Vigilantes posing as underage teenagers online are luring men to meet-up spots in Tauranga before forcing them to strip naked and beating them.
The group told legacy media they are aiming to provide a community service by exposing paedophiles.
The group, which targets gay men by posing as underage boys and filming the assaults, has garnered online support but also sparked controversy and a police investigation.
Videos posted online show the vigilantes confronting, abusing, and assaulting their victims.
Police and advocates have condemned their actions as illegal and homophobic, warning that such vigilantism undermines proper law enforcement and judicial processes. Police say it is important to handle suspected paedophiles through legal channels to ensure justice and “proper monitoring.”
The group has gained significant online attention, with a large number of the community supporting their actions, believing that they are doing what police should.
Image credit: Mauricio Mascaro
They need to up their efforts to dox and expose these people because I haven’t heard about this, any links to the perps?
I agree name and shame. Bring back the public square and stocks
I thought they were targeting peadophiles rather than “gay” – grown up word homosexual – men? Are you saying that because the alleged paedos are “gay” – Grown up word homosexual – that this is unfair or somehow “dirty pool”?
Good point, are all pedos gay? are gays being disparaged by being associated with pedos that prey on underage gay boys?
Anyone: We need to crack down on Pedo’s!!
LGBT: this will infringe on our rights.
Me: 🤔
Well don’t try to have nefarious meet ups with young boys…..pretty simple really…….
Your a fool to be catfished. And a pedo one at that. Sign o’ the times as most folks tolerance has expired and everyone is on edge.
This sort of behaviour is the beginning of the end in any civilised society. Anyone who agrees with the actions of this or any other vigilantes taking upon themselves a perceived rule of law, is equally at fault. No matter the reason, and no matter the circumstances, violence is never the way forward as its offspring is oppression.
While I understand the sentiment driving these actions as the abuse of children is an abomination in the sight of God and right thinking people, they must be brought to account.
And while it seems they are stepping in where official agencies are thought to have failed in their duties to protect the vulnerable in society, their actions will only make matters worse. Not only for their entrapped victims, but society as a whole.
We need look no further than Nazi Germany or other Facist State to see where this sort of behaviour will inevitably end.
As to to the answer there is only one way forward. Return to God. Put away our violence and hatred and live as Jesus taught us. Love one another. For, if we continue down this road of taking the law into our own hands, of hatred and violence, nothing good will come of it as history bears witness…
Yes it goes without saying there’s no place for vigilantism, even in this context. People have been put into hospital brain damaged and beaten beyond recognition in the past for lesser crimes, God forbid, as this could happen here.
‘We need look no further than Nazi Germany or other Facist State to see where this sort of behaviour will inevitably end’ ???
Lets go back to the root cause shall we,,
‘We need look no further than Wiemar Germany to see where this sort of behaviour will inevitably end’
Nope, violence is 100% warranted.
If the cops and the injustice system and the politicians want to keep looking the other way while all their various pet protected classes continue to besiege our children with LGBT school books and drag queen story time and foreign grooming gangs, then THEY are responsible for the vigilantism that rises up to fill the void created by their abdication of duty.
Innocent children shouldn’t be molested. THAT’S the principle that should matter most here, ABOVE ALL OTHERS.
Returning to God and Christianity is wonderful, but Jesus didn’t teach us to appease evil, not even for “the greater good”. Jesus was an enemy of his government, Jesus spread “harmful misinformation”, Jesus lost his sh*t and overturned tables and chased the money lenders from the temple. Being peaceful shouldn’t be conflated with being WEAK. Not ANYMORE at least…
Telling us to indulge child molestation and a broken system lest we become the Nazis is some of the dumbest mental gymnastics I’ve ever read.
If the powers that be don’t want vigilantes, they should return to enforcing the laws. Equally.
No more protected classes.
No more bullsh!t excuses.
Well said
i agree with you, the system has failed all of us
Go read the bible, it says pedos need a millstone around their neck and to be thrown into some deep water.
Here is the potential for the ‘Two-Tiered Enforcement Actions’ that we are currently seeing in U.K. cities.
Paedophiles have been politically tolerated due to a good portion of the Politicians engaging in the same-either by default (being recorded by Mossad Ops in order to bribe, blackmail and extort political support for Israel..) or deliberate grooming.
The ‘Gays’ have been shoving their lifestyles and agendas in our faces, and we’re f*cking tired of that as well.
So, since no one in Parliament seems to want to enforce OUR rights as normal ‘Straight, Conservative New Zealanders’, and since the New Zealand Police are lacking in stopping the Gay Ops that is designed to target our children with ‘Transgenderism’, Rainbow Story Time’, etc., then people will rise up and put a stop to it.
Homosexuality and Bi-Sexuality have been here on Earth for eeons of time, but those engaging in such activities kept it all to themselves.
Nowadays, the ‘lifestyle’ that was normally hidden and out of the way is being arrogantly pushed on the rest of society with simmering hatreds hostilities towards those who are…(DARE I say it…)…NORMAL!
The uprisings in the U.K.are the result of child groomers, rapists, and murderers who in the past have had their asses kicked by the local towns folks.
And since the U.K. Police did little or nothing to address the problem, those folks in those towns are rising up now to put a stop to it!
Kier Starmer and his ‘Two-Tiered Policing System’ of protecting the offenders and their communities of groomers, paedophiles, homos, etc. will continue to exhibit the Zionist J3wi$h influence in U.K. politics due to his wife being J3wi$h, and his unrestricted support of Israel.
The Zionist AshkeNAZI / Khazarian Mafia of J3w$ are calling for the extinction of the White Race.
This is a well-known fact!
And due to bi-racial breeding, abortion of White Children, homosexuality, and blatant ‘racial quotas’ via DEI, Equal Opportunity Employment Laws that discriminate against White applicants, and disenfranchisement from both work and educational opportunities, the Whites in many nations are now rising up just in time for Civil Wars in their respective nations while the Globalists foment their ‘Final Solution’ of nuking White populations under the guise of a Russia vs The West / NATO World War Three.
Shopping at Pak-N-Save two days ago, all I saw there were downtrodden White Customers (28%), and those from the Third World immigrants (72%) with the latter speaking in their own languages.
They also hadn’t bathed in days…! So-
We can fully understand the frustration in Tauranga, and the MP’s who are now stirring up ‘Racially-Motivated Laws & Protests’ on a local Party basis need to stop the bullshit, and follow the NZ Loyal Party’s idea of a legal, ratified New Zealand Constitution that encompasses the Treaty of Waitangi in it’s full form.
With regards to staying OUT of NATO, AUKUS, and other failing organisations, we need to become a Neutral Nation, and get the Mossad and their agents OUT of New Zealand!
That is a given…!
When the media and our own so called govt spend decades and millions of dollars telling us the the lgbt made up bullshit community are just normal what do you expect. When grown male creeps in dresses want to read stories to underage children what do you expect. When a chick with a dick beats up an old lady at a women’s rights rally and the police and the courts do nothing what do you expect. When the education system want’s to teach 6 six year old’s about the diversity of the made up bullshit community what do you expect. This is not the communities fault or this organizations fault they are fighting back the only way they now how. This happened because the politicians do nothing, the police do nothing and the media do nothing accept support this Bullshit and it is Bullshit.
Tommy Robinson’s interview on Infowars is spot-on!
Notice how free speech and ‘social media’ are now receiving visits from the Red Terror Fascist U.K. Police.
If you can’t have firearms in the U.K., then do what Aleksander Solzhenytsyn suggested below; get pitchforks, crowbars, etc. to defend yourselves and your families from the rapist hordes from the Third World and the Government actors who support them while removing your Civil and Human Rights!
” And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say goodbye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrest, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood that they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? After all, you knew ahead of time that those blue caps (NKVD, SMERSH, KGB) were out at night for no good purpose. And you could be sure ahead of time that you’d be cracking the skull of a cutthroat. What about the Black Maria sitting out there on the street with one lonely chauffeur – what if it had been driven off or its tires spiked. The Organs [Soviet state institutions] would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!
If…if… We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation. We spent ourselves in one unrestrained outburst in 1917, and then we hurried to submit. We submitted with pleasure! … We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward. –
Aleksander Solzhenytsyn, (The Gulag Archipelago, Volume 1)
Check out Paul Joseph Watson’s analysis below…
Thank you brilliant post
If amateurs can be so efficient how come the police are not going this?
Disturbing all round. I hope the police will find all the crimes suspects.
Illegal and homophobic? Too bad about kids being abused by pedophiles though eh?
Our cops are USELESS