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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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‘Prepare for long war’ – NATO chief

NATO news
Stock photo.

Jens Stoltenberg has said that the conflict in Ukraine will not end until Russia “lays down its weapons”.

The West must prepare for “a long war” in Ukraine, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg declared on Sunday. Despite claiming to want a “quick peace” in Ukraine, Stoltenberg insisted that he still supports President Vladimir Zelensky’s goal of a military victory over Russia.

“Most wars last longer than expected when they first begin,” Stoltenberg said in an interview with Germany’s Funke media group. “Therefore we must prepare ourselves for a long war in Ukraine.”

According to media reports over the last two months, Western officials and military planners have conceded that Ukraine’s ongoing counteroffensive against Russian forces is unlikely to succeed, leaving the front lines mostly unchanged as winter sets in.

According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Ukraine has lost upwards of 71,000 men since the counteroffensive began in June. Despite this stark attrition rate – with some units losing 90% of their manpower, according to Ukrainian sources, Stoltenberg insisted that NATO will continue to push for a military, not a diplomatic, solution.

“We are all wishing for a quick peace,” Stoltenberg said. “But at the same time we must recognise: if President Zelensky and the Ukrainians stop fighting, their country will no longer exist. If President Putin and Russia lay down their weapons, we will have peace.”

After walking away from a Turkish-brokered peace deal last April, Zelensky issued a decree forbidding all negotiations with Russia. Furthermore, he has repeatedly vowed to retake the former Ukrainian regions of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, and Zaporozhye, as well as Crimea, the latter of which voted overwhelmingly to join the Russian Federation in 2014.

Zelensky’s stance is backed by Washington, where officials have repeatedly insisted that only the Ukrainian president can decide when to seek peace. At the same time, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has condemned Putin for supposedly rejecting “meaningful diplomacy.”

Russia maintains that it is open to a diplomatic solution to the conflict, but that any peace deal would have to take into account the “new territorial reality” – that Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, Zaporozhye, and Crimea will never be ceded back to Ukraine. Furthermore, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said negotiations would be held “not with Zelensky, who is a puppet in the hands of the West, but directly with his masters.”

Image credit: Marek Studzinski

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Source:RT News

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  1. Stoltenberg is not J*****, but he seems to be a Zionist in his thought, mindset and actions.
    There are mass differences between Judaism and Zionism…
    I wonder how much personal money Stoltenberg has invested in Arms Manufacturing…
    NATO’s true intention, egged-on by J3we$$ Victoria Nuland (2014) and Avril Haines, along with the all-J3wi$h Biden Cabinet, will ensure that the Talmudic lies and Mossad Ops under the same guidelines will continue!
    NATO and the Minsk Agreement was a lie to Russia in order to buy time for a Ukrainian / NATO arms build-up, with the intent of invading Russia and restoring greater Israel’s plan for another hateful J***** regional Khazaria!
    Russian President Putin will NOT allow this to happen again, as it did in 1917 with the radical J***** Bolsheviks, as noted by Aleksander Solzhenytsyn. That time frame ran for over 70+ years and costs the lives of 65 million Russian Orthodox Christians and the Russian Royal Family!
    IF we end-up in a war that we have no business in, rest assured that we WILL NOT BE DRAFTED to go!
    Please vote for the NZ LOYAL PARTY in order to keep New Zealand OUT of this global conflagration that benefits only Israel, and it’s blackmailed pawns!
    Armed Neutrality is the methodology that New Zealand can protect itself. & the New Zealand Loyal Party is aware of this!

    • I know MANY people voting for NZ LOYAL.
      It would be interesting if the “umbrella coalition” is properly created. Elections are very near and if there is such coalition, word needs to get out FAST.

  2. Yes…this goes hand-in-hand with the Elite Globalist / WEF / WHO / NWO Zionist program to lower the populations as per the plans of the G-7, G-20 & G-70 Nations that are compromised by Talmudic Noahide Law Ops as overseen by the Knesset, Mossad and International Banksters!
    Comes right at the same time as Covid Ops Scene 2 opens on the International Stage!
    All of the stops are being pulled out. Laser attacks from satellites, weaponisation of the weather, orchestrated food shortages via logistical failures, heat waves, droughts and floods, right on cue with more vaccines and boosters!

    • do you know jewish organisation/ israel planned to poison the water of a german city of about 200.000 citizen ? I think it was Bonn, not quiet sure.
      After the war as a vengeance about the concentration kamps.
      They did not do it because of the probable outrage of the world.
      It is John LeCarré who mention it in his memoires ” the pigeon tunnel”

  3. War today

    war tomorrow

    war forever.

    They dragged the Middle East out for 20 years, no doubt our grandkids will still be hearing 24/7 propaganda about how Putin Jr is an “EXISTENTIAL THREAT”.

    War profiteering and money laundering while us peasants get told the inflation is OUR fault. We all just need to have nothing, own nothing and aspire to nothing or it means you hate the planet. 100% fed up with them

  4. Jens Stoltenberg: just another tool of the international bankster cabal. “Vee fight to zee last (Ukrinian) man.”
    Despicable disgusting marionette creature labeled as ‘human’.

    • Stoltenberg is just another Norwegian Quisling who continues to betray Norway and greater Nordic Europe!
      And probably is a Freemason as well like Brevik Anders????

  5. One things for sure
    None of these cuck’s will be at the front line
    But rather at the posterior
    In days past when a leader decided to go to war he knew the consequences of that action that he would be there at the forefront
    Hailing from the nearest hill
    Or in the case of Alexander the Great in the thick of the action
    Nato is a tool of the US Military Industrial Complex
    Complicit in debt creation from the sales of arms to participating member countries
    Implicated in the destruction and de industrialization of Europe through the destruction of the Nordstream pipeline
    In collusion with the first domino Germany
    In collaboration with It’s done


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