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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Putin grants Snowden full Russian citizenship

Edward Snowden news

The whistleblower fled the US after leaking top-secret documents, almost a decade ago.

President Vladimir Putin has granted Russian citizenship to US National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden, Russia’s TASS news agency confirmed on Monday. The American’s name was included without fanfare on a list of 72 foreigners who became citizens.

Snowden, who applied for citizenship in 2020 upon receiving permanent residency rights, has not commented on the decision as of Monday evening Moscow time. His wife will also apply for citizenship, according to his lawyer.

The former Booz-Allen contractor is not eligible for mobilization to the Ukrainian front as he did not serve in the Russian army, the attorney said in a statement to media, pouring cold water on feverish social media speculation that Snowden might be drafted now that he was officially a Russian citizen of military age.

While the fact that Snowden has lived in Russia since fleeing the US in 2013 has been held up as “proof” he was undermining the US government on behalf of Moscow, he was marooned in Sheremetyevo Airport upon arriving from Hong Kong to catch a connecting flight to Cuba after the US canceled his passport mid-flight. He was reportedly en route to Ecuador, where he had lodged an asylum request with what was then a government friendly toward American dissidents.

The US still wants Snowden returned home to face espionage charges related to his 2013 leak of a mammoth cache of files revealing the NSA’s sprawling surveillance operations, which targeted American civilians to a far greater degree than previously known to the public. Rather than release the documents himself, however, the whistleblower reached out to a small group of journalists and filmmakers including Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras, instructing them to curate and publish them as needed.

After the publication of a handful of disturbing revelations alongside their source documents in the Washington Post, The Guardian, and other establishment outlets led to Washington calling for Snowden’s head, billionaire eBay founder Pierre Omidyar quickly purchased the entire archive, using it as the foundation for his company First Look Media, which launched The Intercept with the Snowden docs as its headliner. However, the site never released more than 10% of the leaked files during the 15 years it hosted them. Despite Omidyar’s billions, The Intercept cried poverty when it shut down access to that small fraction of the archive in 2019.

That decision that was made without consulting Snowden, who had rendered himself a de facto stateless individual for the sake of making their contents public. Since then, the surveillance program he exposed was declared unlawful by a US appeals court.

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Source:RT News

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  1. Good on him for exposing the truth that the Zio-Communist MSM always conveniently ignores…like the cooking of a Russian Soldier’s head by the Ukrainians as exposed on Hal Turner’s website…!
    A BIG thank you to Vlad Putin for making this possible, and safeguarding Ed Snowden’s human and civil rights under domestic and international law.
    Now…if we can just get Julian Assange to Russia…!

  2. Lots of fraud and lies are put on us. JabSinDa repeats the “rules based order” slogan all the time. Can she explain what those rules are and who liad them and who endorsed them? A pathological liar and deep state agent has no standing to talk about rules or order. There are so many agents like JabSinDa in other countries who are all serving the globalist agenda fooling the Western public. Edward Snowden will be killed if he stayed in any of the Western countries. The loss of morality is the biggest concern.

  3. I saw that interview Oliver Stone had with Vladimir Putin and he asked about Edward Snowden. Putin replied he didn’t condone what Snowden did, but he allowed him to live in Russia all the same for Edwards own safety. Lots of respect to Putin for that. I think he is a very calm and measured leader especially if you know how much the west has pushed and pushed Putin over the years.

    I am embarrassed to be associated with America, I am embarrassed the way our government and our media portray Putin. Shame on them all for not reporting the facts on who the real aggressors are and for hiding the fact that Ukraine is full,of Nazis. Mind you, the Nazis were/are socialists and our govt are socialists so it doesn’t take a rocket science to work out why they support the Ukrainian govt.


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