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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Watch: Queenstown funeral for freedom

More protests against the government’s Covid policies took place across New Zealand today, most notably in Queenstown and Christchurch.

In Queenstown a ‘Funeral for Freedom’ was held by concerned citizens. Meanwhile hundreds of people also turned up at Mangawhai Beach in protest. Around the world it was another day of huge protests across Europe, updating footage to be posted soon.

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  1. To be honest, with the negligent form that the government has shown so far I doubt that this sort of protest will have any effect at all. The ulterior motive for the government is so great to have everyone get the vaccine passport, which will lead into the digital passport that they do not care and will not change their attitude or path. Look at the data coming out from Pfizer now through the US compulsory disclosure situation. This should have come out several months ago. The government would have been told this information by Pfizer, but did not release it. In turn doctors have not been told what they should have and were sending people home to die as a result. How do you think this will end for the government when the truth is finally unveiled?

    • Agree, it wont influence the govt. It may influence voters and the public. The voters and the public vote for government. Will they choose better next time? Also I do thnk that these protests give energy in part to the tyranny, but the discourse, the conversations, the feeling among the people is freedom, and that takes energy away from the controllers.

      • I’ve honestly lost faith in “voting” after they inexplicably needed something like two weeks to tell us the final result last year, and ESPECIALLY after the shenanigans and subsequent coverup that happened in the US election (anyone who thinks that walking corpse won more votes than any other candidate in history is an abject idiot).

        These politicians, worldwide, have been issuing decrees and running roughshod over laws and civil liberties like there’s no tomorrow. Their actions strongly suggest they have ZERO fear of future elections, either because they know the fix will be in or because they just don’t plan on holding very many in the years to come.

        And as great as these protests are, they are getting nothing done. Singing songs and marching through streets shouting at empty buildings doesn’t seem to be phasing the criminals in charge, in fact they’re more emboldened than ever. Stronger action is needed, yet THAT will be taken and twisted by the media, used as justification for a tougher clamp down. So if we fight, they win. If we do nothing, they win. I’m not going to cave to this bulls**t, ever, but honestly I don’t know what the solution is

        • You could get vaccinated?

          You do realise the irony in calling yourself unquaccinated, right? Given it is the quacks that peddle the anti vaccination rhetoric….

          Unless you were trying to say you’re unquaccinated (i.e. not indoctrinated by the anti vax spie) and therefore actually are vaccinated….


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