Glenfield College principal Paul McKinley has died unexpectedly.
McKinley, said to be in his early 50s, had led the school since 2017, and was remembered for his dedication and passion for education and the local community. His death was announced by the school on social media last night.
Stunned by another devastating loss. Glenfield College Principal Paul McKinley has sadly passed away. My condolences go to his whānau who kindly shared him with our community.
Massive love to GC students, teachers, staff, school whānau/community who will be deeply upset by this. pic.twitter.com/Kh5qq8V176
— Richard Hills (@RichardHills_) February 25, 2024
McKinley’s death follows that of another beloved Auckland school principal, 51-year-old Paeariki Mataroa-Johnson of Rongomai Primary School, who passed away unexpectedly in the early hours of Monday 12 February.
Safe Proven Effective
What these lab rat trails do is speed up Your heart
Living proof
Yes by 47%
In fairness, the pro-jab idiot zealots possibly deserve it.
It’s becoming so significant that ignoring is just bloody mindedness Everyday somebody else.
A lot lot more to come yet, I’m sorry to say.
Just a coincidence, this happens all the time.🤔
Sure it does
Yup, you just keep telling yourself that Harry 👍👍👍
NOBODY regrets not taking it.
Of course. School teachers h as d to be.
Another principal in Hawke’s Bay passed away recently too. A return of cancer. A prominent businessman in waikato, in his 40s, also died ~ sudden onset cancer.
Such a sad loss of relatively young people with so much more to give this world.
May they all rest in peace.
It does make you ask questions. As someone in my 50s I have never heard or seen anything like it in my life.
There is absolutely no evidence in the brief report of the previous health conditions of these two unfortunate principals, whether or not they had been mRNA vaccinated or had COVID-19 or experienced long covid symptoms yet the conspiracy net immediately gets into gear with uninformed ideological comment.
You appear to be a troll who is working for the vaccinators, on the balance of probabilities they were vaxxed as they would have had to have been to keep their jobs,
“We heard a clear and simple plan – clear test for employees before a return to school, weekly Covid tests until fully vaccinated, and the requirement to be fully vaccinated by January 1. “These decisions mean that schools will be safe for staff and students.
As to long covid that was just made up to cover the ill effects of the jabs just as the looming Pandemic X is to cover the deaths from the jabs, also what is the ‘conspiracy net’ and how is being aware of what has really happened “uninformed ideological comment”, you’re a clown and a low IQ one at that.
Keith you can’t expect someone so indoctrinated to see they’ve been had. I’m afraid that the guy above is probably getting hot under the collar because an early death for the vaccinated is going to be widespread. Their outcome is not favorable and there is nothing they can do about it.
Exactly, Keith. Those who fell for the ubiquitous propaganda spewing from the Labour government about the jabs being “safe and effective” (despite no studies proving them to be so, as the Pfizer jabs skipped all animal studies — hence they were experimental) are no doubt understandably loath to face reality. As the famous scientist Carl Sagan wrote:
“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”
Well, suppose their families believe they were lucky to be fully jabbed and boosted.
Without that protection, covid would have killed them a couple of years earlier.
It’s called saying the quiet thing out loud. Do you think they will tell the truth with so many idiots vaccinated? There would be chaos on the streets.
‘Move along now nothing to see here’ eh mate?
“Long Covid” hehe okay…
You sound like somebody that has been vaccinated – a pro vaxxer.
Obviously the poor guy was injected.
Tragically all education workers were mandated for experimental mRNA injection in 2021.
No jab no job remember.
To step foot on school grounds you had to be jabbed. My mate a contractor locksmith had to be jabbed to fix a faulty door lock at a school in Auckland. He’s now got myocarditis, hospitalised 3 times – just to change a f***ing door lock
So glad someone said that re Long covid, I’m the only one I know that thought that, we’ve never had long chicken pox or long anything before
Common sense Tells one the jab may have had some to do with their Demise. But the Health Professionals will be Baffled. They like a lot of People are paid for their Silence.
Open your eyes people, this is no conspiracy, people are dying suddenly all around the globe, these deaths are sudden, and unexpected, the increase in deaths coincide with the roll out of the Covid vaccines, lambs to slaughter to receive the death shots. Now the white stringy clots are being noted in peoples arteries post mortem, a new phenomenon.
They are teachers. No “no vax” no job.
Exactly. All education sector workers were mandated not just teachers.
It’s time to wake up people! The writing is on the wall.
How many more deaths and illnesses, to perfectly healthy people, will it take for you to get the point?
The ‘Vaccine’ was NEVER safe or effective. It is poison. Stop believing the lies. Stop taking their poison.
They don’t dare provide vax status.
Yip yip, that’s what it is.
All education sector workers were mandated.
No jab no job.
Unethical, unlawful and psychopathic.
Gotta go easy with that coolaid.
See Greg Reese’s reports titled ‘HYDROGELS IN COVID VACCINES’ and ‘BIOLOGICAL ID SYSTEM DEPLOYED’. The suggestion that you check yourself with a black light to see if your skin glows blue…will verify the systems that were injected into your body IF you took the jabs.
Here they are;
These two videos have also been sent to Luxon, Winston and the other ‘concerned third political parties’ and NGO’s here in Aotearoa!.
Well I’m waiting on an urgent heart operation due to the jab. Cardiologist say that even though it’s urgent there’s at a 6 month wait due to high numbers of myocarditast and pericarditis, and that’s from the mouth of a cardiologist. I’m mid 50’s used to run marathons and now not allowed to exercise. At what time do people acknowledge the harm being done?
I’ve had 2 strokes, need heart op, chronic fatigue, constant pain, buggered lungs. They did live blood analysis on my blood so I got to see 1st hand the hydrogel and nanotechnology. Coming up 3 yrs of constant battle in my body
Build the gallows ,judgment day is coming,our turn now.
Let’s face it New Zealand was betrayed by the corrupt communist WEF-aligned Ardern government.
Can we see the unredacted Pfizer contract please?
No thought not.
They should have been videoed taking full strength no diluted with saline.
Absolutely devastating for all the people who have lost their loved ones.
Time to put ur own health first, learn what causes and let’s connect. Understand good foods and bad foods necessary to eliminate for longevity of life. 60 years of backed science and proof
Together we can save our loved ones. 💙🙏🤗
Well………..I live by Don’t get mad get even, looks like it is time for all of the still alive jabbed to tidy up loose ends before their demise. Me , unjabbed, but if i had been coerced, i would be introducing my mantra to all the top echelon, who are all bailing. But thats just me. what you gonna do to the people who have murdered you and your loved ones EYE FOR AN EYE. TIME IS SHORT
Scientists still baffled I notice.
What oh what could it possibly be?
It’s a complete mystery. The only thing we can rule out out is the safe and effective covid jab because that’s safe and effective obviously.
I know this because the government told me on the television.
A controversial opinion possibly:
The woke idiots should be ‘vaccinated’ as often a possible.
Safe and Effective…..