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Russian MoD Denies Killings in Bucha, Says Footage Was Staged For Western Media

Earlier, Ukrainian authorities claimed that they have found the bodies of civilians lying in the streets of the city of Bucha in the Kiev region, claiming that they had been killed by Russian troops, who had been stationed in the city until several days ago.

Russia’s Defence Ministry has rejected allegations promulgated by Kiev, claiming that Russian troops had killed civilians in the Ukrainian city of Bucha. The ministry stated that the images and videos claiming to depict dead civilians on the streets of Bucha were staged photos and videos created specifically to distribute via the western media.

Bucha massacre news

“[These images are] yet another provocation. During the time this settlement was under the control of the Russian armed forces, not a single local resident was hurt […][This is] yet another example of providing staged material from the Kiev regime for the consumption of western media, as it was the case with the Mariupol maternity hospital, not to mention other cities”, the ministry said.

The defence ministry stressed that Russian troops abandoned the city on 30 March and reminded the audience that the city’s mayor, Anatoly Fedoruk, confirmed this fact the next day. Furthermore, the mayor never mentioned in his 31 March that any civilians had been shot in the street with their hands tied, as claimed by Kiev.

During the whole time – right up until Sunday – that the city was under the control of Russian troops, residents of Bucha could move freely and had access to cell networks, the defence ministry stressed.

The ministry further noted that the images of the bodies on the streets emerged four days after the Russian troops left the city and immediately after the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) and the Ukrainian media arrived at the scene. The bodies which have been videoed and photographed show no signs of rigor mortis or lividity, and the blood on the wounds is fresh.

According to the Russian Defence Ministry, the residents of Bucha had several possibilities for leaving the city, except for from the South which was routinely shelled by Ukrainian forces who targeted, among other things, residential quarters using artillery, tanks and MLRSs.

Russian troops withdrew from Bucha after the last set of talks between Russia and Ukraine, during which Moscow announced a military de-escalation, which includes drastic reduction of military activities in the direction of Kiev. The Kremlin explained it was taking that step to ensure the safety of decision-makers in Kiev to expedite talks.

The talks are aimed at ending Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, which was launched by President Vladimir Putin on 24 February in response to a request for help from the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s republics (DPR and LPR). The latter had said that there had been intensified shelling by Ukrainian armed forces and nationalist battalions in the weeks running up to the start of the operation.

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  1. All main stream media showing the staged footages, and selling the Ukranian naratives. Zelensky is desperate to involve everyone for a problem of his own making. He also claimed Chinese government hacked the computers in Ukraine before the conflict began. Another lie to create a fake narrative to fool the western public.

    His neo nazi regime was responsible for 14000 deaths in the donbos region. None of the legacy media caled it as genocide. Fake news Ajazeera is continuosly highlighting these footages. The reason is simple. The owners of this news media will benefit selling gas to Europe if the Russia ban goes ahead.

    • Right, very likely. And Russia didn’t invade Ukraine, yes? And Russia didn’t ruin Mariupol? The number 14000 is fake news from Russa. At most, 3900 have died, among them at least 1/3 being Ukrainian soldiers. Russia always lies about any of its crimes in their neighbouring countries. All the tens of thousands killed in Georgia and Chechnya, also fake news? All the tens of thousands killed in the Baltic countries in the 1940s and 1950s, also fake news? All the misery Russian citizens have to endure in Russia under a corrupt government that doesn’t care about developing infrastructure, opportunities, human rights, also fake news? And what about the imprisoned or killed opposition in Russia, Navalny, Nemtsov, also fake news?

      • No Russia did not invade Ukraine. If it had, Zelensky will either imprisoned or dead and Russia would have annihilated Ukraine within days.

        The fake news you are talking about is coming from Ukraine and the west. Too much bbc or cnn is pure propaganda and the likes have been fooled or you use to spread misinformation deliberately.

        How do you know Russian citizens live in misery? Did you know independent polls have verified Putin has the highest approval rating of any leader? Do you know Navalny is the tool of the west? Do you know his approval rating among his own people?

        Have you been to Russia and seen it’s infrastructure?

        Before you fake concern about human rights, why don’t call out the Americans and Europeans who have caused mass murder and genocide on poor people around the world, stealing and profiteering from their resources for centuries. What about Julian Assange- heard of him??

        Educate yourself and stop spreading western propaganda.

      • The figure of 14,000 killed in the Donbas region is verified by the UN. Get your ‘facts’ right. The whole idea of deception is that you don’t realise that you have been deceived. Ladies and gentlement—Exhibit A.


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