Washington “took out” the Russian gas pipelines, Seymour Hersh has claimed.
The Nord Stream pipelines were destroyed last September by the US in a covert operation, Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has claimed. The legendary reporter made the bombshell revelation in an article posted to his newly launched blog on Substack on Wednesday.
The explosives were planted at the pipelines back in June 2022 by US Navy divers under the guise of the BALTOPS 22 NATO exercise, Hersh reported, citing a source with direct knowledge of the operational planning.
The journalist noted that he had reached out to the White House and CIA for comment, with both firmly rejecting the claim that the US “took out” the pipelines as “utterly false.”
The bombs were detonated three months later on September 26 with a remote signal sent by a sonar buoy. The buoy was dropped near the Nord Stream pipelines by a Norwegian Navy P8 surveillance plane, according to the report.
The operation came to fruition following months of back-and-forth between the White House, CIA, and military, with officials focusing on how to leave no trace of US involvement in the attack. The planning process began back in December 2021, when a special task force was created with the direct participation of US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.
“The Navy proposed using a newly commissioned submarine to assault the pipeline directly. The Air Force discussed dropping bombs with delayed fuses that could be set off remotely. The CIA argued that whatever was done, it would have to be covert. Everyone involved understood the stakes,” the report read.
The source told Hersh that everybody involved understood the operation was not some “kiddie stuff” but was actually an “an act of war.” Throughout “all of this scheming” certain officials urged the White House to drop the idea entirely. “Some working guys in the CIA and the State Department were saying, ‘Don’t do this. It’s stupid and will be a political nightmare if it comes out,’” according to the source.
Originally, the explosives were to have a 48-hour timer and were set to be planted by the end of BALTOPS22, Hersh reported, citing the same source. The two-day window, however, was ultimately deemed to be too close to the end of the exercise by the White House, which ordered the task force to come up with an on-demand method of detonating them. This ultimately turned out to be the sonar buoy.
The administration of President Joe Biden has been “focused” on jeopardizing the Nord Stream pipelines – initially through sanctions, and, ultimately, by direct sabotage – seeing it as key to swaying Europe to its cause amid the then-looming conflict in Ukraine, Hersh noted.
“As long as Europe remained dependent on the pipelines for cheap natural gas, Washington was afraid that countries like Germany would be reluctant to supply Ukraine with the money and weapons it needed to defeat Russia,” he wrote.
Moscow provided a similar take on the incident shortly after the blasts, branding them a “terrorist attack” and stating that the US was the nation that benefited most from it, by accelerating Europe’s attempts to wean itself off of Russian gas.
Throughout his career, Hersh has reported on numerous explosive stories, including war crimes by the US military and high-profile political scandals. Exposing the My Lai massacre by US troops in Vietnam scored the journalist the Pulitzer Prize in 1970. Other notable stories Hersh reported on include the Watergate scandal, the CIA illegal domestic spying, as well as the American military’s torture and abuse of detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.
Once again, just more A’holes not really working for the country they are paid by the taxpayer to serve but instead working for the globalist agenda…..it’s sickening.
Anyone who can think critically for themselves is already aware that ukraine is just a front for nato.
Well what a surprise…..really….LOL
Shocking. I feel shocked.
do you ? really ? after all the lies and crimes done by US governments ? And not to forget their allies the UK
Lol no, I was being extremely sarcastic.
We all knew from the second the story broke that the geriatric, child-sniffing Alzheimer’s patient in Washington was behind it (or at least the people who run his teleprompter anyway).
No sh*t Sherlock!
Liz Truss texting “It’s Done” to Anthony Blinken two minutes after the explosion was a bit of a clue.
No s**t! I’d never’ve guessed. I’m sure they all had something to do with it. Lizz Truss included.
WW3 – get the nuclear feeling? Maybe not, but if true this will definitely play into Putin’s hands, giving Russia a clear advantage on the world stage. I would hope that European countries will now see the US govt for what it is, a corrupt warmonger, and rescind all ties with them, close US embassies and even to go as far as expel them from NATO (if that’s possible).
Big ups to an actual journalist that puts the truth before his country’s interests as ultimately its the truth the American people need to put the power elites right
Americans I think still have the grit to work through the hard times to get back to a semblance of sanity but first they must purge their political system just as we must
one should always make a difference between governments an people.
There are a lot of decent US citizen.
But the Government of the USA is rotten to the core. Government of ultra zionists and warmongers. Follow the monies
Actually, it’ll be really interesting to see how Putin responds. Will he decide to make the average American’s lives unbearable because of the actions of their leaders, or use it to his advantage throughout Europe convincing them that they are supporting not one but two corrupt regimes that have no respect for European people in general. Or will he respond some other way? Interesting days, that’s for real. One thing is for sure, I’m sure glad I don’t live in the US right now.
The full article if you can find the link to Hersh’s article is very detailed and pinpoints Joe Biden led the planning team. The fact that it was planned several months prior to the start of the Ukrainian conflict and focused on cutting positive economic ties between Germany and Russia shows unsurprisingly this is about selling USA gas to Europe.
The Ukraine war had the added bonus (from their viewpoint) of drawing Russia into a conflict and weakening it economically and militarily. The opposite as we know has happened and shortly it may backfire hugely on their economy.
If this gains momentum it will lead to Biden’s exit from the White House but more importantly a wake up call to all of Europe regards the USA prostitute they worship is also a murderous thief. But thats right Europe already knows that without blushing
who still needs ” ennemies” when you have such a good a ” friend” as the usa, Hey ??
Soaring energy prices in europe, such as bakeries go bust and close down in france. As for norwegian salmons and other sold product in europe, boycot.
Just read the full article. It comes at no surprise. But i did not know sneaky little norway was also participating.
There you can find the whole art. of seymour hersh. in spanish and english.
Just look for the article and chose the language on the site
Hal Turner reported on this some time ago; 2 days after it actually happened!
He also released drone video taken by the Ukrainian AZOV (A3OB) Nazis violating international law under both the Hague and Geneva Conventions in dropping a nerve agent on two Russian Soldiers who were in a drainage ditch.
The Zio-Communist AZOV Nazis played circus music as a sound track to the video.
One could not have expected anything less; especially when the Ukrainian Zio-Communist AZOV (A3OB) Nazis are photographed boiling the head of a Russian Soldier, cutting off arms, hands, etc to prevent ID after death, and carting intact bodies off for immediate organ harvesting.
There is nothing that the J3w Zelensky will not do with regards to committing and allowing atrocities to be visited on the Goyim, even if the Goyim are his so-called ‘countrymen’.
WARNING; to the Ukrainian Orthodox Christians; DO NOT GO BACK TO THE UKRAINE!!!
The Zio-Communists Nazis of the AZOV Battalions are getting ready to commit the final solution on the Orthodox Church. Zelensky’s and Israel’s actions in shutting down the Orthodox Church and arresting / detaining the Metropolitans is following the same pattern as in Nazi Germany, and during the Red Terror which was led by a Khazarian J3w!!!!
you can also read the full article of Seymour Hersh also on substack. It is free of charge, but you can upgrade and suscribe.
Als Scott Ritter, barred from many publications, also publishes on substack reader and i get his letter through substack in my mailbox.
It is for free spirits, just like DT 😘😘