An investigation into a Waiuku burglary has landed one man in court on a raft of unrelated charges.
Late last week Police executed a search warrant at a property in Waiuku in relation to a previous burglary.
At the Queen Street address Police allegedly located a number of items linking the man to the burglary as well as a number of other unexpected assets.
Counties Manukau South Area Commander, Inspector Joe Hunter, says ammunition, firearms parts and methamphetamine were also allegedly located at the property.
“More than 600 rounds of ammunition and firearms parts were located during the search.
“Our staff are working hard to ensure we keep our community safe, and we will continue to actively target those involved in criminal activity.
“Police are committed to holding those responsible to account and removing illegal weapons from our streets,” Inspector Hunter says.
The investigation is ongoing, and Police cannot rule out further charges being laid.
“We welcome information from anyone who has concerns about organised crime or the illegal possession of firearms in their community.“
They are encouraged to report online at 105.police.govt.nz, call Police on 105, or report anonymously via Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111 or www.crimestoppers-nz.org.
A 38-year-old man will appear in Pukekohe District Court tomorrow charged with burglary, unlawful possession of a firearm and receiving property.