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Sarah Carter, aged 43, shares her adverse event after the Pfizer injection

Sarah received her first dose of the Pfizer Covid 19 mRNA injection on 15 November 2021, in New Zealand.

Prior to her injection Sarah was an energetic healthy person who loved life and adventures.

She said “yes” to the injection in order to keep her job under an Employment Mandate. Quite simply…. “no jab no job”.

Two days after taking this first dose she began to experience pain in her chest. 17 days after the injection she fainted and was taken to hospital with chest pain, extreme headaches, dizziness, breathlessness, neurological symptoms, and extreme fatigue.

Sarah Carter news

After seeking medical help on multiple occasions, Sarah’s diagnoses included:

  • A+E doctor said inner ear infection – go rest.
  • 2nd doctor said it’s most likely from the vaccine – go home and rest – but nothing was recorded in the notes.
  • 3rd doctor said myocarditis – but is under investigation for speaking out.
  • 4th doctor said anxiety.
  • 5th Doctor had her own adverse reaction so started taking steps towards further testing and has submitted an ACC claim.
  • 6th Doctor has been overwhelming supportive and understanding and has gone above and beyond and introduced me to the flccc protocol which I believe has helped.

My symptoms have been helped slightly by:

  • Homoeopathy
  • Bowen Therapy
  • Supplements
  • Iv**mect*n

I wish other New Zealanders acknowledged that vaccine injuries have affected people’s quality of life quite dramatically. No one knows how long the symptoms will last and what the long term affects will be.

Several weeks ago, Sarah sent Lynda Wharton of The Health Forum NZ the following update on her condition:

Over the past 2 months, I got a glimpse of my former life and you couldn’t keep the smile off my face. I love sharing our beautiful country with others. I’m so glad I got the opportunity to immerse myself in nature and connect with wonderful people. I will never take these moments for granted because we never know what is around the corner.

It is now 8 months since my jab injury and I was starting feeling about 70% better. All I did was exercise and partake in what used to be my normal and here I am laid up in bed for over a week. Headaches, Extreme Fatigue, Chest Pain, Racing Heart.

I’m NOT OK with this… I’m angry and disillusioned that the system is not acknowledging adverse reactions. You all may carry on with life but know there is 65,000+ who are struggling everyday from making the decision to trust to keep their livelihoods. Some haven’t been out of bed in months, They can’t play with their kids or they are kids and how is it OK that a 15 year old who used to love playing sport can barely walk to the mailbox!!! How long will this last???????? Nobody knows… I’m grateful I did start to see improvement but for some it’s the opposite.

And then there are people who just haven’t felt quite right lately but haven’t joined the dots yet. That could be you. Take a moment and reflect you know your body better than anyone else is something not quite right.

I want my life back, I don’t want to be confined to bed for 2 weeks or more just for living it!!!

Sarah Carter

Sarah’s story is published by DTNZ with the kind permission of The Health Forum NZ. If you would like your vaccine injury story to be shared in this ongoing series, please contact Lynda Wharton by email at thehealthforumnz@protonmail.com.

The Health Forum NZ:

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  1. A responsible government will compensate the victims financially as well as provide the best care possible. Jabcinda’s government is rejecting almost all vaccine injuries and does not care at all. It works for the big pharma and not fr the people obviously. Hide under “informed coinsent” class while rarely gave any informed consent. They spent over 60 billion dollars and vaccine injuries would have cost a little to compensate and yet they wont do the right thing (when public did the wrong thing beleiving the propaganda of doing the right thing). Zero trust in this government really.

  2. My sincere sympathy for everyone harmed, permanently injured or who have lost loved ones due to the govt mandated Covid 19 injection.

    Many accepted this untrialled injection because they believed they were :

    Doing the best for their health according to govt, it’s approved media and scientists
    Trusting the government, Bloomfield, Hipkins and Ardern’s TV appearances, advice and targeted advertising
    Keeping others safe
    Being kind to their family and others
    Keeping their jobs, a roof over their heads, food on the table and even certain relationships
    Not being labelled anti-vax and therefore smeared, ridiculed, punished and ostracised.

    I will not forget how hard it was at times not to have the injection and do what so many others were, which the govt and its media relentlessly insisted we should – then demeaned, threatened and marginalised those who did not.

    To keep doing the necessary, unpopular, non-mainstream, scientific/medical research – constantly rigorously questioning our decision, accepting we could lose our house and income.

    As a scientist and a researcher, we kept abreast of best available advice from leading mostly international scientists, doctors and researchers. We owe them a debt of gratitude.

    I will also not forget what I read on the back of a woman’s T shirt :

    ‘Single mother, nurse for 15 yrs, 3 kids at school and a mortgage. Will be mandated out of my job by this govt if I don’t get vaxed.’

    What an untenable position for any decent and caring person to be placed in.

    I am not anti vaccinations – I had many as a child and a few as an adult.

    I am anti the Covid 19 injection. And how this injection’s been deliberately forced on people by those in authority who were soon informed how ineffective it is against Covid and variants, and how harmful and even fateful it has been for many people.

    • Agree totally, however there is two points you raise that I’d like to share my thoughts on from 50 odd spins around the sun 1 ) Many accepted this untrialled injection because they believed they were :Doing the best for their health according to govt, it’s approved media and scientists
      Trusting the government,
      My take…. the scariest words you will hear together are….I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.
      2)Not being labelled anti-vax and therefore smeared, ridiculed, punished and ostracised. My take……sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me . STAND UP for yourself and your rights and tell these woke, pc people to go f..k themselves . Do not bow down to stupidity
      Condolences to all that have been injured by the shot.there is some diff literature on the net as to possible help ,best of luck, Don’t get mad GET EVEN!!!!

  3. Thank you for bravely speaking out Sarah and telling it like it is. Your ACC claim should have been immediate. You should have never, ever been made to get an experimental injection under any type of coercion and nor should anyone. Everyone should have been FULLY informed, not blasted with lies every hour of the day. It is unconscionable.
    Thank you Lynda for compassionately creating a safe space for all Kiwis who have been injured and then subjected to another form of torture by those seeing them in a professional capacity.
    The truth is coming out.
    Sending you best wishes for a complete recovery for you and all who have suffered injuries.

  4. What a tragic story. I hope Sarah makes a full recovery in time.

    This is a prime example of why medical ‘informed consent’ is so important, and why jab mandates and coercion are so morally wrong and ethically indefensible.

    In fairness her employer and the government should be held equally liable under the law, and pay full and proper compensation for her injuries, loss of income, medical expenses, trauma suffered etc.

    Pfizer should be held financially responsible too obviously, but oh wait… they already managed to negotiate legal immunity for some ‘unknown’ reason.

    What remarkable foresight, and how remarkably convenient considering their ‘vaccine’ was claimed to be ‘safe and effective’.

  5. Thanks Sarah, hope you recover, as best you can.
    What I think is missed is the elephant in the room.
    The avalanche of vaccine injury and death which is soon to overwhelm us.
    Sarah, is one of the survivors, injured yes, though surviving.
    I suspect most of the excess death toll, were and will be jab injured, they just don’t or didn’t know it.

  6. The whole situation of jab or no job is apalling. The Govt and all employees etc should be made accountable for their actions. Sadly, I don’t think that will happen. All this has shown NZlanders how corrupt our Govt, MSM, and police really are. Don’t Vote any of our Govt leaders in next election. New party’s are gonna form by decent people who will run this country better, not control it. Jacinda is on her way out!

  7. Jabcinda’s pathetic hipocrissy

    If you want to be a mercenary in Ukraine, you get long leave and no questions asked but lie on the leave application. 100 mercenaries, who are paid US$1000 daiuly, are already in Ukraine. If yoiu claim to be a humantarian worker, you dont get paid that much and yet you can go onb long leave.

    If you are an Ukranian coming to NZ, you are exempted from all double vaccination requirement. Even avi Yemini said he wants to be an Ukranian.

    If you are a kiwi, yoiu dont have human rights; must take the jab or loose your job; no long leave.

    Jabcinda’s media friends were given special MIQ quotas while kiwis cannot even see their dying parents.

    Such is the tyranny….


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