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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Popular Now

Watch: ‘Triggered cops’ trespass Pastor Carl Bromley and others from Chch mall

Freedom campaigner Pastor Carl Bromley was trespassed from the Eastgate Mall in Christchurch on Saturday.

Bromley was among a group of about 30-40 ‘peaceful everyday kiwis’ sitting in the food court when an apparently ‘triggered’ police officer informed them the mall manager had requested they leave.

The officer and five others had earlier come inside and spoke to a group of coffee drinkers.  When the police turned to leave, the mall erupted in spontaneous applause, according to Bromley, and this reaction appeared to ‘trigger’ the officer.

The reason for the police presence was because someone had told mall management the group intended to sing the national anthem and/or perform a haka.

Bromley said that while he could not understand why this could be considered a crime, it was in fact incorrect – the group were not intending to sing or do a haka – they were just there to have a coffee, after a morning attending the anti-Ardern protest.


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  1. These are signs of tyranny slowly creeping in under Jabcinda. If we have an open and honest leader respecting civil rights and freedom, the situation would have been different. The mall manager has little understanding of public psychology too. Must be arrogant person but subservient to his masters. These type of people gain power in a tyranncal society in general.

  2. Excellent! Good! Good to see.

    Keep laughing at them, keep triggering them. Mock and humiliate and meme them to tears every chance you get, and when they cry and sulk about it, laugh at them for crying and sulking. Be relentless.

    Best medicine for a leftist on a power trip.

  3. The police have lost so much respect from the public over the last 6 months.

    Why don’t they go and get the real criminals? Or do they just focus on easy targets these days? They should start by looking into some of the unlawful human rights breaching treatment that has been meted out by our politicians on law abiding citizens….and what about gangs and ram raids? Oh no don’t be silly, clapping people singing the National anthem are far more dangerous.

    If the police want to stand by and condone what our politicians are doing to this country then they too are on the wrong side of the law. And, eventually judgement will come for them too in some form or another.

  4. The Sergeant in charge acted and looked like a jack booted thug and yet the Police expect the public to support them and help them. Since when is it neccessary to wear gloves when on duty so I would assume that it is to protect their hands if they hit someone. Since the actions by the Police in removing the Freedom Camp in Wellington my respect for them has disappeared completely and this footage has only reinforced my opinion. They are just an army of Thugs enforcing the wishes of the tyrannical Ardern Regime. They should be ashamed of themselves.

  5. The event the mall manager alluded to was publiciused online and ran by Destiny Church i***t Derek Tait….Derek has previously been trespassed from the mall. The event advertised singing the anthem and performing a haka………..it’s a public mall why are these purposely unmasked drama queens wanting to ruin a peacful mall with their CRYBABY antics???


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