    Combat Veterans report that this is the only prescribed drug that works for them, and it’s a ‘Natural Remedy’ used in private therapies outside of the VA Clinics and Hospitals.


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