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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Whistleblower warns of ‘educational crisis’ among at-risk Correspondence School students

Te Kura news
Image – tekura.school.nz.

A whistleblower has raised alarms over the dire situation facing many of the 6,000 at-risk students enrolled in Te Kura, New Zealand’s online school formerly known as the Correspondence School.

The anonymous source told state media that a significant number of these students, many of whom lack basic computer skills, are “sitting at home doing nothing” due to insufficient support.

With 60% of full-time at-risk students failing to achieve any NCEA credits last year, the whistleblower described the situation as an “unseen and developing educational crisis,” warning that without intervention, the students will continue to fall behind.

Te Kura’s response acknowledged challenges but pointed to slight improvements in student achievement compared to previous years.

The school noted that 23 percent of at-risk students had not completed any work or attended online classes this year, a figure that had decreased slightly from previous years.

Te Kura said that many of these students face significant barriers to learning and that earning NCEA credits may not be a priority for all.

The Education Review Office has announced it will review Te Kura next year to assess the impact of increased funding and the progress made since its 2021 report, which had already highlighted the school’s struggle to provide adequate support for at-risk students.

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  1. Te Kura….what ever happened to The Correspondence School…I did a couple of papers through them after I left college to round things out and they were pretty good….these days God only knows what’s become of them! Its all style over substance in state institutions.

  2. A population of ‘Neuro-Diverse / Autistic’ students were enrolled in the ‘Correspondence School’ due to the mainstream education system failing them, and most never received help when enrolled in traditional schools.
    The MoE and the schools themselves lacked any if not all understanding of what is needed to provide the unique handling and environment for these students. (such range from lowered lighting, damping of sound, and decreasing anxieties that lead to melt-downs and the obstruction of learning..and that SHOULD NEVER include being locked in a school’s closet!!!).
    Many of the N-D / Aspergers / Autistic students are highly intelligent, and have no problems with running a computer and actually re-writing the programs to suit their needs. Many software programs were designed by Aspies, so the route of thinking and problem-solving comes naturally to them.
    BUT- the teachers in the mainstream MoE, school staff and those overseeing the failed NCEA and NZQA have no time to model a program for these students, who end-up at the Correspondence School or who end-up being Home-schooled where the environment is familiar to them, and they at least learn the basics without being sarcastically ridiculed, put-down, bullied and attacked / assaulted by other ‘normal’ students.
    When the Teachers College shut-down in Palmerston North, a suggestion was made to transform the facility into a Special Needs Learning School, with modifications undertaken (minimal expense) to accommodate the Special Needs students, so that they could learn and be helped outside of the ‘normal parameters’ of a mainstream school.
    That was blatantly ignored…and I believe that Chippy held the Education Portfolio in Parliament at the time…
    The other problem is that IF these students took the Covid bio-weapon vaccine, it could now be exacerbating the symptoms of their conditions, and their efforts are no longer viable via the Correspondence School due to those attention-deficit factors being increased due to the weaponised vaccine(s) crossing the blood-brain barrier.
    BUT- no one cares, or has the money to do anything different: the Disabled are slated to be rounded-up under Martial Law / WEF / WHO Guidelines similar to what the Nazis and Bolsheviks did in the last century.
    BTW, we asked if one of the PolyTech Schools would accommodate by-pass testing for the corrupt NCEA, and the answer was NO! And-
    It must be remembered that the NCEA are now known to change the excellent scores of mainstream students by lowering the same to prevent Uni entrance, or to insure that only certain ‘In The Know’ families get into Uni.
    If you are Home-schooling, keep everything as proof of accomplishment.


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