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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Tedros ‘confident’ despite draft WHO Pandemic Treaty failure – Reuters

WHO Pandemic Treaty news
Image – screenshot, reuters.com.

The Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, remains optimistic about reaching a global pandemic agreement, despite recent setbacks in negotiations.

Talks have ended without a draft deal, but Tedros said he was ‘confident’ in eventual success during his address at the World Health Assembly, according to a report in Reuters.

The negotiations, which have been marked by intense and prolonged discussions, have experienced last-minute position changes and notable criticism from pro-freedom voices concerned about the impacts of the Treaty on national sovereignty and individual civil rights by undermining local control and decision-making – a process which critics say is the most effective in dealing with disease outbreaks, as opposed to control of a supra-national, unelected and unaccountable body such as the WHO.

Concerns were also raised at the lack of transparency in the negotiation process and fears the Treaty would lead to increased global surveillance under the guise of ‘health security’, which would be used as a tool for geopolitical influence and social coercion.

Protests are taking place outside the UN Headquarters in Geneva, including a truck displaying a “NO to the Pandemic Treaty. STOP the UN Power Grab” sign.

A U.S. senior administration official acknowledged the challenging path ahead, predicting another one to two years of discussions, while a health diplomat suggested possible reforms to streamline the process, potentially extending it by five to 24 months, said the Reuters report.

Meanwhile, negotiators are said to be close to updating existing health regulations (the International Health Regulations – or IHR), including a ‘revised alert system’.

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  1. It will go through, it’s a done deal.

    There is no stopping it.

    It would take God to stop this and even then…..

    • Yes their is, they can sign what they like and we can still refuse ti comply…we are the many, THEY are the few and they are mostly scum without integrity or standing……….

      • Yeah, I remember all the internet clips of people shouting about how they do not comply while the cops tazed, pepper-sprayed and beat their skulls into pulp before hurling them into the back of vans. Didn’t seem to help them much.

        And that was all BEFORE they had the kind the kind of institutional power this pandemic treaty was trying to establish. Imagine how the cops would be with unfettered power and total unaccountability.

        Saying, “that’s okay, we just won’t comply” isn’t a winning strategy (although I DO appreciate the defiance in it, believe me). This kind of globalist garbage has to be exposed and legally blocked and fought off, openly rejected at every turn. It must never be allowed to be signed under any circumstances.

        And we have to remain vigilant. The people in here commenting about how “this is only temporary” and “they’ll try again” etc are 100% correct.

  2. This pandemic treaty is like a large un-flushable turd: You do a big stinker the size of a submarine and flush it and walk away. Next time you use the loo it’s floated back so you get the bog brush and smash it up and flush again. Next time you use the loo it floats back AGAIN.

    Why cannot this pandemic treaty be flushed and stay flushed?

    I do not want leaders in countries talking to the WHO, I want them to tell the WHO to get lost, or words to that effect that are not polite.
    And while we are at it, how about the Earth militaries in every country dismantle all the bio-labs?

      • Similar to Firearms Regulations being repealed post-Jabby…the Coalition was supposed to be ‘pro-firearms’ but have done nothing to repeal Jabby’s totalitarian legislation amd laws regarding the same…!
        The government and the Wasp nest occupiers are hoping that the lack of the intent to repeal the oppressive Firearms Legislation will go un-noticed.

  3. As far as I’m concerned anyone signing up to this is betraying their own people and they and this dirty deal should be shunned and rejected……..slither back under your rock WHO…………………..

  4. Tedros is not a medical doctor but did his graduate studies in Immunology of Infectious Diseases, and community health. How come a head of WHO is not a medical doctor? And remember his decision to award the title of “goodwill ambassador” to Robert Mugabe​? He backed down on this. Even his crooked cronies couldn’t get that one accepted.
    That Tedros may come from a communist and authoritarian background is bad enough but he is now heading a cabal with such evil intent they will make communism look like a golden age.
    Communists promised heaven on earth and instead brought hell, but they never systematically and deliberately sought to totally destroy the populations and the lands of the countries they infected.
    What is going on now is something different. It’s not communism. It is the belief of a certain section of humanity that they have a given right to rule the rest of us and to dictate who lives and who dies without fear of retaliation or consequences. The use of force, deceit and coercion are their weapons. And as Schwab said – ‘Ve have zem everywhere, even in your government, even in your Cabinet…’

  5. Tedros has a PhD in philosophy & Masters in infectious diseases. He’s NOT a medical Dr, more of a politician.
    His “soft touch” with China stems from his home country (Ethiopia’s) relationship with the Chinese.
    However it’s not about him, he’ll be gone.
    He’s setting up the play for the next chairman.
    A seal team needs to go “talk” to him.

  6. Maybe if they stop gain of function we won’t have so many issues?

    Who do these evil people think they are making decisions for us? Shame on you Ashley Bloomfield, Ian Town and all you other Satan worshipping sell outs. YOU dont speak for ME. There’s a place in HELL for you all. 😡


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