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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

The Jacinda Papers

A remarkable trove of documents has been created in NZ by an organisation called Te Punaha Matatini—Covid-19 Modelling Aotearoa hosted by the University of Auckland but funded directly by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Covid-19 Modelling Aotearoa is headed by the wildly inaccurate Covid modeller Dr Shaun Hendy who once predicted 80,000 imminent NZ deaths (currently at 53 in NZ) and includes the participation of academics from universities across NZ.

The documents are remarkable because they indicate the genesis of the unique and blinkered pandemic perspective of our Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern which has diverged from that followed among other countries and from that found in global science publishing. The documents in some cases exhibit in their referenced material, a lack of awareness of the extensive content of global science publishing on the pandemic.

One paper of particular interest is entitled:

Link to Document: Evaluating the infodemic: assessing the prevalence and nature of COVID-19 unreliable and untrustworthy information in Aotearoa New Zealand’s social media, January-August 2020.

The Jacinda Papers

It is hardly remarkable that the NZ government uses sophisticated computer systems to closely monitor the social media content of its citizens (what government doesn’t?), but the methods used and the starting point of evaluation are highly indicative of where the repressive and controlling NZ Labour government Covid policy began:

  • The paper accepts a number of controversial ideas as true at face value such as the zoonotic origin of Covid-19. It describes discussion of a bioengineered origin of Covid in a Chinese lab as Xenophobia and a conspiracy trope, when it actually was, at the time the article was published, a matter of general scientific debate.
  • Table 2 (excerpted above) designates some common types of scientific discussion around Covid-19 as ‘disinformation’, most of which were actually the subject of science publishing even in mid 2020. It dismisses them as fallacious without justification. Subsequent data analysis has upheld them in large part. Yet the rejection by Ardern of their moderating tone, was and is used to stoke fear in the whole population.
  • Concepts of herd immunity since found to play a highly significant role in reducing Covid severity are dismissed as oversimplification and misrepresentation despite their verified and time-honoured role in developing human immunity.
  • Assertions that Covid-19 disproportionately affects those already ill with comorbidities or the aged (a highly verified fact) are outrageously dismissed as the result of ableism.
  • Table 3 in the paper asserts additionally that suggestions that the vaccine might have adverse effects or may alter DNA is a conspiracy theory. Subsequently there have been over 1000 papers published worldwide examining the deficiencies in mRNA vaccination safety and adverse effects reporting including evidence published late in 2020 that RNA vaccine genetic sequences can and do integrate into the human genome.
  • Mainstream scientists like Dr. Simon Thornley, media personalities like Mike Hosking, and politicians including Gerry Brownlee are described as using conspiracy theories to recruit NZers to right wing causes. All of whom should rightly have been described as high profile public figures stimulating discussion around political and scientific policies affecting a complex subject. The attempt to marginalise Ardern’s political opponents is obvious.
  • The paper rejects health and wellbeing narratives, many of which are in fact grounded in mainstream medical advice, as misleading. Thus it specifically rejects self-care options. Yet prior and subsequent research has found many of these lifestyle and dietary options to be helpful if not critical to healthy Covid outcomes and avoidence of serious illness. These include adequate rest, exercise, a balanced diet, and nutritional supplements.
  • This rejection of the value of wellbeing programmes has found its obvious conclusion in the formation of NZ government mandates. Yet the paper describes the suspicion that there are hidden government agendas to introduce ‘forced vaccination regimes’ as an ‘opportunistic conspiracy theory’. As we now know, these suspicions voiced early on social media are almost indistinguishable from the actual oppressive NZ vaccination mandates which Ardern eventually introduced denying employment and impoverishing those wishing to avoid risk and continue to make their own medical choices.

The push to introduce the censorship of scientific information and discussion that characterises the Ardern government is evident throughout the paper. Specific individual scientists tied to the government by both ideology, and in some cases by financial support, are picked out as people who should be the public’s sole sources of reliable information. These include: microbiologist Associate Professor Siouxsie Wiles, physicist Professor Shaun Hendy, and epidemiologist Professor Michael Baker.

The paper says the aim of government messaging should take the form of ‘branding’ designed to teach the public to trust the government alone. Something so close to propaganda as to be almost indistinguishable.

Emphasis in social media on ‘individual rights’ is described as an undesirable import from America. Ardern’s more recent rejection of protests as ‘imported ideas’ echoes Trudeau’s recent dismissal of protestors as ‘taking up space’, both of which hint at exclusionary agendas to come.

In conclusion the paper hints that ‘simply relying on the successful multi-faceted science and public health communication approaches of the government earlier in the pandemic will not be sufficient to debunk’ what it describes as ‘increasing prevalence of conspiracy theories about state control and individual rights’.

And continues: ‘a wide-ranging response to the increasing discussion of unreliable sources, untrustworthy narrators, and conspiracy narratives in media, political, and civil society discourses is required’.

It further reports that a computational methodology and process for on-going monitoring of the prevalence of mis- and dis-information, and conspiracy narratives, within Aotearoa New Zealand’s social and mainstream media ecosystems has been established. It describes public access to a plethora of social media platforms, as a problem that needs to be addressed.

The very limited scientific outlook of Covid-19 Modelling Aotearoa is evident in the many other papers it has produced for the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. In particular, their narrative has diverged in content from trends now well-understood through published data analysis around the world, including:

  • The strident saturation advertising of Covid-19 mRNA vaccination referring to its absolute safety.
  • The Ardern doctrine that the government should be the public’s only source of information.
  • The confidence Ardern extends to tentative and often subsequently falsified science without feeling the need to update policy.
  • The encouragement the government has offered to social media sites to censor content.
  • The politicisation of NZ’s Covid-19 policy.

Obviously, the paper and others may have fuelled and validated Ardern’s limited understanding of science. Science is a global, rational, empirical endeavour to arrive at truth, not a process tailor-made to support ideology.

Perhaps its most frightening consequence is Ardern’s rejection of the notion of individual health rights which has obvious historical parallels.

Source: Te Punahi Matatini: Evaluating the Infodemic.

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a food testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID). Website: HatchardReport.com.

Guy is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of dailytelegraph.co.nz.


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  1. “It describes public access to a plethora of social media platforms, as a problem that needs to be addressed…”

    And there it is right there! First free speech, and then free thought will follow closely behind.

    Keep it up government, keep it right up ????

    The more you spy, the more you censor, the more you try to obfuscate, the less we’re inclined to believe you.

    Get f**ked

  2. Thanks Daily Telegraph, for publishing this article and link to the ‘research’ paper.

    Hard to believe it’s even true.

    Here are 5 laws of stupidity:

    Unfortunately, Law 5 states:

    “A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person.
    It seems reasonable that among the four categories of humans, the bandit would be the most threatening. But as the corollary of law 5 proclaims: A stupid person is more dangerous than a bandit. Because nitwits create only losses in their interactions, society as a whole is impoverished by the stupid.

    In this way, the population of pinheads can easily endanger an entire society. The difference between communities that are crushed under the weight of their dim-witted citizens and those who overcome them are the efforts of the non-stupid. A society only stands a chance if it can counterbalance the stupid’s losses with the intelligent’s gains.

    It seems you can’t keep stupid people off the roads, out of government, or away from customer service jobs. But if you keep these five universal laws in mind as a tool to transcend the idiocracy, there’s hope for humanity yet.”

  3. Thanks Daily Telegraph, for publishing this article and link to the ‘research’ paper.

    Hard to believe it’s even true.
    My worst fears confirmed by this government.

    Here are 5 laws of stupidity:

    Unfortunately, Law 5 states:

    “A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person.
    It seems reasonable that among the four categories of humans, the bandit would be the most threatening. But as the corollary of law 5 proclaims: A stupid person is more dangerous than a bandit. Because nitwits create only losses in their interactions, society as a whole is impoverished by the stupid.

    In this way, the population of pinheads can easily endanger an entire society. The difference between communities that are crushed under the weight of their dim-witted citizens and those who overcome them are the efforts of the non-stupid. A society only stands a chance if it can counterbalance the stupid’s losses with the intelligent’s gains.

    It seems you can’t keep stupid people off the roads, out of government, or away from customer service jobs. But if you keep these five universal laws in mind as a tool to transcend the idiocracy, there’s hope for humanity yet.”

  4. Reading this article by Guy makes me sick to my stomach and asks more questions about Ardern , the ‘ Evil One ‘.
    She has taken advice from Joseph Goebbels Nazi propoganda machine and enrolled the 4th estate from the start, a calculated move to be the ” one source of truth “.
    Now she will double down to crush the protest gaining momentum, even today the Evil One announced she will look at the rules around protesting , because she cannot tolerate dissent.
    Well news for you Ardern we will protest until you are removed from office , you are Evil to the core

    • Well said. The protests were originally about the removal of the mandates. The whole situation could have been resolved by lunchtime if the government had accepted that the mandates are pointless now that Omicron is abroad in the community and removed them as have most European countries already. Now, thanks to Ardern’s arrogant and totalitarian failure to even talk to the protesters, the the aim of the protests must be to end the mandates and all covid restrictions AND to remove Ardern from power. She is as ludicrous a fascist dictator as Benito Mussolini and she deserves the same fate.

  5. Ardern is a Helen Clark clone. All the socialist training and total worship of the UN.
    “The science” will always fit the agenda. Our population will be thinned out and so many in this country will remain cheerleaders for it. Stupid, pitiful people who can’t trade out of the government’s circle of fear psychosis. We’re $60b in the hole for this and where that money’s gone will never be accounted for.

  6. Martin Luther King said .History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the noise of the bad people but the appalling silence of good people.

  7. I’ve reached the point where I can hardly look at photographs or listen to videos or media coverage of the person who currently holds the position of prime minister of New Zealand.

    Print articles are manageable.

    I used to be a proud Labour supporter and voted in good faith for her at the last two elections – which should speak volumes.

    When I now see or hear her, or any of her sad cabal, I feel a mix of betrayal, anger, sadness and extreme dislike – and shame for New Zealand.

    This person is a traitor to democracy, honesty, transparency and good governance – all terms she used in her electioneering speeches to describe how she would behave as a leader of this country.

    Therefore she is also a liar, who has deceived New Zealanders into voting for her so she could enact, as she has been doing for some time now, her WEF totalitarian plan for this country. She never declared this intention of hers to the NZ public, except perhaps within her cabinet, otherwise we would never have voted her.

    I’ve also lost a position argument with my husband.
    As a woman, I maintained that women would make better leaders, overall, than men, as I believed women were more likely to be compassionate and consider the greater good in their decisions.

    Sadly, I’ve now well and truly lost my argument.
    Case closed.

    • Thank you for your courage to speak. I’m sure you’re not the only proud Labour supporter, now fully awake to the illusion. Many of us also were equally proud of formally being National, Act, Green, or Maori supporters. The embarrassment of actually stating you voted in this Evil snake of a PM and the Labour party.
      Nats and Act would have been little different, if not more heavy handed.
      The deception of New Zealanders into WEF totalitarian plan for this country, started with Helen. carried on by Keys. Infiltrating the public service, academia, schools, and media. Like a cancer growing.

      NEVER ever will I vote for any of them again. Even if they clean out and change. The corruption is in their organisations’.
      Not only will I refrain from voting for them, I will actively campaign against them. To anyone who will listen. Not just at election time. From now onwards.

      Oh, how I wish the minor political parties, Conservatives, Winston, Matt King, and others could unite to form a real alternative.

      • I couldn’t vote for her because of the ‘trans women are women’ narrative. So spoilt my ballot last time as Greens were just as nutty. But admittedly i voted for the Greens in the 2017 round before realizing that they were all pillocks. Genocidal pillocks in the wash it seems.

  8. More bad news: It’s alleged, China supplied the gene sequence used by the West to develop the mRNA vaccines. It’s possible we built the vaccines around a deliberately altered/deadly gene sequence supplied by the Chinese.

  9. Why are so many of you remaining ‘anonymous’ – fear? We all need to stand up against the tyranny that this government is bringing down on us – the ‘Viper’ will love ‘anonymous people’ – it shows she is in control. I don’t reckon the paddy wagon will be rounding we dissident’s up yet – but no doubt that may come – just make sure you’re ready!


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