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Tiffany Brown
Tiffany Brown
Tiffany Brown is a freelance writer based in the Auckland region. She has extensive experience in feature writing on pregnancy, childbirth and parenting topics, a diverse range of commercial work, as well as local news and features journalism.

Was the MOH careless about myocarditis risk?

Ministry of Health (MOH) documents obtained through the Official Information Act and shared with Daily Telegraph New Zealand show officials were aware of the risk of myocarditis and pericarditis following COVID-19 vaccination, particularly for youngsters, as early as July 2021.

In a memorandum on myocarditis following vaccination, dated 21 July 2021, the COVID-19 Vaccine Technical Advisory Group (CV-TAG) briefed Director General of Health Dr. Ashley Bloomfield on the use of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine in the context of the risk of myocarditis and/or pericarditis following vaccination.

Myocarditis news

The memo, which reviewed emerging international data, showed an elevated risk of myocarditis for males in the younger cohort, and recommended the 16-29 year old age bracket to receive their second dose of the vaccine at least 8 weeks after the first. It also suggested existing cardiac patients consult their healthcare practitioner to develop a suitable vaccination plan, and advised people who developed myocarditis or pericarditis after the first injection not to get the second.

By 3 August 2021, CV-TAG had again been requested by Bloomfield to conduct a rapid review of dosing intervals, as part of the recommendation on myocarditis for under 30-year olds in the context of extending the time between the first and second dose.

CV-TAG advised that extending the interval from the Pfizer-stipulated 21 days (3 weeks) to a longer interval between doses was preferable in the context of myocarditis risk. Other countries were advising waiting periods of between 8 and 16 weeks. Despite limited data, CV-TAG applied the general immunological principles which provide that the longer the time between any vaccination doses, the better the immune response. The group also said extending the doses would allow more people the chance to get vaccinated more quickly. The documentation noted the potential for confusion if a change to a longer interval applied to only one subgroup of the population, noting in addition, “…extending the dosing interval for the general population, instead of only for those in the 16-29 year-old age group, could remove the potential for concerns and vaccine hesitancy in the younger age group.”

A memo from MOH followed on 6 August 2021, seeking ministerial approval to extend the dosing interval from 3 to 6 weeks, and recommending the need for “effective public communications” in order to deliver a concurrent message that while an extension to the intervals was preferable, people who had already booked for a shorter interval would still be “appropriately protected against COVID-19.” The memo stated further that an effective campaign would “mitigate the risk of this change generating hesitancy for un-vaccinated people.” A plan to extend vaccine appointment availability to the next group in line, people aged 50-54, and to encourage walk-ins, was suggested to deal with the resulting loss of ‘productivity’ caused by the change in dosing intervals and any subsequent re-booking of appointments.

When the MOH statement was released on 12 August 2021, it said the interval between doses was being increased from 3 to 6 weeks in order to vaccinate more people faster, claiming this was “an important part of being prepared for a possible outbreak of the more infectious Delta variant of the virus.”

At CV-TAG’s 5 October 2021 meeting it was decided the interval should shorten again to three weeks, this time reasoning more people will be “fully vaccinated” with their second dose in the context of the Delta outbreak of the virus.

While it was noted there was discussion on whether a longer interval should be kept for adolescents and young people under 30, no such interval was put in place when an MOH media release advised New Zealanders the next day, 6 October 2021, to consider a shorter gap between doses.

There was no discussion of the myocarditis or pericarditis risk in the excerpt of the CV-TAG 5 October minutes provided under the Official Information Act, nor was it mentioned in the subsequent media release.

In a press release dated 20 December 2021, MOH discussed three deaths following myocarditis temporally related to vaccination, including a 13 year-old child. This death, according to the COVID-19 Vaccine Independent Safety Monitoring Board, required further investigation, while the death of a man in his sixties was “unlikely related” to the administration of the vaccine. A third death of a 26 year-old man was linked to the vaccine. An autopsy later confirmed Rory Nairn had died on 17 November as a result of myocarditis following his first dose.

On 1 January 2022, MOH shortened the gap between the second and third Pfizer doses from six months to four, and shortened it again to three months from 4 February 2022.

At the time of writing, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was considering expanding the interval for the Pfizer vaccine first and second doses from 21 days to 8 weeks to reduce the risk of myocarditis.

Editor’s Note – Four documents were released under the OIA request. Download PDFs:

Tiffany Brown is a freelance writer based in the Auckland region. She has extensive experience in feature writing on pregnancy, childbirth and parenting topics, a diverse range of commercial work, as well as local news and features journalism. An active community volunteer and a cappella singer, Tiffany has managed to complete her first novel, and is currently ruminating on her next.

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  1. Seems they are implicant in failing to fulfill their duty.
    Their duty to provide inform.
    We we the people can make “an informed decision.”
    We were all told to only trust official sources of information. Social media is full of misinformation.

    Now to learn our own MOH, withheld information, is criminal.

  2. The ignorance of our government is well-known!!!
    but killing people for simply not listening and ignoring real doctors
    and believing they the government have become experts in this situation
    must be removed from office as soon as possible…..ideally yesterday before they kill and harm any more decent citizens.

  3. So rather than tell us the truth and lawfully and honestly inform us about the additional heart risks (potential risk of Death) to under 30s, they decided to make up a story, (bullshit us,)
    because they know better and apparently we dont and may get confused, we are not smart enough to understand and it would therefore increase vaccine hesitancy as a result. Its all done for the greater good. Heartwarming.

    Try and bring some honesty to the table and stop treating us like infants. Further lies and bullshit discrediting any notion of vaccine heart risks by official’s and doctors alike and to those who enter hospitals with these symptoms makes you sick to the stomach.

    Jacinda expletes vaccines are perfectly safe & effective. Then why are all the vaccinated having to wear masks, distance, quarantine and having all their summer concerts and events cancelled etc etc.
    I don’t know whose worse, the Government or health experts. Did I say health. I mean medical.

    • It’s clear none of them give a toss about people.

      How many billions have been spent and at what cost? All for what?

      I see a funeral director in NZ speaking out on Lingo Lewi YouTube channel…..damning stuff. He left after he was mandated out of the job after 15 years in the industry. Didn’t want to take the vaccine because of all the deaths he has seen…..why aren’t our media covering these stories?

      won’t be long before we don’t need mainstream media because they have discredited themselves so badly. They have lost all credibility and thank goodness we now have other options (like Daily Telegraph)

      • Many funeral directors have noticed more deaths. Some claim embalming the vaxxed is more difficult because their veins are clogged with a “rubbery” substance they’ve never seen before.
        Some life insurance companies are not paying if the person was vaxxed, saying they don’t cover medical experiments.

    • No, experts being managed by a US pharmaceutical corporation with absolutely no possible way of being brought to justice. Their contract with the NZ Government favors the 1000%.

    • Experts in what exactly? Lies? hypocrisy? certainly not medicine. That became apparent when they started lying about ivermectin.

      As for the epidemiologists etc. get rid of these ineffectual overpaid fools. They have got NOTHING right. Who is still listening to them?

  4. Scotland produced some data (Then abruptly took it down).
    In a population of 6 million (A little more than NZ) you would expect: 1 dose kills about 12 per week, 2 doses kills 60 per week, 3 doses 140 per week. Um yeah, I wouldn’t wana take that stuff either, js.

    • They are saying that the boosters are giving people AIDS now. Their body can no longer fight other viruses.

      All those who have peddled this experiment of their people and made them pay for it need to be seriously held accountable. The trial period does not end j til May 2023. How many people know that?

      I feel sick at what this government has done to the people it claims to represent. SICK.

  5. In case you haven’t noticed yet, the covid-19 pandemic is a ruse, the vehicle that is being used to facilitate the Great Reset. It’s a global ‘criminal conspiracy’ in which the NZ government is participating, to establish a planetary dictatorship. The NZ Government is an existential threat to all New Zealanders. Our politicians are either extremely ignorant people who doesn’t grasp what’s taking place, or are guilty of democide and treason against the people of New Zealand.

  6. Jeeze, it’s being said the vaccine causes AIDS, cancer and many other things. Only time will tell if it’s true. IF it IS true, at some point there’ll be MASSIVE CHOAS as victims retaliate. Like the “Purge” series, you’re advised to stay out of the way, let it run it’s course. Have some food put back, and be able to defend your property.

    • If this is a depopulation agenda, won’t the unvaxed be eliminated as well? Leaders aren’t going to stay around waiting to be held accountable! What’s their plan, escape to where? Does “The Great Reset” mean they meet up in Antartica and nuke the northern hemisphere? That would eliminate very much everyone. Then they start a new world after the dust has settled? Is that “The Great Reset?” (Asking for a friend).

  7. Ok…The great reset.
    If the predator class, wanted to kill the population, (presume all except the final 500m required as service slaves), ie the goal of the “Great Reset”. Environmentalist they claim to be? Pollution, over population, consumption, unsustainability. Really the key to solving these issues is population reduction. Gates has stated this many times.
    Speculating, the Jab is the means of genocide. What is the point of having the “useless eaters” surviving months if not years to consume vast resources in their final bid for survival?
    If accepting a generational time frame for the GR to fully occur. Another consideration is the jab is a means of sterilizing the population, over a generation? It will take another 12-15 years at least for jab recipient’s babies to reach reproductive age. Phizer’s rat reproduction trials, which formed the basis of the EUA, never really went forward with what happened to the offspring of the rats. Did the offspring have reproductive issues? Any animal trials anyone knows of?
    The jab could possibly do wonders for NZ invasive animal infestation. Rabbits, possums, wallabies, cats, rats, mice, if it proves to be an effective generational sterilisation agent. Like Gates says, the jabbed are the spike protein factories.


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