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Sunday, September 29, 2024

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Undercover Bombshell: Pfizer director says company is considering mutating COVID virus to cash in on variant jabs

Jordan Trishton Walker is Pfizer’s Director of Research and Development – Director of Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning.

Walker was filmed by an undercover reporter from Project Veritas.

It’s now well established that Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine, for which governments around the world paid the company tens of billions of dollars, is ineffective at stopping the transmission of the virus. In a hearing before the European Parliament last year another senior executive admitted the company, which has an ‘appaling’ history of fraud and corruption, didn’t even test the ‘vaccine’ for its effectiveness in preventing transmission.

When asked what the company was doing to ‘optimise the vaccines’, Walker, who appeared to be in a jovial mood, said:

‘Oh we actually had a meeting about that today. So, there’s a lot. We’re doing… I don’t know if I should say this.’

‘We’re exploring like you know how the virus keeps mutating? Well one of the things we’re exploring is why don’t we just mutate it ourselves so we could focus on – so we could create preemptively developed vaccines… If we’re gonna do that though there’s a risk, as you could imagine, no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating f***ing viruses… So like that’s one of the things we’re considering, create new versions of vaccines and things like that.

‘So Pfizer ultimately is thinking about mutating COVID?’ he was asked.

‘Well that’s not what we’re going to say to the public. So that’s why it was a thought that came up in the meeting. We’re going to consider that with more discussions.

Before explaining how Pfizer would do this, Walker told the reporter ‘You have to promise not to tell anyone ok?’

Walker said they would first conduct the experiment in living animals, in monkeys ‘and then we cause them to keep infecting each other. And we collect the serial examples from them, and then, the ones that are more infectious to the virus we put them in another monkey and you just constantly actively mutate it. That’s one way. Or you can even do directed simulation, which we tend not to prefer.’

The directed simulation method would allow Pfizer to ‘force mutate’ the virus in any way it wanted. ‘But you have to be very controlled to make sure that the virus you mutate doesn’t create something or goes everywhere – which I suspect is the way the virus started in Wuhan. It doesn’t make sense that this virus popped out of nowhere.’

Reacting to the video, key scientist in the development of mRNA vaccines Robert Malone said, ‘The gentleman seems to have no moral compass at all. If this is the quality of the individuals within Pfizer that are making these huge decisions that risk global public health it’s profoundly corrupt.’

‘It appears that Pfizer is internally discussing the possibility of mutating the COVID virus themselves, in order to tailor a vaccine to sell to the public’, said Project Veritas lead investigator James O’Keefe.

Walker also spoke about the revolving door policy between the big pharmaceutical companies and the regulators. He said the practise was ‘bad for America’, because regulators reviewing drug safety often ended up working for big pharma companies they were reviewing, and ‘they’re not going to be as harsh on the company where they’re getting a job.’

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  1. They will never be criminally investigated AND convicted because of the large sums of money involved. WEF people also state openly what they are planning on doing and almost laugh in our faces.

    Seems like the only way is the military …

    • Check project veritas on twitter and check the verification of identity in the comments of the videos, its there he is legit part of Pfizer.

      All this is true

  2. I think we should be looking at this sideways. This guy is not a director of Pfizer in the UK or US. He is not even on their staff lists that I could find. Reddit are saying he is definitely not a director. I smell a rat…

    • You can see his docs on project veritaz twitter also when I searched earlier on ddg his linkendin account was still up but now not so who knows

    • Also, Reddit is one of the most heavily censored, edited and manipulated leftist echo chambers/circle jerks on the entire internet.

      I would trust anything I read there about as much as I trust health advice from Jacinda Ardern

  3. If he’s a Pfizer employee he may be called a director but definitely not at board level. No reason to doubt project veritas as they’re always bang on the money. He’s probably middle even lower management with a fancy job title, big ego and big mouth

  4. Why is this ‘person’ not arrested? Or is this a hoax?
    He will sing like a bird and would have taken footage of these meetings,, if he has any pea-size brain cell rolling around,

  5. “No no no… we’re not making viruses more deadly through gain of function. THAT would be illegal.

    What we’re doing is making viruses more deadly through directed evolution – that’s totally different 😉”

  6. According to sources, ( David Martin, patent lawyer) they began getting patents early as 2012 which culminated in the the viral release in late 2019.

    • David Martin and Reiner Fullmich did a video a while ago (cannot remember what it was called) where they were basically following the patents. They realized that since about 2003 there were vaccines being released just a few days after the virus (whatever it was – Sars, Asian bird flu and so on). Sometimes, the vaccine was coming out a few days before the virus!

      They referred to what is going on as “a patented genocide”.

      • I should have correctly said that the patents for the vaccines sometimes came out just days after the virus, and sometimes the patent for the vaccine was days before the virus. Shows foreknowledge of the existence of the virus.

  7. I think he is reviving the Wuhan lab leak story to obscure facts around bioNtech and the US laboratories and practices in the Ukraine.


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