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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Trump summoned to court

Boxes Hoax news

The former US president says he’ll face federal charges in “Boxes Hoax” next week.

Former US president Donald Trump revealed on Thursday that the federal government intends to charge him over the alleged improprieties involving classified documents, calling it a “Boxes Hoax.”

“The corrupt Biden administration has informed my attorneys that I have been indicted,” Trump said in a post on his social media platform Truth Social. The 45th president added that he received a summons to appear at a federal court in Miami, Florida next Tuesday.

The US Department of Justice has not commented on the matter.

The “boxes hoax” appears to be a reference to the boxes of documents the FBI seized last August at his Mar-a-Lago residence. The DOJ has said that the former president may have improperly taken some classified documents with him after leaving the White House in January 2021.

Trump has pointed to the fact that the current president turned out to have hundreds of boxes with classified documents – from his time as Barack Obama’s VP – at the University of Delaware, University of Pennsylvania, offices in DC, and “documents strewn all over his garage floor where he parks his Corvette, and which is ‘secured’ by only a garage door that is paper thin, and open much of the time.”

“I am an innocent man!” Trump insisted. “I never thought it possible that such a thing could happen to a former president of the United States, who received far more votes than any sitting president in the history of our country, and is currently leading, by far, all candidates, both Democrat and Republican, in polls of the 2024 presidential election.”

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Source:RT News

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  1. I see NZ news channels presenters are furiously masterbating behind their desk while reading out this headline. Strange while it’s okay for Biden to be doing the same with documents but no charges for him.

    • Biden is literally on camera admitting to using foreign aid to bribe the Ukrainian government into firing a prosecutor who was investigating his son (who is really just his proxy). In the clip the mainstream media journalists around him chuckle politely at this open confession of a crime.

      Hillary’s emails have been all over wikileaks for years now, detailing how her and Obama trafficked weapons to Libya, how she took money from Arab royalty in exchange for getting certain laws passed (pay for play). She also talked about “making an example of this guy….” (this guy assumed to be the late Seth Rich who is known to have been the person who’d leaked her files to Wikileaks in the first place).

      John Podesta (a good friend of Newstalk ZB) emails graphically describe hot tub parties with pre-teen children and lists their ages. They also heavily imply he was involved or at least had knowledge of Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia’s death. He’s never publicly disavowed these emails or even attempted to explain them. He just relied on CNN to assure everyone they were a conspiracy theory. (Also check out his creepy “artwork” if you have time, but be prepared to have nightmares).

      There’s also been 7 years worth of whistleblowers and Durham reports etc detailing the various ways all those intelligence agencies conspired with media and other politicians to fabricate evidence to frame Trump over and over and over.

      Now expand that level of corruption out to all the other western governments (ours included), and all the fun and games of 2020-2021. All the lies that were told, all the rights that were violated, all the laws that were broken while complicit judiciaries looked the other way.

      NOT ONE PERSON has faced the music for what was done to us, and no, retiring to a cushy overseas job and being granted a knighthood or honoured as a dame DO NOT COUNT as punishment.

      No government is going to investigate itself and find itself guilty. No government is interested in upholding actual laws. Those laws are there to protect the establishment from YOU, not the other way around.

      They’re going to keep persecuting Trump, no matter how bad it looks. They have to. He’s already vowed to go scorched earth on them if he gets back into office. The laughable prosecutions and fake news and election rigging will continue until he’s out of the picture. Wouldn’t surprise me if they eventually just outright Kennedy him.

    • Hilary Clinton had a private server with classified doc at her house and when she was told to hand them over she smashed her phones with a hammer and had her personnel tech whiz scrub the server with software that pedos use on their hard drives when they are investigated.
      The list goes on, Joe Biden, Tony Weiner, his wife, `Philipo cute boyz` Robinsons good mate John David Podesta who was good mates with Epstein, too many to list,,,

      • Whataboutism!! If they’re found guilty they should face the consequences. This doesn’t mean Trump should get away with his crimes.

        • Ah, “Whataboutism” 🤦🏼

          The creme de la creme of fake, bullshit non-words the leftists squawk whenever you point out their blatant hypocrisy. Throw out every catchy buzzword and talking point you want Ron, it doesn’t negate anything I said.

          “No reasonable prosecutor” would charge Hillary for her very real crimes, but they want to lock Trump away for some “classified” documents (documents he already declassified years ago as president) and staged photos they set last year when they raided his home and chased all his staff out while he was away in New York.

          But it’s TOTALLY not politically motivated though. The people who are well documented as having tried to repeatedly frame him since at least 2015, DEFINITELY would never do it again.

          Muh rule of law and stuff…🥴👍

          Lie down before you hurt yourself, bro.


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