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Update: Parents High Court mRNA vaccine case for children 5-11

The fight is not over according to community funded pro-debate, free speech group The ‘Hood.

Legal action requesting a judicial review of the government’s decision to approve and rollout the Pfizer vaccine for children aged 5-11, is still active in the Wellington High Court.

Filed in January 2022 by eight concerned parents and The ‘Hood, the initial application for an urgent application to halt the roll-out of the vaccine (filed alongside the judicial review) was denied by Judge Catherine Ellis but The ‘Hood spokeswomen Ms Sereca Friend and Mrs Nicola Culver say the legal fight continues.

“There has been public confusion over the January ruling, whereby many thought the case funded by The ‘Hood was over – that the evidence had been heard, reviewed and decided upon – and had failed to stop the Pfizer roll-out for ages 5-11 years. This is not the case. The second step in this application is a substantive case, which will be heard in the High Court of Wellington on June 27 and 28. In it, expert evidence will be argued by the applicants and the crown.

“This is an incredible chance for the people of New Zealand to finally have information revealed that has been in question for many months. Information that is crucial to making informed decisions that impact children,” Ms Friend said.

The preliminary hearing on January 27 argued that the vaccine should be halted immediately, while the substantive hearing could be heard. The argument was presented that “there is currently no efficacy or safety data for children below the age of 12 years; until such data is available, individuals below 12 years of age should not be routinely vaccinated.”

This argument was heard by Judge Ellis, addressing the fact no healthy children should be vaccinated with this experimental vaccine while a review of safety is pending a full substantive hearing in the High Court. Judge Ellis ruled that she believed there was insufficient evidence to support a pause in the rollout at such time, due in part to potential wastage of the already ordered vaccine, and initial statements from Dr Ashley Bloomfield, George Town, Iona Holsted and Chris James.

Since filing the application, The ‘Hood legal team including Gaze Burt Solicitors, legal counsel David Jones QC and Tom Molloy have been working tirelessly with esteemed international experts to provide scientific and medical evidence.

For example, biologist Geert Vanden Bossche notes that healthy children’s innate immunity is able to easily deal with and create natural immunity to COVID-19. Dr Robert Malone, inventor of the RNA vaccine says this vaccine should never been used in children. And cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough, who has been the clinical lead on pharmaceutical trials, notes a 500-fold increase of myocarditis following vaccination with a SARS-COV-2 vaccine.

Some of the evidence presented by The ‘Hood team challenges Medsafe, the Ministers and the panelists involved in approving the Pfizer vaccine for the 5-11 age group.

The legal team will be challenging the government on information that has been proven to be factually lacking, and arguably dishonest.

The ‘Hood is a community of thousands of members, founded, funded and dedicated to unbiased investigations into vaccine safety for children in New Zealand. The ‘Hood continues to post unbiased information to support New Zealanders in making informed decisions for themselves and their chil-dren about the safety of the Pfizer vaccine. For more information, visit www.thehoodnz.com.

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    • Two-thirds are triple jabbed and so it is not surprising to see a third of the children are jabbed because of the herd behaviour of their parents and media propaganda.

      We should also appreciate that a third refuse to have a third jab after realising the scam. This section has woken up realising that there is cost benefit compared to the real risk. MSM is crying over this sudden drop with the third jab.

      Lot of media push is still there. Autmn (Winter) peak fear mongering is unleashed on public already. All the “experts” are being asked to make statements on this and the narrative is pushed through the media on a daily basis. They cant let the money stream dry that quickly. Utterly selfish souls.

  1. Kudos to everyone involved in standing up and fighting legally for our beloved innocents, who cannot yet speak in court or officially for themselves to protect their bodies and health from the not-yet-fully-known, untested, incompletely trialled and so far evidently damaging genetic/biological outcomes from injecting mRNA (including several other substances) into them.

    This government and other interest groups are not truly interested in our or our children’s optimal health, proven by their handling of the entire COVID epidemic after the first lockdown.

    If this govt was, they would have insisted upon all relevant information, research papers, trials, tests, expert and public opinion available, then thoroughly, robustly and transparently debated this to determine the best response/treatment with all concerned parties at the table. Is mRNA gene therapy the best intervention and then for pro-choice about this. Instead of rapidly mandating the Pfizer injection, mainly, then punishing and ostracising those who very wisely and bravely, and research is undeniably proving this, did not receive the mRNA injection.

    The govt’s entire health response policy centres almost exclusively on lockdowns and mandating repeated doses of the, Pfizer mainly, highly expensive pharmaceutical gene therapy injection incorrectly termed a vaccination.

    We, the NZ public, need to see all the research/info/opinion made available to the govt and also the entire contract they swiftly signed with Pfizer, which should be made available in court.

    As taxpayers, we will be paying Pfizer for some time to come – and those who received the Pfizer mRNA injection will be paying in far more important ways, than merely financial, for some time to come too.

    We, adults, have some choice about this, our children and grandchildren do not.

    Injecting children with untrialled, not-fully-researched, mostly-ineffective-for-purpose and proven-to-be-damaging mRNA along with other included substances is a gross and criminal injustice. Particularly if this is done mostly, or even in small part, to fulfill a binding contract signed by the government to exclusively use mRNA gene therapy, and exclude all other treatment interventions, for treating COVID infection, which is enriching an already unthinkably wealthy and known to be corrupt pharmaceutical company.

  2. So basically the judge didnt want to waste the money already spent on obtaining vaccines. Zero interest in child welfare. What a joke

    • Yip, “there’s not enough evidence yet to prove it’s dangerous…” (which conversely also means there’s not enough evidence to prove it’s SAFE).

      Also – they spent money no one asked them to spend (there were no votes/referendums etc) on a shady contract with a foreign company which none of us were allowed to see, and somehow the judge believes THAT’S legally kosher?

      But yeah whatever, stop noticing things you crazy right winger!

      Just put your children’s lives in their hands, you can trust them (apparently).

      • How about we stopped labelling anyone who doesn’t agree with this government or it’s ‘vaccination’ and mandate policy as ‘right wing’, in jest or not.

        My education is in following thorough science, regardless, and my political views liberal. I used to be a Labour supporter, however no longer for obvious reasons. I’ve never been right wing. And most of those in Freedom Camp certainly didn’t appear right wing.

        Let’s keep ‘right wing’ for those who proudly march under that banner. And call out anyone labelling ‘right wing’ those who don’t agree with this government’s obviously limited scientific research capacity and, or, slavish kowtowing to a pharmaceutical company’s and the associated WEF’s dictates. There’s nothing remotely democractic or liberal whatsoever about complying to either of these entities, which will lead to absolute dictatorial control of a person’s freedoms, choices and bodily integrity.

        I foresee the main socio-political labels steadily becoming ‘free’ versus ‘compliant’. As there are those who far prefer critical freedom, and there are those content with uncritical compliance, in both left and right wing camps.

        • Eh, you’re probably correct about the left wing/right wing labels, but I think it’s kind of a moot point when there are far bigger fish to fry (like forced vaccinations and governments seemingly merging & consolidating power).

          TPTB and their media minions will smear us all as right wing and racist/sexist/nationalist/whateverist anyway, no matter how untrue it is. I’m just getting ahead of them, so if I use some of their phrases or language from time to time, it’s only to mock them.

          Seriously, they’re using this same sad and tired old tactic on people like Joe Rogan and Russel Brand right now as we speak; two of the most hilarious, easy going, weed-smoking, classic liberals on the planet being denounced as some sort of dangerous extremists.

          So yeah, not really phased about labels and banners to be honest. Their hollow shame words mean nothing to me

  3. This from the UK government website:

    They even have it on the website but are still sending parents messages☠️????

    COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 is not recommended for children under 12 years.

    There is an increased risk of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside the heart) after vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 (see section 4). These conditions can develop within just a few days after vaccination and have primarily occurred within 14 days. They have been observed more often after the second vaccination, and more often in younger males. Following vaccination, you should be alert to signs of myocarditis and pericarditis, such as breathlessness, palpitations and chest pain, and seek immediate medical attention should these occur.

    • 2 9 year olds died today, apparently because of Covid, yeah right and I have a whole lot of swamp to sell!! I bet this deaths was because of the jabs. My God, what did a 9 year old do to lose their life. Just think about it.

      What kind of parents get their healthy kids jabbed when there is an Everest size mountain of evidence that these jabs are nothing but poisons.

      Every time those sick vax adverts come on TV, it makes me want to throw something at the screen. WHY ISN’T ANYONE STOPPING THIS CRIMINAL GENOCIDAL BEHAVIOUR BY THE GOVT???

  4. I have the best idea in the last 2 years



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