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Sunday, February 16, 2025

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Speaker’s apology fallout: Mallard’s appointment shows a ‘contempt for the people of Ireland’

Winston Peters news

Newly appointed Speaker of the House Adrian Rurawhe issued the apology for actions by previous Speaker Trevor Mallard in issuing Winston Peters with a trespass notice during the Parliament Protest in February.

This week it was announced that Mallard will take up the role of New Zealand’s ambassador to Ireland later this year.

Peters reacted to the apology with a series of tweets this afternoon:

‘Mr Mallard has admitted to the High Court that his actions were unreasonable and irrational when he trespassed me from Parliament. It was clearly unjustified and a direct attack on every New Zealander’s freedoms which are protected under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act.

The actions taken by Mr Mallard contrary to the Bill of Rights is a disgraceful indictment on the position and responsibility he had as the Speaker of our House.

To think that this behaviour is now rewarded with an overseas diplomatic post representing New Zealand on the world stage is a staggering insult to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and to every New Zealander.

What is astonishing, is that the Prime Minister announced Mr Mallard’s appointment despite knowing all of the details behind his apology – including his self-admitted irrational and unreasonable behaviour.

With this added to his past record of wrongfully accusing a parliamentary staffer of rape – costing taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars, spraying people including children with cold water, and yet still appointing him in an ambassadorial role shows an unmeasurable depth of contempt for all New Zealanders and indeed to the people of Ireland.’


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  1. That’s it Winston, get stuck in to Jabby’s wee pet duck. He’ll be better for it I’m sure. But you are right of course, the insults are coming thick and fast from this Government, and they will likely continue til the election. But we of the river of filth pay it no heed. We are better than they and brighter too when it comes to mRNA, masks and mandates. We feel especially for Ireland at this time. ????????????

  2. In a decent political party, Mallard would have no chance of retained. Both Helen Clark and Jacinda used him as dog to bark and bully as gangs do. The true personality of Jacinda comes through Mallard to who she rewarded well for his “services”. Shame to NZ diplomacy reputation really. Jacinda is supporting a neo-nazi regime in Ukraine as directed by her deep state masters, and Mallards appointment is just another step in the downward spiral in NZ reputation internationally.

    • Comment from Winstone (open letter) recently seems he supports the Ukranian leadership who have allowed and promoted the neo nazis

      • Winston was not a successful foreign minister; he enjoyed the perks such as travel well. He always pushed NZ to be a little Britian based on old nostalgic memories. In other words, Winston is a colonialist by heart and supporter of Churchil who is a racist and colonialist. Being a spent force and who bet on horse, heactually did more damage to NZ. His fight with Mallard does not make him a Saint and just proves that he is an opportunist.

      • Winston is like a loyalty card such as Farmers/Flybuys cards. Whether you shop in PakNsave or Countdown, there is not much of difference and you pay too much and both squeeze us. They give you a little back when you use the loyalty card. We just shop our poltical future with Labour and National. Winston gets some petty reward to his interest groups such as retirees but nothing significant in big scheme of things. In the MMP envoironment, he enjoyed himself with all the perks and more importantly his ego satisfaction is the most important thoing for him. He will cry wolf on immigration but did little when he was deputy PM under Jabcind’s skirt. The sooner he retired from politics, the better. He is going to cash on dissent votes and will make sure that the voice of the minor parties is suppressed.

        Yes, he has no independent voice on international politics, and always encourgaed 5eyes and being subservient to US/UK deep state. He knows the history. American globalists, including IBM, General Motors, Ford, Rockefeller, Carnegie, supported Hitler and profitted from it. Watch

        Mallard knows Winston fully but underestimated him in the Wellington saga. Both do not deserve to be in politics anymore.


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