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Saturday, October 5, 2024

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‘Third Atomic Bomb’: Japan set to approve ‘Self-Replicating mRNA’ jabs despite public cutcry

Self-replicating mRNA news

Dr. Robert Malone, a key figure in the development of mRNA technology and now a prominent critic of it, has raised alarms over Japan’s imminent deployment of self-“replicating mRNA vaccines”, warning that the country is being used as a testing ground for unproven biotechnology.

Speaking at a recent event, Malone highlighted a 30,000-person protest rally in Tokyo, where citizens likened the deployment of the vaccines to a “third atomic bomb” due to concerns over potential risks and lack of rigorous testing.

The self-replicating RNA vaccines, developed in collaboration between U.S. company Arcturus, Australian firm CSL, and a “Japanese partner”, are causing widespread unease.

Malone warned that this new technology, which has not undergone extensive safety trials, poses unknown risks, including the possibility of uncontrolled replication and potential effects on the elderly. “We don’t know if it’s [ie. the ‘vaccine’] is going to spread or if it could infect others,” Malone stated, underscoring the uncertainty surrounding these gene therapies.

Self-replicating mRNA technology poses several potential dangers due to its largely untested nature. The primary concern is its ability to replicate uncontrollably within the body, raising the risk of unintended side effects, such as immune reactions, long-term health complications, or the potential for the ‘vaccine’ to affect other tissues, like the brain.

Additionally, there are fears that the technology could spread to others via airborne spreading or shedding, making containment difficult, and infecting even those who are unvaccinated with the mRNA gene therapy. Without thorough testing, the full impact of this technology remains unknown, sparking concerns about its safety, especially in vulnerable populations like the elderly. Critics also warn of a broader risk of stifling public debate and oversight, as companies may suppress concerns to promote widespread adoption and maximise profits and depopulation initiatives.

Malone also criticised the CEO of the Japanese company involved, who, during a recent press conference, warned that legal action would be taken against anyone spreading “misinformation” about the ‘vaccines’.

According to Malone, this move to silence critics and control the narrative signals a dangerous shift toward authoritarianism. “They want to shut us down… prevent us from speaking,” Malone said, describing this as part of a broader agenda to manipulate public perception and enforce compliance.

Public opposition in Japan is growing, with many questioning the ethics of using their population for what they view as a global experiment. Malone’s comments reflect broader skepticism about the safety of self-replicating mRNA technology, as critics argue that rushing its deployment without adequate testing could lead to unforeseen consequences.

For Malone and many others, the fight against this new technology represents a battle against what they view as a looming “new world order” aimed at suppressing dissent and controlling populations.

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    • Because he authorized the use of IVM which cures the coronaviruses, all of them.
      IVM also apparently cures some forms of cancer. It’s cheap and actually effects a cure, not just alleviates symptoms, which is why ‘the globalists’ hate it. The vaccines could not be legally used under EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) if another method of cure was available. Why HCQ and IVM were viciously suppressed in the MSM and social media.

      IVM = Ivermectin
      HCQ = Hydroxychloroquine

      • There are no coronaviruses
        Only rebranded re marketed influenza
        There is nothing to cure
        Covid is in all influenza and not a stand alone specific virus
        Influenza is a natural process of the body de detoxifying
        How long does it take?

  1. There must have been a very special promise from the Rothschilds to the politicians of the world. Elected by us, paid for by us. To murder us, ourfamlies.


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