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Watch: Winston speech – mandates were wrong, vaccine doesn’t work, give Baby W unjabbed blood, attacks Stuff journalist Andrea Vance

Peters was speaking at a public meeting in Hastings today.

NOTE: The Care of Children Act 2004 prohibits publication of particulars that may lead to the identification of Baby W.

New Zealand First Leader and Former Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters came out in support today for the parents of Baby W, whose right to choose was a ‘principle worth defending.’

The evergreen politician hit out at vaccine mandates and Andrea Vance, a senior journalist at state-subsidised legacy mainstream media outlet Stuff.co.nz.

He said those who had been mandated out of jobs should be reinstated with compensation.

Peters got stuck into Vance for not printing what he actually said in a statement about Baby Will’s blood transfusion, instead writing about ‘her views of it’. He also said he had texts proving Vance was involved in ‘leading’ state secrets via Peter Dunne.

Earlier this year DTNZ exposed Vance’s horrendously inaccurate hitpiece on Northland candidates standing under the Sovereign.nz banner.

Peters said the government lied to New Zealanders when Jacinda Ardern told the nation they wouldn’t get COVID if they got the vaccine, and the claim from the ‘Podium of Truth’ that you would not transmit the virus if you were jabbed was also false.

Video highlights of the speech have been produced and published by CoronavirusPlushie on Rumble, Twitter and YouTube.


‘This court case [ie. Baby W] should never be happening, and is an utter waste of your taxpayer money. We have a health system acting now like they are the ‘Podium of Truth’ – the only truth comes from here, as if this is an exact science. And you’ve got a whole lot of people in the media whose job it is to be the Fouth Estate willingly going along with it.’

Speaking about Andrea Vance, Peters said, ‘This is an arrogant person who thinks that she knows what she’s talking about and hasn’t got the guts to actually print what I said about this baby – no just her views of it. And when you are someone who got caught leading state secrets via Peter Dunne and a Member of Parliament called Winston Peters says ‘I’ve found you, I’ve caught you out, I’ve got 86 texts from you proving what you’ve done’, of course you’re going to be bitter. But you were the one who got caught, Andrea Vance, not me. And if you think that I’m an anti-vaxxer because I’ve said this baby should’ve got the blood for an essential heart operation a long time ago, because the donor’s already there that’s not been vaccinated, then you don’t give a damn for reality, and you don’t give a damn for humility.

‘This baby if not given this blood, and if this carries on, could possibly die. And she says that I’m using it. No I’m not. And that’s why we went down to see the protesters at parliament – not to support some of the wreckers, but because there were thousands of good ordinary New Zealanders who were being mandated out of work. And when not one member of parliament, when the whole lot have all connived together to follow the Prime Minister’s injunction ‘Don’t Talk to Them’, I have never, in a democracy, ever seen that. And by the way, I’ve been in this game since 1978.

‘But they wouldn’t even talk to them. And we went down with my colleagues at the back there to talk to them, and you wouldn’t believe it – ‘what are you people doing talking to fellow New Zealanders?’ Ladies and Gentlemen, what’s happened to us, when parliament can agree not to talk to the people who pay their salaries?

‘And my message for you Andrea Vance is ‘Stand Back’ – I’ve got news for you and it’s all bad. She has contempt for people’s fundamental rights. She’s meant to be a trained journalist but doesn’t understand the first principles, that people at the time of getting an operation are entitled to be told ‘Look there may be a downside, you might get myocarditis, you might have something go wrong with you. The average is you’re going to be successful but you need to know,’ and every doctor knows what we’re saying here.

‘All totalitarian dictatorships have one feature – the government is right and cannot be questioned.

‘This is a sad example of just how dictatorial and self-righteous the government have allowed themselves to become in this country. You will recall how many New Zealanders were mandated out of jobs and careers?

‘Remember Fauci saying ‘If you take this COVID vaccination, you won’t get COVID. If you take this COVID vaccination, you won’t pass on COVID. Now, to people like Andrea Vance and a whole lot of these journalists, can’t you understand this is not a perfect science, and that he was wrong and so was Jacinda Ardern.

‘Just like the people before the court, that couple, have the right to question and to refuse, and it is a principle worth defending. They already have unvaccinated donors ready to give blood to accompany the heart operation their baby must have. How complication is this really? And what’s happened to us, when we all just sit by and let this go on.

‘Remember it was the Prime Minister who told you that if you got vaccinated you would not get COVID. If you got vaccinated you would not be a COVID transmitter. These lazy critics repeat her words and haven’t got the honesty to tell you that they have both been proven wrong and dramatically so.

One party has stood up Ladies and Gentlemen, for the people’s right to be informed and to make their own choices. We reject utterly the way so many people were mandated out of work and incomes by the ‘Podium of Truth’. It is our position that those who were mandated out of work due to the exercise of their freedom of choice, should be offered their jobs back and compensated.

‘The right to disagree is one of the most fundamental rights in a democracy, and we believe it’s a right worth defending.’

The full video of Peters’ speech is on the New Zealand First Facebook page.

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    • The day Winston fronted to talk with those in WGN when our current Govt officials refused to listen to the ‘various’ issues, was the day I found heart to forgive Winston for his 2017 decision to align with Labour. It wasn’t Winston that got Labour over the line in 2020.
      However, Winston is the only Politician talking sense in our upheaved world. Winston at the helm could well rapidly turn NZL back to the country where we once stood proud, had confidence, no divisiveness, and varying opinions were accepted for open discussion and acceptance.
      The road to recovery from the damage inflicted by this Labour Govt will be long and arduous…we need the expertise and experience to take us forward!
      Thank you Winston for openly supporting baby Will and his family …

    • Normally I’d agree with you there but three things have changed my mind about Winston 1) he went to meet the protesters (as did Matt King, who also deserves a lot of kudos), 2) there’s no way Winnie or anyone in 2017 could have predicted what a shit show nz has become in 2022, and 3) I’m pretty sure he said recently that labour duped or did the dirty on him in 2017 coalition agreement and he has some kind of proof to prove it, I think that’s what he said

    • He didn’t have much choice. National were so bloody arrogant. They said they didn’t want to work with him, going as far as ruling him out. Winston should have said he would put them in power but only if he was PM.

      Hindsight is wonderful though isn’t it.

      And yeah no one could have known that Jacinda Ardern is the biggest liar this country has ever produced. I am not sure what her parents did to her but whatever it was it was bad to make her lie like that. She has wrecked this country and will be known for that for the rest of her days she remains on earth before Satan calls her back to where she belongs.

  1. Brilliant, Winston absolutely brilliant. Name and shame that woman all day long for her lies and deceit and her poison pen. You’re on a roll now just keep going.

    As to baby Will, it’s not about Will but in keeping the lie. Keeping it buried. Jabby and the rest are on the line, their deception must be hidden at all costs. What will the doctors and the lawyers do, fold or be responsible for the worst possible outcome..

    And where is the media in all this?

    As silent as the grave…

  2. Winston well done.I think having helped Jacinda to power…. Just maybe you have seen a chance of redemption

    I’ve never trusted you before I have to say but now my gut says something else

  3. Thank you Winston, thank you for telling the truth – wish you had have heard the disgusting comment by the wanna be Josh Thompson, what a poor excuse for a human he is, he thinks he is funny but he is not he is dumb along with the other idiots on he was talking to

    • State funded, state affiliated, state media.

      The power is in OUR hands. STOP READING AND LISTENING ato these STATE MEDIA. They are the virus, STOP feeding them with your clicks and your attention.

  4. Thank you Winston. I voted for you last election and have no hesitation in voting for you again. You have courage, you have insight into the hypocrisy of msm, and are unafraid to call them out. I believe you are nzders only chance to stand up to the globalists and their unelected agenda for our nation. We need a warrior to lead our nation not knee benders. God bless you Winston.

    • Matt King Is also someone who will take on the globalists. If we got Winston. Matt and David Seymour to form a coalition we can get these globalists and their puppet minions OUT. Winston can be PM and the others can be deputies to be trained up for being potential PMs in the years afterwards.

      National and Labour are two cheeks of the same arse. What do you get when you put red and blue together with a dash of green? BROWN. That says it all.

  5. Keep up the good work Winston. You have my utmost respect and for years I’ve believed you’d be the most
    Credible prime minister for New Zealand. Your wisdom and experience leaves some others still fumbling in the sand pit.

  6. I knew a woman years ago whose elderly father had to have a major operation. She said he soon after developed AIDS, gave it to his wife and they both died of AIDS. She was devastated,
    I believe no one who is unvaxed should receive vaxed blood. The concern is that something in the blood is causing white clot-like things to grow in the arteries and veins and eventually occlude those vessels and cause instant death by stroke or heart attack. See Stew Peters’ doco “Died Suddenly” on Rumble for examples. Thousands of sports people have died and done a face plant because of that. I also am extremely cautious of even going to a hospital. I have not had any vaccine for over 35 years when I got a flu shot and immediately got the flu. Doctors are now advising people to not get any more shots of any kind and I plan to make it a life goal. Anyone who has not read up on the jabs should start doing so immediately.
    Dr. Mike Yeadon (UK) former chief scientist and VP of Pfizer warned a couple of years ago “Your governments are lying to you.” He has been in his profession for over 50 years and I believe him when he says the jab is a genocidal bioweapon put out by Satanic psychopaths.
    Further, the vaxed are shedding to the unvaxed so the latter should avoid crowds and self-isolate as much as possible. Just because a mob of lemmings are going over a cliff is no reason to join them. I trust in God not the “healthcare” system.


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